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Soda Machines, Coolers & Dispensers => Post 60's Machines & Coolers => Topic started by: Creighton on January 15, 2006, 03:32:50 pm

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: Creighton on January 15, 2006, 03:32:50 pm
Well I got it out, wasn't pretty. Drilled small holes at the base of alum cap. Screwdriver and needle nose pliars and was able to bend the metal to where I could turn the whole bulb loose.

It's a waste of time to take the liner off. Found that out the hard way :-)

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: bubba on January 15, 2006, 04:33:14 pm
I can't believe they don't make it relatively easy to change the bulb. That sounds like a nightmare. I dunno if I even want to bother with it.

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: Creighton on January 15, 2006, 10:02:22 pm
Yea, bit of a challenge. Have rembered several light bulb jokes today :-)
Didn't take very long to break the new bulb trying to put it in.
Problem is the sockets don't have enough distance between them to allow the bulb to turn easily.

Have an idea of how to get this sorted. Will buy 2 bulbs this trip to the hardware store :-)

There will be light!!

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: bubba on January 16, 2006, 06:50:53 am
You are not making it easier for me to want to change that light bulb... :p

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: Creighton on January 21, 2006, 10:57:33 pm
And there was light. Used a dremel with sanding drum to remove just a bit off the top of the receptical surfaces. The Philips bulb is a 1/16th shorter than the Slyvania, that helped. Used dishwashing gloves for a better grip and was able to install. Amazing how much joy can be gained from a working light. Here is a step by step.

Stuff you need:
New ballest. Mine was ok so wasn't changed. Will be soon though.
FS-2 Fluorescent Lamp Starter.
18" 15 watts (1" dia.) Cool White bulb.
Something 4 or 5"s long to prop the bottle door open.
Small phillips screwdriver
Very small file.
Rubber gloves and patience

What to try:
Unplug machine.
Open coin door and change the ballest/starter in the upper right corner.
Open main door and prop bottle door open.
Gloves on, remove the glass cover by sliding up until it clears the bottom catch. Screwdriver to lift bottom edge of glass past catch. Then slide down until it clears top catch. Clean and sit aside.
Now is the tricky part. The bulb pins need to turn 45 degrees to be able to be removed. Doesn't matter clockwise or ccw. If won't turn, drill small holes at the botom of the metal caps. Bend out cap with small needle nose pliars. Go slow and should be able to get the bulb out without breaking it.
Downhill from here. Use the small file to clean the contacts on the receptical clips. If the recepticals are not rubbing on the metal caps of the bulb just twist it place. If the bulb will not fit may need to Dremel the top of the recpticals. Or gently bend them down, your call.
Remove gloves, Remove door prop, Close main door and plug machine in. Light work? Hope so. If it blows the bulb to black on the ends bad ballast Unplug machine replace ballast.
Once working just replace the glass and you are done.
Please add any corrections or better idea's.

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: bubba on January 22, 2006, 09:13:19 am
Hmmm... Thanks Creighton.... It doesn't sound as bad with those helpful hints... I may actually try it... That bulb should be available local or is it something from  a soda machine parts store?

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: Creighton on January 22, 2006, 02:03:02 pm
Hi Ken,
Please give it a try. Then we can tweak the instructions for the next person.
Bulb is just an 18" 15 watts. Available at any hardware store.
Hope it goes well!!

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: bubba on January 22, 2006, 04:18:01 pm
No problem... I've got a crazy week coming up, so it may be a few days before I get to it, but I'll do it..

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: bubba on January 28, 2006, 07:35:16 pm
Well, so far so good. I was able to get the plexi light cover out, and turn the bulb with a pair of needle nose pliers on one of the ends. One end actually came off, but the bulb didn't shatter. Hopefully I'll get to the store tomorrow to get the replacement bulb.

As far as the ballast goes, I haven't found one yet. The only electric in the coin door is for the changer.

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: bubba on January 29, 2006, 12:12:44 pm
Ok... just got back from the Depot with a new bulb.. installed it easily... plugged the machine back in and.......... No joy :( ... I found the starter and ballast under the no lightup sign.... Is there a way to test if its the starter or ballast? Or just replace them both? Not sure if the ballast is very common..

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: Creighton on January 29, 2006, 01:29:56 pm
Sounds like you are getting there. I'd replace starter first. Should be able to find a ballest that is the same rating.

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: MoonDawg on January 29, 2006, 02:17:46 pm
I agree, check the starter and the contacts. Sometimes you need to wiggle it in the base to light up. A bad ballast usually blows a bulb, but they cost less than a bulb so install a new one anyway.

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: bubba on February 02, 2006, 07:03:54 am
Well, I just so happened to have a FS-20 starter with the reset button at work. I brought it home last night, plugged it in, and we have light :D... All in all, changing the bulb was not a big deal. The lens cover on mine is plexiglas, so it was able to flex easily to remove. A pair of needlenose pliers on one end of the bulb was able to turn it for removal and replacement. Just make sure the machine is unplugged before attempting removal with pliers.

One thing I was wondering.. the bulb is rated to start above 50deg F. I guess since it's running, its gonna stay running. Is there a better bulb to use, or is this ok?

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: BryanH on February 02, 2006, 09:51:57 am
Hey Ken - it's not just the bulbs that are temperature rated.  The ballasts are alse.

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: bcharlton on February 02, 2006, 01:12:55 pm
Is there an easy way to convert a Vendo 56 square top that has no light to one that lights?

I bought this on e-bay.  It may be the ugliest soda machine I have ever seen.

I think it has potential.  Wait until I'm done with it.

Can you say "Dad's Root Beer"?  I will keep everyone posted.

Brian C

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: BryanH on February 02, 2006, 04:18:46 pm
Brian - it's real easy and even explained in detail here and here.

Title: Uss-64 door light.
Post by: bcharlton on February 02, 2006, 06:30:58 pm
Thanks Bryan:

Even I can't screw that up.

Brian C