SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Ltransam on December 26, 2005, 11:46:07 am

Title: No more problems
Post by: Ltransam on December 26, 2005, 11:46:07 am
Hello,Everyone  :)

   Well I now have permission to BUY !! any Coke Items I want .As most of you know I'v had to hide most of the machines in my Neighbors Garage for a month or 2 and bring them slowly in to the collection in my garage .Now theres not quite the same room .I bought my Wife a Convertible for Chrismas .She was so happy there were tears .I was given FULL PERMISSION .To get what ever I want.You may think it's because she thinks I can't aford anthing else ? But I asked how long Her offer was good for .Her reply was 2 years YEA!!
Thank goodness I saved up by not buying anything the last 6month's to buy her present.So now I'll be ready to shop in the next couple of month's
I really Hope everone also had A Very Merry Chrismas !!!!

My Machine Hauler is in the back ground GO Dodge !!!

Title: No more problems
Post by: Pat Pixley on December 26, 2005, 04:07:59 pm
Well Leonand,  You have just raised the standard for the rest of us.
:laugh:  :laugh:
  The car look s great your a very good person to do this for your
  wife and she is lucky to have you. So is that  grass I see there ?  What happen to the snow.

Title: No more problems
Post by: MoonDawg on December 26, 2005, 05:04:35 pm
Hope the convertible gets to share the garage with the machines?
      I need to share my weekend.  I've sold a Coke machine to people as Christmas gifts in the past, but this year it was big. Sold 3 machines totaling $8000.00 the day before Christmas. Westinghouse jr. replica, Vendo 90 and a restored Vendo 81.   The Jr and the 81 were local so I volunteered to deliver them Christmas day.  Was it fun watching these people's face light up finding an antique Coke machine on their front steps. Next year I want to wear a Santa suit.  :D