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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: bubba on March 30, 2006, 08:42:46 pm

Title: I've created a monster
Post by: bubba on March 30, 2006, 08:42:46 pm
I showed my RC machine to a guy at work. Ever since I got the first machine, he has kinda wanted one. When he saw this last one, it finally sunk in, and now he is hot for a machine. I wish I had more play money, cause there are some machines coming up around me lately. There was a V63B came on Craigslist today. So I called him, and he ended up being close to the machine. I think he will own it tomorrow. He said the machine was ultra clean, sitting in the same factory for 25 years. He is unsure if it works, but doesn't see any reason why it wouldn't. He offered the guy $100 for it and he will know tomorrow. I have 3 other friends that all want machines, and one of my wifes friends. The good thing about it is now my wife doesn't think I'm the only one that wants to own a soda machine...

In the past week, I've seen atleast 3 square tops on craigslist, and a few on ebay. There is a 7up VMC56 in town for sale, but the guy is asking $500 for it. I told him it was way too much... I'm gonna give him another week, then I'll see how low he will go.

Title: I've created a monster
Post by: Eric on March 31, 2006, 08:49:42 am
Two words for you ... “Pepsi 88” You will be the envy of these guys and it might be youre last
chance at a rare RT now that you've passed the bug... Gonna be tough now.
It's fun having guys that collect close by until something cool comes along and is close by.

Title: I've created a monster
Post by: Kilroy on March 31, 2006, 04:55:43 pm
Friends or not, I'd say, "I'll find a machine for you", locate cheap and buy it and do not mention to them the finders fee you tacked on that will go toward your pop machine habit... :p

Title: I've created a monster
Post by: bubba on March 31, 2006, 08:54:57 pm
So Eric, do you think I should buy that 88?? :D

I am doing my best to own that machine.. I've talked it over with the boss, and while she doesn't understand fully the need for it, I got a yellow light to buy it without going overboard. I don't know if I will be able to reach the 800 suggestion, but the way that auction is going, I don't know if it will be that high. At the time of this post, there are 222 views, and I bet a good chunk of those are mine checking to see if anyone else is bidding on it...

As far as friends go, I have a few good friends that I would help out and show them a machine to buy. I also have a few that I would make a few bux on for the simple reason that if something goes wrong with the machine, its gonna be me over there fixing the darn thing.

Title: I've created a monster
Post by: MoonDawg on March 31, 2006, 09:26:49 pm're not making a profit!       You buy a nice machine,   pressure wash it, clean and buff, test and repair as necessary and then sell to a friend for fair market value. He will be OK with that, since he can't do that himself