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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: collecture on March 09, 2006, 09:27:53 pm

Title: Sopranos starts sunday!
Post by: collecture on March 09, 2006, 09:27:53 pm
I know there are websites catering to fanatics about this show, but I thought I would throw it out here.

I dig it. Funny with some serious  :censored:  kicking   :censored:  you know what!

One of the few shows I watch.

Title: Sopranos starts sunday!
Post by: audiobeer on March 09, 2006, 09:55:27 pm
That's a "must watch show" for me. Haven't missed an episode!

Title: Sopranos starts sunday!
Post by: Pat Pixley on March 09, 2006, 11:15:35 pm
HERE HERE !!!  Can't miss it just to see who is going to get wacked.
 Ok who watchs  DEADWOOD (Starting in June :(   )
Just wondering

Title: Sopranos starts sunday!
Post by: collecture on March 09, 2006, 11:47:35 pm
Oh yeah - Deadwood - Swearingen (sp?) is the best linguist on the show. Well, maybe Farnsworth? (hotel owner) - he doesn't make much sense, but it is fun to listen to him try. I can't even remember all the names on both shows as they take so  :censored:  long to get the next season out. I have been watching the Sopranos reruns just to get back in the swing. Wonder what happened with Johnny Sack? I got a big bottle of Chianti and a sipping whiskey respectfully ready for each show!

Title: Sopranos starts sunday!
Post by: Pat Pixley on March 10, 2006, 03:23:24 pm
As far as the  Sopranos,  There saying this is going to take place 2 yr later  with Johnny Sacks in the slammer.
 and as far as Deedwood  Al is the man that runs that town.
 Then you have Johnie Burns   :O    a man that is just funny to watch.
