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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Creighton on October 20, 2005, 11:09:43 pm

Title: Wilma
Post by: Creighton on October 20, 2005, 11:09:43 pm
Wishing the best to all.

Title: Wilma
Post by: on October 21, 2005, 09:19:54 am
As someone who lives in the Miami/Ft Lauderdale area, I wish the lady would make up her mind.  When is she getting here?  How close will she pass?  Strong, weak, slow moving, speeding by?  So many questions, so few clues.  Everyones life is on hold.

Title: Wilma
Post by: on October 21, 2005, 01:07:44 pm
My cousin lives right near Cozumel and just south of Cancun in Mexico.
They have a huge, beautiful house right on the beach and they own a resort on a beautiful beach and they think it will all be wiped out by Wilma. They went to the airport in Cancun to get out of there, but flights had been shut down.
They are now trying to drive as far away as possible.
It is very sad for them, but also for all of the millions of super poor people in the area.

Who pissed off Mother Nature this year? ???

Title: Wilma
Post by: on October 21, 2005, 01:14:25 pm
Here is a photo I took from the roof of their house when I was there this spring.

Title: Wilma
Post by: on October 21, 2005, 04:29:34 pm
Sounds and looks like a very nice setup.  Yes, they are getting hammered right now.  This fickle femme fatale is not giving anyone a break.

Title: Wilma
Post by: jasmine64 on October 21, 2005, 05:47:21 pm
Lets all pray it down grades quickly before it get to Fla.

Title: Wilma
Post by: Jim on October 23, 2005, 04:40:04 pm
Whew ! ! !

All finished sealing myself up in my home.
I'm getting REAL tired of preparing for hurricanes! :darn:

And Bill(wgurk), stay safe down in Miami!

I'll probably be without electricty for a while so I'll check in at work from time to time...


Title: Wilma
Post by: on October 23, 2005, 09:48:57 pm
Already have a telephone problem and the hurricane is not here yet.  What a bummer this all is.

Title: Wilma
Post by: Creighton on October 26, 2005, 07:33:36 pm
Anybody heard anything from Jim? Looks like lot of folks without power.

Markito, any word from Cozumel? Hope all is well. Was supposed to go in Dec. but don't know now.

Title: Wilma
Post by: on October 26, 2005, 08:18:32 pm
Hello All, Sleep well tonight your Customs and Border Protection is on duty.  Using a computer at work.  May well be up to a month before they replace the down lines behind the house.  

As badly as Miami was tore up, it must have been #### in Mexico being under the storm for for so many hours.  One of our stations has been condemned, another station is now working off a cardboard box in the middle of a hanger.  

No telephones, no electricity, hate taking cold showers getting ready for work.  Plenty of gas, very few working gas stations. My place came through with flying colors.  Neighbors took a beating.  One day a hurricane, next day beautiful.  Sunny clear, and about 70 degrees.  Got one heck of a sunburn, spent the day oudoors cutting through the downed trees.

Vegetation got shredded if not outright pulled up by the roots.  Many of the trees will not be back within my lifetime.  Was surprised to see cyclone fencing blown over.  One would think the open weave would let the wind pass through.  Not only blew the neighbors fence down, actually snapped the fence posts.  

Family okay, house okay, the rest is just a nuisance.  Got to get that garage added on to the house.  This will set it back and raise the price considerably.

Title: Wilma
Post by: Creighton on October 26, 2005, 09:16:37 pm
Glad to read the family is ok, nothing else matters. Thanks for the work you do and hope things improve soon!!

Title: Wilma
Post by: on October 27, 2005, 05:01:58 pm
I am at the end of power lines, they predict about a month.  Enough about me, how about Jim?  Anyone heard?  From what has been said I am assuming that Jim lives somewhere here in south Florida.  Jim, if you read this, anything I might try to help you with?

Title: Wilma
Post by: dr galaga on October 27, 2005, 05:17:00 pm
Jim lives just north of West Plalm Beach.  
Boy, I'm glad that I live up north (remind me I said this afer we have an ice storm and blizzard this winter).

Title: Wilma
Post by: on October 27, 2005, 06:00:59 pm
Born and raised in Michigan.  Never thought much about winter.  Just another time of year with different activities.  Summer time, water and softball.  Winter. occasional skating or tobogganing, move inside to Bowling league, Pinochle league.  

Florida, year around scuba diving, fishing.  Love both, rarely have time for either.  Do go and fly a kite once and awhile.

Title: Wilma
Post by: Jim on October 29, 2005, 02:51:53 pm
I'm back online...
I got both electric and phones restored the other day while I was at work.
Work is running off generator power but the City computer network is not functioning so I couldn't keep in touch...

I hope everyone that has been effected by Wilma is doing OK...

Thanks for the message!
We're doing fine as things up in Stuart aren't as bad as Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. My turn was last year when the two storms came through.

Title: Wilma
Post by: on October 29, 2005, 04:00:04 pm
You are light years ahead of me.  I am on the very end of a circuit.  We are always last to be restored.  Picked up 4 blue plastic 55 gal drums today.  Putting them on the roof this weekend.  A few pieces of PVC piping, and a temporary solar water heater.  I hate those cold showers.  Still without electricity or telephone.  Have Sunday and Monday off, it will be Tuesday afternoon before I will be back on line at work.  This old man is stiff and sore from hand cutting branches, got ahold of a chain-saw last night.  Look out neighbors.  Glad you are Okay, take care.

Title: Wilma
Post by: on November 10, 2005, 01:53:49 pm
Lights came on two nights ago, DSL today.  The telephone had been working some, now not at all.  Wish they would get it all together.  

USMC Vet, got the DVD a couple of days ago, ready to proceed.  Will be looking up the original post and see if we can find what your looking for.  

Dr. Galaga (hope I spelled that correctly)  will be looking up the Manuals post, also ready to proceed there.

Lights and hot water for showering, AHHHHH!

Title: Wilma
Post by: dr galaga on November 10, 2005, 07:20:06 pm
You should get get them right after the weekend.  I sent them Book Rate (Media Mail) since you still didn't have power! :p

Title: Wilma
Post by: on November 11, 2005, 11:04:49 am
Be looking for them.  One thing that has been steady is the mail.  The junk mail gets through when nothing else is working.