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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: loman4ec on December 11, 2005, 01:48:25 pm

Title: Website name question
Post by: loman4ec on December 11, 2005, 01:48:25 pm
I am going to have a new website made for myself because the guy that made my other one is lazy and won't finish it. I also dont really like the name of my current site so I am going to change the name. Kate is designing the website as we speak. The reason I am posting this is I wanted to ask everyone about the name. When I follow up on a machine call I always introduce myself as the Coke machine guy so people know what I am calling about. Well that is what I am wanting to name the website. What do you all think. My biggest concern is will Coke go nuts over me using their name on the web? Any suggestions.
thanks for your help

Title: Website name question
Post by: Kilroy on December 11, 2005, 03:23:55 pm
Two words: Legal Department

I love the name, but I think you are right dreading lawyers. That said, I can't think up any suggestions for you I like. It won't keep me from thinking some more on it while I'm out shoveling snow.

Title: Website name question
Post by: MoonDawg on December 11, 2005, 03:39:05 pm
Coca Cola's lawsuit could only be for trademark infringement or misrepresentarion.
         So they may interpret Coke Machine Guy as trying to represent an employee of Coca Cola.
         My question is what their argument would be against "Coke Machine Hunter" ??

Title: Website name question
Post by: davethebirdman on December 11, 2005, 03:41:20 pm

why don't you ask them?? The bloke I buy all my bits for my jukebox from is He is simply known as the Jukeboxman throughout the whole jukebox world.

You could always change Coke for Soda. Or just give it a run. Coke would issue alsorts of warning before actually getting around to doing anything.



Title: Website name question
Post by: MoonDawg on December 11, 2005, 03:59:12 pm
Dave, Josh is right on with the name.   On an internet search 95% of all newcommers probably type in "Antique Coke machine"

Title: Website name question
Post by: halehouse on December 11, 2005, 04:10:53 pm
although sodamachineguy would open it up, not limiting you to only Coke machines.

Title: Website name question
Post by: loman4ec on December 11, 2005, 04:20:49 pm
Thats true but here in Tennessee people only say Coke for some reason. Here coke can be anything. I am used to people calling it Pop in Ohio, then when I was in Florida everyone calls it Soda. Here in Memphis Coke can mean sprite pepsi drpepper or anything else. Its really odd.

I am now torn between just trying and seeing how long it takes them to complain or should I just go the safe route and use

Title: Website name question
Post by: davethebirdman on December 11, 2005, 04:51:48 pm
Without wanting to pee on your fire, are both domains available???

Title: Website name question
Post by: loman4ec on December 11, 2005, 05:07:14 pm
Both are available!!!! Good thinking though I hadn't checked untill you asked.

Title: Website name question
Post by: dr galaga on December 11, 2005, 05:09:42 pm
I would try cokemachineguy and see what happens.  Maybe only register the name for 2 years, that way if they shut you down you are not out of alot of money.

Title: Website name question
Post by: bubba on December 11, 2005, 05:24:26 pm
Quote (MoonDawg @ Dec. 11 2005,3:59)
Dave, Josh is right on with the name.   On an internet search 95% of all newcommers probably type in "Antique Coke machine"

As a newcomer, I'll agree with that. That was the first thing I punched in.

I'm sure coke would be more forgiving than what I went through, but I bought a website that a competitor owned the trademark name for, and we got into a lawsuit. They were seeking a stupid amount of money, and all kinds of other things, basically trying to put us out of business. After the lawyers hashed it all out, we paid about $10grand, surrendered the name, and had to make changes to our advertising. I would think that if you used, you would need to put a disclaimer that you are not affiliated with Coke, and give them credit for the trademark, and they probably wouldn't bother you - especially after they see your content.

Title: Website name question
Post by: loman4ec on December 11, 2005, 05:32:20 pm
I also think the best thing for me is I am not a business. I am mostly just showing off what I have done and selling a few machines and some parts to help finance the hobby.

Title: Website name question
Post by: BryanH on December 11, 2005, 09:57:37 pm
Quote (dr galaga @ Dec. 11 2005,2:09)
I would try cokemachineguy and see what happens.  Maybe only register the name for 2 years, that way if they shut you down you are not out of alot of money.

Josh, that would be my approach also... Coke is the trademark for soda not for machines.  I think you'd be pretty safe - and like you said you're not a business so the worse case scenario is you need to change the name of a website.

Title: Website name question
Post by: loman4ec on December 11, 2005, 10:09:06 pm
Well I think I am going to go the safe route and do soda not coke. I just really don't want to mess with possibly having a legal battle with coke. It just isn't worth it. Especially for a site that will have really low traffic. The only real reason I have the site is for references. When someone wants to see some machines I have built I don't have to email them a bunch of pictures I can just direct them to the website. Kate has been working on it all day and it is really looking good. I will post the link when it is done. Also Jim please send me a SMC banner so I can put it on the site.

Title: Website name question
Post by: jasmine64 on December 11, 2005, 10:14:08 pm
Have you thought about registering both just in case?
That would be cheaper in the end.

I'd have multi disclaimers on the web page,
just to cover every aspect of the whole lawsuit thing.

Avoid at all costs anything that could come out of the blue.

State it at the beginning of each page and again at the end this way
you'd show good faith not to step on Coca-Cola's toes, so to speak.

State that all logo's you post (meaning pictures of the machines) and color schemes (in picture form) associated
with them are theirs and theirs alone, and these are/were your
personal machines for reference and or your enjoyment only.

Does this help?

Title: Website name question
Post by: jasmine64 on December 11, 2005, 10:15:53 pm
Looks like you made a decision while I wsa typing. :D

Title: Website name question
Post by: on December 12, 2005, 01:20:22 am
A couple of years ago here in the States, Coda~Cola went after a bunch of websites run by avid collectors of Coke products.  Even gave some of the Coke clubs that belong to the National Coca~Cola collectors club a hard time.  Don't know what put them into such a snit, but they were real (insert your favorite name here)'s about the whole thing.  Actually attacked people that help keep them where they are and help keep them popular.  

Sounds like you have lawyer.  He should be the final word on what will keep you out of trouble.