SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: butchershop joe on October 06, 2005, 02:03:10 pm

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 06, 2005, 02:03:10 pm
I am opening a Butcher Shop and want to have a 1950's era Coke or other machine that vends 8oz bottles on my retail floor.  The machine will be used quite a bit and I want it to take quarters instead of dimes (I'd go broke :D ) thought is to buy vintage sodas(not just Cokes) and put them in the machine for my customers.  I need your expert I buy a "replica" or an original remanufactured machine?  What's my best bet on balancing price and form/function? I think an original machine would be very good...but I'm thinking it would be a maintenance nightmere..

Please give your opinion, thoughts, and sources to buy whatever you recommend.  Thanks guys!  Love a spot where you can talk to the experts!


Title: Help with purchase
Post by: MoonDawg on October 06, 2005, 02:39:01 pm
Talk to Josh .....He has a Cavalier 96 just perfect for what you are looking for.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: BrianB on October 06, 2005, 02:42:58 pm
Welcome to SMC, Joe! Great to have you around. I think that using an vintage soda pop machine in your butchershop is an excellent idea. It'll definitely be a hit. They draw people in and can spark a lot of neat conversations. In addition, they'll mention it to their friends and that could equal more business.

You'd be amazed how robust and maintenance free the older machines are.

If you are truly looking for a 50's model, more than likely being what we call a "Roundtop", and are interested in vending multiple flavors which will mean multiple bottle sizes from 8 oz. to 12 oz I would recommend a Vendo 81 or a Vendo 110.

The Vendo 81 is a bit more expensive than the 110. You can score a 110 in good condition for under $1000.

If that's a bit to much to pay, a good late-50's, early-60's Vendo or Cavalier "Squaretop" would look great and allow you to have the flexibility to vend different flavors. In addition, they are substantialy less expensive (around $350-$500 could score you a sweet machine) than their Roundtop cousins.

If you do buy a machine and need any help with it, give us a yell! All of the people here are awesome and have a wealth of information to share. If you need a machine restored or a refrigeration deck worked on, we can point you in the right direction. Please keep us updated on what happens and good luck!!

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 06, 2005, 03:04:04 pm
Wow!  You guys are quick...thanks!  It sounds like you are both recommending a vintage machine...I'm glad they are not as hard to maintain as I thought because as Brian points out..I want the machine to be a reason to come to the shop.

Price is a concern...but I'm not worried about paying more (up to $3000 delivered) for a good condition, good looking machine.  Brian I think the 81 and 110 are what I had in mind..MoonDawg the Cavalier 96 looks good too but are they all white fronted?

Where do I buy one guys from a reliable source?  And also...will I be able to charge quarters instead of dimes?

Many, many thanks! :D

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: Eric on October 06, 2005, 03:24:21 pm
I'd vote for a 110 or self serve 6 case vert. (110 looking) or a Glasco or Ideal Slider.
There's a shop that uses a 110 in Ozark Missouri A Great Eye catcher.....
And another in Marshfield, MO that uses an embossed Ideal Coke Slider......

That would be cool....


Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 06, 2005, 03:39:38 pm
Sounds like the 110 is in the lead...Eric...I never thought of a the idea, remember one in the barbershop when I was little....I'm in Indiana...remember seeing lots of GBV-50's (like I'm an expert! this site sure makes it easy to look at models :;): ).  My concern on a slider is that it looks like you have to have some clearance (right left) to load them, versus an upright machine loads from the front....I don't have much width....just over 40 inches or so...

Does one cool better than another (slider versus upright)? Any tips on where to buy?

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: MoonDawg on October 06, 2005, 03:59:26 pm
When you said you wanted a vintage machine but wanted it to accept quarters, you eliminated most Vendo 81's 110's and sliders as they are 10 cent machines only. The C-72 and 96, and all squaretops, will allow you to charge any amount you want for each bottle.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 06, 2005, 04:09:38 pm
Understand MoonDawg...thank you!  I've talked to some guys at restoring companies (Be-Bop Joes, Anitquities)...they, like you recommend the 96's or 72's because of their ability to accept a new coin changer and charge what I need...they also brought up the 6 case cooler idea that Eric did...pull a bottle and go to check out to get the versitility that would bring if I wanted some gourmet soda's in the machine.  Be-Bops wants $5495 for a restored 96 or 72...a bit out of my budget...

Again...any thoughts on where to buy so that I can get a good looking product at the right price?

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: Kevin C on October 06, 2005, 04:43:51 pm
Hello & Welcome

Josh has the C-96 listed on ebay & I think the machine is over in your area. That would be the perfect machine for you because it would vend all bottles & the price could be set for 25 cents. Plus it looks great even if it is white.

Here is a link to Josh's machine.

Ebay C-96

I would be nice if we could help him get a machine through our group.


Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 06, 2005, 05:11:06 pm
Kevin...saw that, I could pick it up. or where I am is between MN and OH..and it's way under $1000...but then would I have to get it restored to get it in perfect shape right?  The shop I run is pretty high end...the customers expect things to look very good...

Advise if you would...

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: sodaworks on October 06, 2005, 05:15:46 pm
Welcome aboard butchershop joe,
  If you are looking for a machine that accepts coins I would consider Josh's C96 or maybe a sqaure top. If you decide on a V110 self serve I have one that I could restore for you.    :)

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: Creighton on October 06, 2005, 05:20:33 pm
Welcome to the board Joe!
I'm sure Josh will have suggestions, but I don't see how you could lose on this one. Close/Works/Complete, no worries about buying from Josh. Restore/Repaint the door and it should look great. Only you know what is best for the new shop.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: dr galaga on October 06, 2005, 05:49:25 pm
Go with a gently used one to put in your shop - you really don't need a restored one.  You can also set the price on the machine for what you want, so you don't have to loose money on the deal. More modern coin mechs (that will fit in the older machines) will even go up to a few dollars.  Since you are close, you could drive a few hours next month to the Chicagoland Show and check out the machines there - but most are restored.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 06, 2005, 07:48:11 pm
Thanks for the advice guys...I should probably email Josh...worst case it would look great in my garage (wonder what my wife would think of that! :hopefull: )...he is less than 2 hours drive from me here in's hard to tell the condition from the ebay says no rust but you can see what looks like rust at the bottom of the coin door and inside tray...can't tell if the dark spots on the bottom below the coin door and on the top are just dirt or wear and tear..

Dr. G....tell me more about this Chicagoland show...when is it? Where? Website?  If I drive up will I be able to bring back a reconditioned 96 for $3000 or less?

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: BrianB on October 06, 2005, 07:55:43 pm
Hey Joe,

Are you up in Indy? I live just south in Good Ole' Bloomington. There's a few of us down here in the southern region that could help you out. Myself, MCarter and Dr. Galaga is up north.

As far as the Chicago show, it's official start is Friday, November 11th. For more info, go to SMC homepage and click on "Event Calendar" fast forward to November and click on the Chicagoland Show link.

Josh is a great guy and won't steer you wrong if you decide to go the 96 route. Keep us updated and oh yeah...

GO HOOSIERS!!! :drinkers:

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 06, 2005, 08:28:23 pm
Brian...thanks...yes, we are close...went to IU myself...nice to see a program with a winning attitude again down there...even if they don't win another game this year has been a good one becuase of the attitude...

Back to the soda machine...I looked at the Chicago show, very interesting..thanks.

I looked out on ebay...what do you guys know about an ebayer named Sleepwalk...the machines look beautiful...

What is going to be my best value?  You guys have me sold on trying to get a C-96 or 72...can I get a great one for under $3000?  
Any other websites other than ebay?

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 06, 2005, 09:29:16 pm
This looks nice...but no idea on the price...does it seem reasonable?

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: joesquid on October 06, 2005, 10:34:36 pm
Welcome to the group!  The guy "sleepwalk" is Carl Coates from Elyria (probably just slaughtered the spelling) Ohio.  He's been doing professional restorations for probably 15 years at least.  I don't think he knows how to produce a bad restoration.  Granted, a little more expensive, but worth every penny.  He's provided alot of guidance for me on several of my restorations.

Now for the really odd part.  I'm active duty Navy and have a crewmember on my ship that started asking me about my restoration work.  As we talked he started telling me about his next door neighbor back when he was a kid growing up in Ohio.  He went on and on about the beautiful coke machines this neighbor was always restoring etc. etc.  When he said "Ohio", I asked him if this neighbor's name was Carl Coates.  The floored look was priceless.  It ends up Carl's neighbor's son is one of my crewmembers.  Truly a small world!

Honestly, you won't go wrong with one of Carl's machines.  If you talk to him tell him Eric from USS FARRAGUT says howdy!

To echo what others have said, go with the Cavalier 72 or 96 for both the aesthetics of the 1950s as well as the ability to set your selling price for sodas.

Hope this helps!

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 06, 2005, 10:50:03 pm
Great story Eric...thanks for sharing it, thanks also for your service to the good old wife's cousin is a Naval Inteligence Officer for a group of Seal teams, he can't share a ton but he assures us that they are getting the bad guys...

Like I said Carl's machines look awesome..I just dont' know if I want to shell out $5500 for the best....

Did you see that restored 7up machine on ebay I posted?  Can a VMC 81 use a new coin mechanism or is it just like Vendo's?  Not that I'm cool to a Cav 72 or 96...either would be great...again, just after scanning the net seems like my dream of spending at or under $3000 for something restored or "used" restored  is just that.. :(

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: 90grad on October 07, 2005, 05:27:36 am

The 7-Up VMC 81 on eBay has a mechanical coin mechanism, not an electrical one like Cavalier 72 or 96 the folks are talking about.  Plus, I would imagine that 7-Up machine will go higher than your $3,000 budget.  To echo what the others have said, a 72 or 96 would be good if you want to set the price of the soda.  There are suppliers ( who sell all kinds of sodas in the 12-ounce bottles, too.  Josh's machine is a nice one.  If there's surface rust in the bottom of the tank (interior part), that's easily fixable with some Hammertone paint.  Plus, no customers will see it, as the door will be closed.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: MCarter on October 07, 2005, 08:35:52 am

Matt from Bloomington. I know where you can find all different types of soda in this great state. I have a friend that might sell you a complete 96 or 72 locally. But you might have to repaint it or do some little work to it. I restored one for a friend of mine last summer. I got pictures if you want to see.


Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 07, 2005, 10:06:33 am
Thanks for the posts guys...I'm a rookie remember...does a mechanical coin box mean that the price is fixed versus electronic variable?  So that would kill a VMC 81 for me if I wanted it to vend and current prices right?  Can a mechanical box be set to give them out for free?  I could put a piggy bank next to the machine and do an honor system thing if it free vends..

Matt...if I bought Josh's 96 (if he didn't sell it already) would you be able to restore it some?  Yes, I would like to see them

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: MCarter on October 07, 2005, 11:18:58 am

I would be glad to help you in any way possible. But restoring things can be inexpensive till you start doing the little things then that when it adds up. I will send  you some pictures later today.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 07, 2005, 12:01:25 pm
I'm thinking repaint to original specs, red body with white top and white Coke signage...any any major mechanical (if any)...that's has to look cosmetically very good to go into my store

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: on October 07, 2005, 01:54:06 pm
So glad that you found us here.
Very cool that you want an old vintage machine in your shop.
All of us here eat, sleep and breathe these old machines. I'ts a HUGE addiction that our other family members just don't understand. Too bad that they are missing out on the joy we feel.
Anyway, I just wanted to chime in here and say that they don't get any more nicer, genuine and honest than Josh, so if you can buy a machine from him, you can rest assured that he'll treat you right and be in your corner.
You may even be able to pay him to do some restoring on it.

Anyway good luck and stick around here.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 07, 2005, 02:30:58 pm

Thanks for the kind words...these machines are very, very cool...I came into it thinking about profit for my business, not from selling the pops as much as how a truely unique machine demands to be seen, frankly I'm started to get turned on by a design other than Coke for it's uniqueness and appeal...I can't pull them away from the grocery stores by changing their habits, they will always need to go there, I can't have it all...instead, I have to offer higher quality and an experience...a destination...the vendor machine helps achieve that along with my other paint, decoration, etc...I want kids bugging their Mom's and Dad's to see when they are going to the Butcher Shop next so they can get one of those cool ice cold soda's from the fancy refridgerator! :laugh:   So you see...a restored or very clean machine is just a must...this is a drawing card for me...very important...but not $5400 important like Carl's beautiful machines...if I can get something a few thousand less my kids get to each for a few months...

Not opposed to letting Josh help in any way he can, sounds like a good guy...a bit vocal though, if he's selling something on ebay he shouldn't tell you guys what he paid for it in one of his posts!  :oops:   Looks like his return on it is pretty good though and I don't mind someone making money...have to support his habit now that I'm a bit addicted...if it gets much higher though I might be better off just waiting until chicago, but I want something by Nov. 15...we shall see

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: Eric on October 07, 2005, 03:16:32 pm
I still think a 110 or Its brother (6 case verticle?) would be more in a price range you need and will hold more product..... Plus they're good looking machines... a husky-er 81 :)


Title: Help with purchase
Post by: MoonDawg on October 07, 2005, 03:21:28 pm
Well Joe, you have tested the waters. You know what a restored machine sells for,and what an unrestored machine sells for, and how much it costs for a full restoration. Nobody is going to haul a restored machine to Chicago and sell too cheap.
        The old saying is you get what you pay for  :drinkers:

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 07, 2005, 04:35:30 pm

Nobody is going to haul a restored machine to Chicago and sell too cheap.

That is unless they don't want to haul it back or need room for a new machine they bought at the show! :laugh:

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: MCarter on October 07, 2005, 04:56:32 pm
Here is the last C-96 i did for my buddy

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: MCarter on October 07, 2005, 04:57:26 pm
Last picture

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: on October 07, 2005, 06:29:05 pm
Wow! Absolutely beautiful.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: loman4ec on October 07, 2005, 06:55:14 pm
 I am Josh. I am sorry that I am joining this conversation so late. I am visiting my parents in Cincinnati so I haven't had alot of time to check the computer. I know how it looks when I post here what I paid for the machine but I did not expect someone from this site to buy it. The members here are almost like a family and I was really excited about my find. I do sell alot of machines and I do make money on them but it is so I can afford to keep machines for myself. If you are interested in the machine that is great and depending on where you are located in indy I will deliver the machine and charge next to nothing or if you meet me along the highway on my way back to Minneapolis I wont charge anything. The machine is completely rust free. The discoloration you see on the coin door is just old soda from a shaken up bottle that fizzed over when somone removed the cap. The machine is missing the bent coin release and the lock is drilled but I ordered both from Funtronics yesterday and I should have them by monday. I am driving back home somtime around the 18th of this month. if you would like to discuss the machine further please feel free to email me at

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 07, 2005, 07:05:48 pm
Thanks Josh...will email you off line.  Your reputation is golden on these boards...that's reassuring.  That's the great thing about ebay...even if I know what you paid it gives no advantage to the's what the market will that! :love:   I'm all for free enterprise.

If you are taking 465 around to 65 I could meet you just 500 feet or so off 465 at US 31(meridian street) North...or whatever is easiest for your route...again...will email later tonight or tomorrow offline...

Again, thanks Josh!

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: sodaworks on October 07, 2005, 07:32:02 pm
  Markito's gonna be all over you for putting the soda's on the top of your 96! :D

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: dr galaga on October 07, 2005, 07:54:35 pm
Quote (90grad @ Oct. 07 2005,6:27)
...There are suppliers ( who sell all kinds of sodas in the 12-ounce bottles, too...

If you go to the Chicagoland Show, they have a booth there.  I order a week ahead of time and they have it there.  Most of their stuff is $28 a case, but they told me last year that if I got 10 cases they would go down to I think $25 a case.  But you may be okay since I have seen a lot of glass in grocery stores in Indy.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: davethebirdman on October 08, 2005, 06:44:47 am
I live my facination for soda machines through Josh and others adventures.
This is the part of the discussion boards that I like most. I haven't got a great technical mind so
the finds that people have had in the short time that I have been a member keep me going.

I also like to know when they have struck a bargain and share in their good fortune. Please don't stop
letting the likes of me know what you have scored through fear of frigtening off a potential buyer.

Josh & others are involved in this for a living as well as feeding a habit. What I'm grateful for is the help & advice that they provide free of charge time and again.

Just my five cents (3 english pennies) worth


Title: Help with purchase
Post by: MoonDawg on October 08, 2005, 11:25:39 am
Well stated Dave.
      The most exitement in this hobby is the find. The find gets better as cost is decreased.  Why conceal the price with the group?  We will sell for whatever the local market or E-bay will bring.   And if this machine is solid and tested, I would not hesitate to offer it to someone in the group, at fair market value of coarse.  Especially someone new to soda machines who could call anytime they need advice.
      One point we should pass on to Joe. You will get a lower price on an unrestored 96 than a 72. The reason is 96 is tall and looks too big in housholds.  But in your store the the theory is reversed, bigger is better.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 13, 2005, 01:36:17 pm
Well guys, I bought a machine from Josh.  Will get it delivered some time next week...I'll leave it up to him to disclose it as I don't want to offend.

I'm a bit worried too...before I bought his I put my butt on line for this :

I think I over bid and will be stuck....opinions please!

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: MoonDawg on October 13, 2005, 02:45:20 pm
Well Joe, I think I know what machine you got from Josh.  It will make your store look first class.
         On the ebay auction I belive you have time to retract your bid.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: on October 13, 2005, 02:53:01 pm
Hey Joe

I bid on the same machine hoping it wouldn't get to much attention.  I stopped at 2300.  

You could always do a bid retraction.

I'm also in the market for a machine.  I'd like a pepsi vendo or vmc 81 or 56 but I would take a coke too.  Either restored or unrestored.  email me at vintagevending"at"

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: Eric on October 13, 2005, 03:47:31 pm
Yeah... Just retract your bid... I don't think it's too big a deal......


Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 13, 2005, 04:21:57 pm
So with all this bid retraction talk I assume you guys think that's too much to pay?:(

Yes, MoonDawg...I feel in some ways I'm taking something Josh doesn't want to let go...Josh, you can still keep it if you want, just tear up the check...but I will give it a very good will be taken care of like a baby.   :cool:

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: MoonDawg on October 13, 2005, 05:00:33 pm
Quote (butchershop joe @ Oct. 13 2005,2:21)
Josh, you can still keep it if you want, just tear up the check...

Josh doesn't tear up checks.  :D

        Yes bidding is about $500.00 too high on the Vendo 81

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: firemun on October 13, 2005, 11:41:14 pm
Most of their stuff is $28 a case, but they told me last year that if I got 10 cases they would go down to I think $25 a case.]

YIIIIKKKES, I guess I better stop grumbling about paying $14.50 a case for mine.  Maybe I need to take orders and bring a trailer load out to you guys in the mid west/Ohio valley.  I come out as far as Lexington, KY pretty often (trying to get my doctorate finished up at Univ. of KY)  I can get about 20 or so flavors from a local bottler, Nehi, Dr. Pepper, Sun Drop etc. all in the 12 oz glass bottles.


Title: Help with purchase
Post by: halehouse on October 14, 2005, 05:50:09 am
Yes, that does seem $$$. I pay less than $14 a case for 12 oz bottles of Cheerwine, and through a girl I work and her husband they hook me up with $7 a case for Coke, Diet Coke, and Sprite.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: BrianB on October 14, 2005, 06:59:27 am
That's a pretty good hook-up!

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: dr galaga on October 14, 2005, 08:10:09 pm
Quote (firemun @ Oct. 14 2005,12:41)
YIIIIKKKES, I guess I better stop grumbling about paying $14.50 a case for mine.

Yes you better stop your grumbling!

When I was up in Wisconsin I think I paid $10 a case for 12 oz. Sun-Drop - and that included the deposit!

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: halehouse on October 14, 2005, 09:23:12 pm
The Cheerwine and Diet Cheerwine I buy at Wegman's supermarket. It is just under $14 for a case. The Sprite, Coke and Diet Coke for $7 I get from her husband who up until recently drove for Coke and got it for me at cost. They tell me that they can still have friends get it for me. The last few cases of Coke were still in the embossed bottles, but it sounds like from these boards that the next will be in the newer, reshaped bottles.  :(

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: loman4ec on October 15, 2005, 09:11:43 am
Joe I am really happy you are getting the machine. Yes everyone I sold my restored 7up selectivend. I can't believe it either. I am really happy it is going to a great home where it will get alot of use. Kate has wanted a bow side cooler for a long time and now I am going to buy her one.

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: on October 17, 2005, 09:27:51 am
Quote (butchershop joe @ Oct. 13 2005,2:36)
Well guys, I bought a machine from Josh.  Will get it delivered some time next week...I'll leave it up to him to disclose it as I don't want to offend.

I'm a bit worried too...before I bought his I put my butt on line for this :

I think I over bid and will be stuck....opinions please!


Guess you don't have to worry about that 81 looks like a bidding war ended the machine at 3600!!! Wow

Title: Help with purchase
Post by: butchershop joe on October 17, 2005, 10:27:09 am
No kidding...$3600 is way too much...and I was worried at $2900...yikes!!!!:D