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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: loman4ec on February 07, 2006, 11:29:44 am

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: loman4ec on February 07, 2006, 11:29:44 am
Well I just thought I would post this to let everyone know where I will be for the next two weeks. I have told this story before but here is the short version. Last July my father moved to Singapore to start a new business. Well tomorrow he is flying me out there. Kate got me a great deal on tickets!!! Unfortunatly she has to work and cant go with.  :( . Dad and I are going to hang out in Singapore for a few days and then fly to Puket Thailand for a dive trip for 5 days and then head back to Singapore for a few days. I will be back sometime around the 23rd. I should have internet while I am in singapore so I will try and check in from time to time. I just ddn't want anyone to think I was pulling a Kito. Eveyone have a great couple of weeks and I will post soon.

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: sodaworks on February 07, 2006, 11:31:51 am
Have a great vacation Josh,
  It sounds like alot of fun. Are you an experienced diver? I been wanting to give it a try myself. :)

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: firemun on February 07, 2006, 12:03:08 pm
If you see the sea moving!  

We will keep you in mind will you suffer through the upcoming ordeal... :laugh:

(OK everyone, Josh is leaving the country, that gives us a couple of weeks for us to buy a few machines)

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: loman4ec on February 07, 2006, 12:04:14 pm
Yes I am. My dad took me to get certified on my 14th birthday. I am now advanced certified and my dad is almost dive master certified. I highly suggest you try it. You can try resort courses that do not require certification if you want to try it out before going through the classes. training is really easy and is rather inexpensive. Kate got certified last year and it only cost $174. Mine was only $99 but that was 10 years ago.

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: sodaworks on February 07, 2006, 12:15:17 pm
I found a place approx. 40 miles away that charges a few hundred bucks. I'm gonna have to follow up on that.

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: coke_and_stuff on February 07, 2006, 04:58:20 pm
Have a fun and safetrip, sorry I missed you over the weekend.


Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: bubba on February 07, 2006, 08:09:46 pm
Quote (firemun @ Feb. 07 2006,12:03)
(OK everyone, Josh is leaving the country, that gives us a couple of weeks for us to buy a few machines)

:hopefull:  I was thinking the same thing.... :D

Have fun Josh!

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: MoonDawg on February 07, 2006, 08:12:36 pm
Josh.....Lend us your magnet!!!!  :D

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: Kilroy on February 07, 2006, 08:15:44 pm
We'll leave the light on for you Josh

Has he left yet?
Ok, I call dibs on any machines in the Toledo area

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: loman4ec on February 09, 2006, 11:10:30 pm
well I made it. Boy was that a long flight. I am now sitting at my fathers kitchen table in downtown singapore. The total flight time was 25 hours. boy is that a long time to be in a plane. Luckly I was able to get an upgrade to Business class for the longest leg from minneapolis to Tokyo. Boy that was sweet. Movies on demand, leather seats that lay completely down into beds, and two meals that were better than restraunt quality. That is definatly the way to travel. Well I just wanted to let everyone know I made it here OK. I will have internet for the first week so I will be checking in.

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: firemun on February 09, 2006, 11:55:19 pm
Glad you made it ok Josh.  Sounds like the business upgrade was a sweet deal.  A few years ago I spent 45 hours in transit back from China (I had a 12 hour layover in Hong Kong so I did some sight seeing).  The flight from San Fran back to Charlotte seemed like it took a week as I was so anxious to get home...and I was lucky, some of my traveling mates had  2 more connections after we got back to the U.S.

OK everyone, lets place bets on what machines he finds over there and stuffs in a suitcase to bring back.


Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: loman4ec on February 10, 2006, 12:13:06 am
I am going to look for some cool bottles to bring back but I don't think there will be any machines. There is a Coke memorabilia store, but my father says the prices are 4 and 5 times our prices. Oh well I don't think they would let me check a vendo 81 even if i found one.

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: Creighton on February 10, 2006, 12:23:08 am
Glad you made it safe and got the seat upgrade. The hot towels are nice. Have a great time and take some pictures.

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: on February 10, 2006, 12:52:59 am
Not a bad upgrade for a whopping $30!! :D

Miss you, kiddo!

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: bcharlton on February 10, 2006, 08:07:44 pm
I speak Chinese if you need a little help bartering for some square tops in Singapore.  By the way, while you are gone I will be buying all the old Vendo 56/63 square corners in the western NY area.  

"Ching ni Gae wo eiga lao  Coka Cola machine!!!!  You will do fine.

Brian C

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: loman4ec on February 10, 2006, 08:17:38 pm
Thats great. Luckly the national language for singapore is english. The country used to be run by the British so even though almost everone is chinese they all speak great english.

Title: Going on vacation!!!
Post by: sodaworks on February 11, 2006, 01:06:26 am
I have found that most country's speak U.S. greenbacks. :D