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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: BrianB on November 08, 2005, 07:26:49 am

Title: Soda pop shelf life
Post by: BrianB on November 08, 2005, 07:26:49 am
Before I go out and hoard the "new" Pepsi in glass bottles, does anybody have an idea what the shelf life is on Soda Pop in glass bottles? I've heard different time frames but nothing definitive.

I'd hate to buy 4 or 5 cases and have some go bad. I don't drink it quick enough to warrant purchasing 4 or 5 cases at a time but I still feel compeled to buy more than a few cases due to the "newness" and not knowing how long they will stay on the scene. If I have to drive a long distance to get them I feel even more obligated  :laugh:  to get more!

Title: Soda pop shelf life
Post by: dr galaga on November 08, 2005, 05:46:29 pm
Store glass in a cool dark place and I would think that it should be good for about a year from birth.  It's in glass, which is a plus (no reaction with the can and no breathing of plastic). It's in a clear bottle, which is a negative (light gets to it).  I noticed that some Coke I have has a freshness date of 9 months from birth.  I just finished some glass bottle Dew that was two months past the freshness date and it was okay.  Seemed a little sweeter.

...and that's my two cents worth!

Title: Soda pop shelf life
Post by: glassbottlesrule on November 08, 2005, 06:39:38 pm
Plastic only lasts about 3 or 4 months past it's freshenss date.  I just drank some passover Coke which expired in June.  It was starting to go flat because of the carbination escaping through the plastic.  It was stored in a nice cool dark part of the basement in a cabinet.  I've drank glass which has been more then a year past date which has been stored in the same place and it's just fine.  Cans seem like they can go a few months past and be fine.  Remember though, this is just for regular soda's, if it's diet drink before the expo date or it will be nasty because of the sweetner breaking down.

Title: Soda pop shelf life
Post by: jasmine64 on November 08, 2005, 06:50:59 pm
I have some Sprite in bottles that expire in 8/10/06.
I've had them for 3 months now. Dont think they will
last long with all the teen girls that are here on the weekends.

It does seem that diet does go bad past the date. I got stuck
with my sister in laws left overs after her card group bought too
many this spring.

Title: Soda pop shelf life
Post by: MCarter on November 08, 2005, 08:17:21 pm
I'll take 3 cases brian. See ya at 7 wednesday

Title: Soda pop shelf life
Post by: glassbottlesrule on November 09, 2005, 03:22:21 pm
We will see how this goes.  I supposedly ordered 2 cases and should have them Monday.  I will post pics.