SMC Discussion Areas

Trouble-Shooting => Coin Mechanisms => Topic started by: BryanH on November 01, 2005, 12:54:47 pm

Title: Setting a nr 08-31-007?
Post by: BryanH on November 01, 2005, 12:54:47 pm
The VMC110 I just picked up has a National Rejectors mech.  Seems to work fine.  It has two dials. The one on the right does set the price to one of three prices (10, 15 or 20 cents).  I have no idea what the one on the left does with the X, R & S settings?  Anyone here know?

Title: Setting a nr 08-31-007?
Post by: BryanH on November 05, 2005, 12:23:14 am
Bump - any ideas on the X, R, S settings?

Title: Setting a nr 08-31-007?
Post by: dr galaga on November 05, 2005, 10:26:31 am
I went back and checked.  All of the NRI manuals that I have are older (single priced). :(

Title: Setting a nr 08-31-007?
Post by: johnieG on November 05, 2005, 11:56:45 am
Quote (BryanH @ Nov. 05 2005,12:23)
Bump - any ideas on the X, R, S settings?

Bryan, sorry but the national rejector 'mechs I have in stock not have an "X-R-S" switch, my guess is that it is use to accept quarters when the nickel tube is out of change, or to adapt the 'mech for different pinout functions on the Jones plug, ie: to allow the 'mech to operate in different machines..(PS who bent the snot out of the CREM fingers?)

Title: Setting a nr 08-31-007?
Post by: BryanH on November 19, 2005, 09:58:05 pm
Thanks for checking guys...  

Johnie - I'll starat flicking the settings and see if I can deduce the meaning.  Was just hoping to short circuit the guessing gaem.  As for the CREMs - no idea who went to town on the fingers.  Also can't figure out why it still works.  Until then I'm going with the "If it ain't broke..." addage.

Title: Setting a nr 08-31-007?
Post by: BryanH on November 21, 2005, 01:16:05 pm
The mech works so this is not a serious problem but it is a puzzle that's bugging me.  If you like puzzles chime in with suggestions / ideas.  I played around with the settings and made limited progress to the solution.

X & S settings appear to operate identically.  When set they:
- cause the CREMs to be "pulled back".  I'm assuming this is because the coils behind them are energized and creating a magnetic field.  
- light up the exact change light when the nickel tube is low on inventory

When the R setting is set:
- the CREM's are "released"
- the exact change light does not light regardless of the nickel inventory level
- the exact change light flashes once, no matter the state of the nickel inventory,  after the mech triggers the release of the vending gate lock

Under any setting (X, R or S):
- nickels, dimes and quarters are accepted
- correct change is made properly at any price setting EXCEPT when a coin greater than the set price is used AFTER smaller coins (eg if Price is set at 10 cents.  Nickel then dime is deposited or Price is set at 20 cents. Dime then quarter is deposited). When this happens the vend circuit is tripped but no change at all is given.   It's like you pay a penalty for not being smart enough to put the quarter or dime in first.

One more thing... Dimes work and go straight into the coin box but it looks like there is a space for a dime tube (or at least a second coin tube) on the mech assembly.  So I'm guessing that they used same body parts and configured for different models... mine being one that came with only 10, 15 & 20 cent price options and without the dime inventory tube (which logically wouldn't be required given the limited price selections).

Title: Setting a nr 08-31-007?
Post by: joesquid on November 23, 2005, 04:52:58 am
The "X" "R" "S" switch is designed to allow this coin mech to be used in a variety of vending circuits.  The letters stand for:
S-standard circuit application
R-reverse circuit application
X-special circuit application

I have one of these coin mechs myself.  Real pain in the butt to work on but fun to use.

Title: Setting a nr 08-31-007?
Post by: BryanH on November 23, 2005, 11:36:01 am
Hey Eric - so now we know what the letters stand for.  Thanks.  Do you know what the R and X settings are supposed to do?

Title: Setting a nr 08-31-007?
Post by: Skeleton Man on November 23, 2005, 11:55:23 am
What is a Reverse Circuit ? (I'm guessing it doesn't mean you put a product in and it dispenses a reward (e.g. recyling))