SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Kevin C on November 28, 2005, 02:29:10 pm

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Kevin C on November 28, 2005, 02:29:10 pm

Look at this ebay auction for a large set of referance manuals. This may be something that Jim may want for this website.



Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: BryanH on November 28, 2005, 02:34:06 pm
Wow.  $99 is too rich for my blood but I'd be willing to contribute a portion to have access.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: davethebirdman on November 28, 2005, 02:48:32 pm

I'd give $15.00 so that it can be owned by one of the group. No good to me but I'm sure its invaluable to some people here.


Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: 90grad on November 28, 2005, 02:57:31 pm
I'll throw in some $, too.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: loman4ec on November 28, 2005, 06:16:00 pm
Id throw in if someone would scan it and put it on the site.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Kilroy on November 28, 2005, 07:35:33 pm
I'll pitch in also. Need to contribute one way or the other :)

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: dr galaga on November 28, 2005, 08:18:52 pm
Wow, now that's a manual!
I think this goes back to the Manuals thread.  What should we make available, and what should we not make available on the web?  I would be willing to put some on the web (the non-mainstream items maybe), but I would like more of Jim's input - the discussion kind of died in the other thread.  Too bad this was not discovered earlier in the auction.

(Thinking out loud here) One idea that I have is to make the manual links more "secure" and have to user be logged in to see the manual section of the forum (which would contain links to the manuals - where ever they are hosted).  Atari Age ( did this in their forum for the politics and religion section - don't know if it is possible with Ikonboard.  

I think Jim should have the final say-so in this since he is the owner of the board and people will go after him, or away from him (sponsors).  

I'll pitch in $15 for the cause since I'm sure that there is some stuff that we could use.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: loman4ec on November 28, 2005, 09:36:56 pm
Another idea is not to post them at all but have them avaliable to whomever asks for them. For example someone can scan the manuals and send it to a person in charge of the manuals. Then we just have a sticky thread that is a list of available manuals so members can see if what they need is available. Then when someone wants a copy they just email that one person in charge and they in return email them a free copy of the manual in PDF form. It would just be friends sharing there manuals with each other. That way SMC isn't responsible for providing the manuals on the web.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Jim on November 28, 2005, 09:41:58 pm
I'm going to call the seller tomorrow morning.
In order to get decent reproductions for our use, we need to be sure they are quality reproductions already... Scanning a cheap copy will bleed through from back to front; not very desireable.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Creighton on November 29, 2005, 02:28:11 am
Hope the call goes well Jim!!
$15.00 into the project for me as well. Think scanning that much material is just too much of chore for any one person. Maybe just a photocopy or two of the orginal that could be checked out in sections. Make whatever you like for your own use while you have that section on loan. Looks to be a great bit of history.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Creighton on November 29, 2005, 03:10:36 am
Ok, I put in a max bid of $125.00. I hope to still be asleep when the auction ends. I don't want to be the caretaker but also don't think this resource should be lost. My bidder id is cjsmith2. Best I can do for the cause :-)

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Lulu on November 29, 2005, 06:02:52 am
I'm in, too.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Bob K on November 29, 2005, 08:11:05 am
I'll contribute also.


Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: timsmore on November 29, 2005, 09:30:35 am
I have a digital sender that can scan 50 pages like it is nothing.  If it don't go to high I'll get it and do it for us.  Can can make each section/machine it's own .pdf without hardly trying.  What do ya think?

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Kevin C on November 29, 2005, 09:40:26 am

It looks like we are going to save these documents. Good job.


Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: timsmore on November 29, 2005, 09:40:50 am
I just had a garage sale to get me the extra money for stuff like this.  I'll put the bid in not to beat Ceighten but to get it here so I can get it scanned for everyone.  I'll put it on cd's etc by machine/topic if you like and when needed get it to that person.  Also if a section is made I'll put it on this site for everyone.  I hope you do help with the funds.  I don't have knowledge of the machines yet, but can definately help out in this way.  Wish me luck. :D

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: loman4ec on November 29, 2005, 09:46:42 am
I don't understand why you would out bid Creighton when he would have himself or had someone scan it for you. Why would you want to pay more? That just doesn't make since to me.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: BryanH on November 29, 2005, 10:34:04 am
Well Tim's the high bidder so far.  Hope we get this one.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: MoonDawg on November 29, 2005, 11:41:13 am
Not recognizing either bidder name, I almost bid against both of them just to keep this resource available to the group.  Glad I read this post first.   We need to work on sharing our E bay bid names.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Creighton on November 29, 2005, 11:45:29 am
Hope you get it Tim! Sounds like you have the tools.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: MoonDawg on November 29, 2005, 11:57:09 am
Great save!       Tim beat out a sniper!  :D

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: BryanH on November 29, 2005, 12:12:18 pm
That was close.  Being in the forces I guess he knows how to deal with snipers!  Tim - we we're all joking about helping out with the payments.  Thanks for taking one for the team  :drinkers:

Just joking.  Let us know how we can get checks to you.  You should ask the seller to ship via USPS media mail.  I'm pretty sure that it's the cheapest and can still be insured.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: petey64 on November 29, 2005, 12:16:30 pm
count me in $$$

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: davethebirdman on November 29, 2005, 01:46:28 pm
Hi Tim

guess paypal would be the best for me unless you give me your address and I can sent the cash.

Well done


Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: aspbear on November 29, 2005, 08:28:33 pm
Tim, you made a great buy....I want to chip in also, pm an address to me and I will send you some for the purchase....I am really interested in the Mills section...

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Jim on November 29, 2005, 08:58:43 pm
I'm sorry I dropped the ball on this one and have to thank Tim for stepping up on behalf of everyone here! Hopefully, the manuals are in better than average copies so reproducing them is easier and cleaner...
Count me in on contributing money to the purchase and let us know the best avenue for payments...
At a later date, I can create a "Members Section" that is password protected so we can share the manual documents...

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: timsmore on November 29, 2005, 09:43:30 pm
I'm glad that I was able to help.  I was concerned that someone would try just like they did to sneak in and get this and that is the only reason I bid like I did.  I have a digital sender that will allow me to stack quite a few pages at once.  Probably 50 or so no problem.  Once I see for sure how the binders are broken down I'll separate each topic and scan individually.  I also will be able to scan what is needed as photos in order to keep the quality A-1.  The way I've used the scanner do big projects it usually separates into about 2 meg .pdf files.  This makes emailing the files a breeze.  I'm new to Ebay and PayPal and how you would be able to send the funds that way.  Once I have the manuals and everything here we can worry about the funds.

As for Ebay or any other site name if you see a timsmore out there I'm pretty sure that it is me.  I haven't had to add any extra digits to it yet.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Creighton on November 29, 2005, 10:20:00 pm
Great job Tim!! Please keep us all updated on the progress and holler if you need any help.
Thanks again!

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Pat Pixley on November 29, 2005, 11:26:25 pm
Sorry been down, The computer has been the last place I've
wanted to be at ,The pain in my foot has been real bad Today. Tim I  will donate some cash to this just to keep it  from being lost . Need to get a address from you
and what we all owe you for this.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Pat Pixley on November 29, 2005, 11:33:43 pm
Oh yeah And I think Glen is right we need a place
 to have our  Ebay name's so this sort of thing does not happen again .

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: BryanH on November 29, 2005, 11:48:39 pm
Quote (timsmore @ Nov. 29 2005,6:43)
I'm new to Ebay and PayPal and how you would be able to send the funds that way.

Tim - you need to have a Paypal Premier  account setup to receive payments. And when people make payments to you Paypal is going to take a cut.

This is your call, but given that you bought the manuals on trust, I'd suggest that we just send you personal checks.  Everyone that is willing to chip in can send you a PM with our email address.  You then send a single email with everybody's share and the mailing address where you want the checks sent.  That way your address isn't 'recorded' in the forums and you don't need to PM everyone individually.

PS - I'd like to see the Vendo23 manuals as soon as possible.  Looks like I'm buying one tomorrow.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: MoonDawg on November 30, 2005, 12:24:14 pm
I added up all of our $15.00 pledges, totaled $195.00 so far.
       I'm still using dial-up networking, and downloading the files I'm interested in would be a headache.  Could the info also be copied onto CD disks?  I'd buy the Vendo / VMC and Cavalier disks, if they were available, maybe more......

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: audiobeer on November 30, 2005, 02:00:09 pm
I'm in! Also someone said they needed a Vendo 23 manual. I have a copy I can send to you if you can send it back I'd appreciate it.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Pat Pixley on November 30, 2005, 03:01:55 pm
Glen, would $15.00 work  for every one  if they wanted  it on disk  ?
Myself I would also do a disk of  Vendo, VMC,  & Cavalier  just to save the space.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Jim on November 30, 2005, 04:53:00 pm
We'd have to calculate disk costs and shipping into the costs...
I wouldn't put too much on Tim's shoulders.

I'm curious to know if any of the manuals are 60's models...

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: BryanH on November 30, 2005, 05:01:35 pm
Jim I asked the seller about that...
Q: Any chance you have a complete list of all the machines included? If not, can you tell me what square top vendo and vendorlator manuals are included? Thanks, Bryan
  A: Hi,looks like most of these are parts books with some service manuals and also some general service manuals.The Vendo/Vendolator includes V110,V23,V59,V39,V80,V81,V83,V216,242,27,DUAL 27,139,33,44,149,340,144,242. John
Alsmost got a direct answer.  Most looked like roundtop models to me.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: aspbear on November 30, 2005, 06:11:59 pm
OK, being a little computer slow.  Someone just post a message when Tim decides how he wants the money.  I would do pay pal or check/money order what ever he wants to get him reimbursed..

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Pat Pixley on November 30, 2005, 06:24:29 pm
Jim, I don't mind going up $20.00 to $30.00  I just
 would like to know when to drop a cashiers check
 in the mail.  :;):

Oh And so Tim has a little cheese left over for his time
 on this.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: dr galaga on November 30, 2005, 08:05:54 pm
This thread is getting kind of long, but I'll throw something out:

If Tim makes the master CD's, I can duplicate them and send them out for the cost of the CD's, bubblope and shipping.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Creighton on November 30, 2005, 08:23:36 pm
Dr. G whats a bubblope? Just kidding:) Pat is right need some extra for Tims efforts. Looks like that will be quite the task to sort and scan.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: David D on November 30, 2005, 08:56:41 pm
I'm willing to donate also, thanks-

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Ltransam on November 30, 2005, 10:39:26 pm
Hi,Everyone  :drinkers:

   I was going to bid on it to.But had to leave town :darn: But it's GRRRRREAT !! That Tim got it !!!  I'll have NOOOO trouble kicking in $20. for his time & copy of CD .. YEP NOOO problem at all .Just let me know were & when to sent it .. :p


Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: timsmore on December 01, 2005, 11:40:25 pm
All is paid for and now waiting for the shipment from Texas.  About $170 with the shipping.  I have many PMs on the subject. (everyone loves me now)  Anyway if you will send me a PM I will send you my address.  I can scan the pages and also put them in an email or on a disk if you don't have the ability yourself to do it from the emailed file.  If the files end up to large I'll let you know of any changes should they arise in the email availability due to size but I think everything will be OK. :darn: $15.00 seems to be the average for everyone's donation ability so I'll keep it at that price per manual that you need copied.  Send the requests that you need and I'll start copying in the sequence they hit my email and I'll give my address via email to you at that time also.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: BryanH on December 02, 2005, 10:07:40 am
Tim - if you want to avoid burning and mailing CDs, I can post your files on a webserver so they can be downloaded and printed by the group.  Let me know if this helps.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: loman4ec on December 02, 2005, 11:55:42 am
Do you want $15 per manual? There were several manuals in the binder so if someone wants all of them that were in the auction will it be more than $15?

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: davethebirdman on December 02, 2005, 02:33:30 pm

I'm donating and don't want anything so feel free to have much monies worth


Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: bcharlton on January 16, 2006, 09:59:09 am
I own a couple of print shops that has equiptment with high speed scanning that will burn to cd directly.  Let me know if I can be of any assistence here.  I have recieved so much free advise from the likes of Allan Huffman(Antique Vending), Curtis from (Memory lane reprodictions) and Matt Carter, that I feel I ought to give some back.  I could scan in the documnets an offer Cds to members for a small fee or I could reproduce the manuals in hard copy at my costs.  I am sure it would be significally less then the e-bay selling price.  Let me know if I can help.


Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: dprat1 on January 16, 2006, 11:03:49 am
Figuring I now have "the disease" and this first machine probably won't be my last.......I'll do $15.00 for the cause.


Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: on March 14, 2006, 08:59:55 pm
does anyone know if i can change the setting on my cv machine from 25 cents to 50 cents,the model# on the coin mech is S75-9800A and made by coinco.  can someone tell me how to change or do i have to buy a different coin mech?  thnx in advance

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: dr galaga on March 14, 2006, 09:02:55 pm
It's best to post a question only in one spot.  You will find the answer after your question in the Coin Mec DOA thread.

Title: Everyone look!!!!
Post by: Kevin C on April 25, 2006, 01:43:46 pm

So what happened to the manuals?

Timsmore- Can we get a list? I am ready to buy some copies.
