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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: on March 17, 2006, 03:30:44 am

Title: Checking in from kauai. send towels & a helicopter
Post by: on March 17, 2006, 03:30:44 am
Hi friends,

Well as you know, I left for Kauai with the family almost a week ago. No soda machines so far, but plenty to write about.

It has been raining here non-stop for the past 21 days! They say that it hasn't been this rain-soaked here since the 1920's! There have been floods, burst dams and reservoirs, destroyed homes, missing persons, mudslides and tons of water here in paradise.

See this:

The surrounding towns have been evacuated, flights out have been cut off, there is no more gasoline and the grocery stores are out of groceries due to panic in the communities.

I'm not kidding, talk about trouble in paradise.

There is a huge reservoir with earthen dams just up the mountain from our hotel, that like the others, was built in the 1890's before regulation and they say since the rain continues, it could blow at any point! The whole first levels of the resort's buildings have been flooded and staff has had to move the guests out, remove the furniture and tear out the carpeting.

A mudslide came down into one parking lot and smashed up all the cars in it! We have been told to not drive anywhere and just stay in the resort and stay tuned to the radio for emergency instructions.

I kid you not, U.S. Search & Rescue teams have moved into the hotel! I don't know whether to feel relieved or more worried by that.  :-)

Well, despite all that, we are trying to live in denial and still have fun. We can't leave and all we can do is make the best of it, so even in the rain we are playing on the beach and swimming in the pool.

I am not looking for sympathy, because after all, I am in Hawaii. I just thought I'd share my interesting vacation with you.


Title: Checking in from kauai. send towels & a helicopter
Post by: Creighton on March 17, 2006, 04:35:42 am
Saw on the news where weather was getting interesting in that part of the world and wondered how it was going. If S@R is in the same motel you are fine. Kick back and relax cause you are on island time, plane come monday maybe not :-) Have fun and you will have great stories to tell.

Title: Checking in from kauai. send towels & a helicopter
Post by: bubba on March 17, 2006, 07:22:17 am
Wow Kito... thats one heck of a vacation... definately one you will always remember. Good luck and hang on..

Title: Checking in from kauai. send towels & a helicopter
Post by: dr galaga on March 17, 2006, 08:57:04 pm
Quote (Markito @ Mar. 17 2006,3:30)
We can't leave and all we can do is make the best of it, so even in the rain we are playing on the beach and swimming in the pool.

That's the spirit!  If you're in the pool you are wet anyways!  :drinkers:

Title: Checking in from kauai. send towels & a helicopter
Post by: BrianB on March 18, 2006, 06:13:59 am
Stay safe!!!

Title: Checking in from kauai. send towels & a helicopter
Post by: MoonDawg on March 18, 2006, 10:26:10 am
Hey Kityo.......can you send us any pictures?

Title: Checking in from kauai. send towels & a helicopter
Post by: sodaworks on March 18, 2006, 11:21:10 pm
WOW!! I've been watching this on the news. Be careful and don't let your guard down. :(

Title: Checking in from kauai. send towels & a helicopter
Post by: on March 19, 2006, 03:39:09 pm
Hi guys,
Thanks so much for thinking of me. I really appreciate it.
We actually just got home a few hours ago today.
It was a very wet trip and had some scary times, but we all made it through alright.
I didn't visit SMC more after my posting because the internet was down on the island for quite awhile.
I will post some pics soon.
Thanks for caring and thinking of me,

Title: Checking in from kauai. send towels & a helicopter
Post by: Creighton on March 19, 2006, 05:21:23 pm
Glad you are all home safe!!

Title: Checking in from kauai. send towels & a helicopter
Post by: sodaworks on March 20, 2006, 12:50:23 am
Glad to hear you are safe at home Kito :)

Title: Checking in from kauai. send towels & a helicopter
Post by: BrianB on March 20, 2006, 06:34:09 am
Welcome back! Glad you had a safe trip home.

Title: Checking in from kauai. send towels & a helicopter
Post by: Lulu on March 20, 2006, 07:55:46 am
Glad you're back.  It's going to take some planning to top that vacation!!