SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: on August 20, 2002, 09:32:40 am

Title: Picnic coolers
Post by: on August 20, 2002, 09:32:40 am
Have you given thought to adding a section on the old picnic coolers?

Title: Picnic coolers
Post by: Jim on August 20, 2002, 08:42:54 pm
Actually, I wanted to include Picnic Coolers as well as Soda Fountain Dispensers... but...  Information, photos and all that good stuff that's needed, I don't have and can be very difficult to locate and acquire!!!

Plus, I'm only a one-man-band... I've just spent the last three weeks, in my spare time, scanning, editing and creating approx. 120 new soda machine pages w/ pictures, and another 100 pages on new machines without photos that will be uploaded tomorrow, 8/21/02. I'm finishing up the Westinghouse section as we speak...

To answer your question though, I would love to include picnic coolers and syrup dispensers too, but documentation and photos are at a premium! And lastly, I'm not going to break any copyright laws in an attempt to put additional info on Soda-Machines.Com; I've worked too hard to put myself in jeopardy!

Title: Picnic coolers
Post by: on August 20, 2002, 09:08:28 pm
It's a little rough, but consider this entry #1 for the picnic cooler section.
7up  Progress Refrigerator Company, Louisville, KY