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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: loman4ec on October 04, 2005, 12:01:29 pm

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 04, 2005, 12:01:29 pm
Ok this is my new major find. I found this old vending company. I thought they were going to have a bunch of round top machines but I was wrong. But I did find about 8 of these stoners. They look complete but some are rusty. What are they worth. I passed for now because I didn't know what to offer. What do you all think. Is there anyone here who might want one? I think I can get them for about $100 each but I would have to buy them all. Also pictured is the rest of the place. It is mostly all 70 cup dispensers and some other odd stuff.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 04, 2005, 12:02:48 pm

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Eric on October 04, 2005, 12:09:45 pm
Looks like a gold mine... if you were closer to St. Louis I'd be there helping you sort out what was worth getting...
The Stoners would be good... you always need parts. Look for the little gum Stoners
wall mounting machines... I would love to have one of those.
By the way they look I'd say more like $25-50 on the Stoners.
They need a lot of work.....
How did you stumble onto this?.....

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: BrianB on October 04, 2005, 03:09:39 pm
Where's this place located statewise?

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 04, 2005, 03:22:20 pm
I told the owners that I wouldn't say anything. They were really didn't want me taking pictures, but they let me anyway if I wouldn't say where it was. I am not trying to protect these for myself. They just don't want anyone else knowing it is there.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Eric on October 04, 2005, 03:25:42 pm
Another thing....Isn't it sad seeing this stuff like does a place get so run down?!?!?....
This is almost...ALMOST as bad as the 7up bottle plant
that I went to a couple years ago
(I fell through the floor in one building) that's how far run down the building was....
It's like a bad dream.... I was up to my ankles in 1940s 7up easle back signs
(You know the 7up sign of the older man holding a case of 7up) 100s of them
rotting laying on the floor!.....
Hope you can save the Stoners candy machines......

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: BrianB on October 04, 2005, 03:27:21 pm
I was just curious if it was in within close proximity statewise so that I could decide if I wanted one. If it's to far and it has to be shipped, I might change my mind.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 04, 2005, 03:40:44 pm
Brian it is rather close. No shipping would be involved.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: glassbottlesrule on October 04, 2005, 04:16:24 pm
yeah it is sad, looks like some of the arcade machine warehouses I've been in.  You can't really blame the operators though.  The minute a machine is showing a profit it's off the route and they could care less about it then. Also they rather just let the stuff rot then be sold and possibly end up on some competitors route.  If the stoners were salvagable-halfway complete I'd probably be interested in one if it was practical as far as getting it to me.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: jasmine64 on October 04, 2005, 04:25:10 pm
Josh, you amaze me.

A stoner would be great but I'm helping my sister with her med bills.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: johnieG on October 04, 2005, 04:28:00 pm
Yea, looks like the guys place I got the Vendo Ice-Cream vendors from...although I see waht looks like a Rowe milk vendor there in the last picture. &ditto on a stoner candy machine! they either let it rust away, or think they're retiring to Vegas on the stuff. what a waste & a shame.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: dr galaga on October 04, 2005, 05:39:35 pm
Wow, what a shame.  Did the roof cave in or something?

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Ltransam on October 04, 2005, 06:48:51 pm
           Another great FIND !! :D Shame there in bad shape .BUT I could use a coin mech if there are any ? Are they in our area ?? Are up north in kito's area ..

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 04, 2005, 08:14:45 pm
Well I bought them. I called him back and bought three of them. I also bought something that saw in the back that I kept quiet about not wanting to draw attention to. I didn't want to say anything here untill I was sure. I just bought a Vendo milk vendor. WOOO HOOO. It looked nice and I hope it is complete. It was stuck in a corner surrounded by other machines so it seems to be unharmed by the roof falling in. I will pick it all up this weekend and post pics.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: BrianB on October 04, 2005, 09:21:15 pm
Awesome, Josh! I'd love to see some pic's of the milk vendor and the Stoners too. My Vendo Ice Cream machine would love to see a picture of one of it's long lost cousins! :D

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 04, 2005, 09:44:54 pm
I should have it by early next week at the latest. Of all of my finds I think this is the coolest.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: BrianB on October 05, 2005, 06:43:44 am
From what you've reported here in the past, I'd have to agree. I think it's good that people like you are around, without you these great machines would rot away and never be saved.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Lulu on October 05, 2005, 07:14:17 am
Good find, Josh.  What's that "Things Go Better With Coke" in the 3rd picture?

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 05, 2005, 08:05:43 am
Lulu. that is a really wide cavalier push button machine. It is one of those four chute machines

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Eric on October 05, 2005, 08:12:07 am
Hey!!!!??!!!... You know the rules by now.... Pictures!!!!
You couldn't sneak a picture?....  OK....ok.....

Anyway... AWESOME!!!!!! But make sure the stoners are complete or
at least they will still give you access to the rest to get parts...
some of the trim looked really damaged.....
I'm really starting to lean towards owning some of these candy vendors now.
I have enough of the little gum machines.... Let's see 4 round tops, 3 gas pumps
9 little gum machines... it is time for a Stoner, Rowe, Canteen or National..... Then I'm done :)

Running a paper ad for a month -  $26
Tetanus shot from entering a delapitated building -  $15 Co-Pay
Finding a Vendo Milk Vending machine behind a pile of forgotten rotting unwanted vending machines - Priceless.... :)

Way to go Josh...


Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: johnieG on October 05, 2005, 08:53:41 am
Wow! A Vendo milk vendor! Sweet score Josh, sounds like you've done well! and yes we will keep hounding you untill you post pictures!  :p , next thing you know you'll find a Royal Crown V81 in a barn for twenty bucks! I'm way green with envy! congrats!

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Eric on October 05, 2005, 08:59:29 am
And.... we all know theres a RC 81 out there just waiting...
Or a 7up or Pepsi 81 just sitting... Who will it be??......
Who will have that next find!........ ???

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: on October 05, 2005, 09:20:07 am
Quote (Eric @ Oct. 05 2005,8:12)
...Then I'm done :)

LOL!!!!!  :D
Yeah right, and I'm done too!!! Hee hee hee hee!

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: on October 05, 2005, 09:21:32 am
Quote (Eric @ Oct. 05 2005,8:12)
Running a paper ad for a month -  $26
Tetanus shot from entering a delapitated building -  $15 Co-Pay
Finding a Vendo Milk Vending machine behind a pile of forgotten rotting unwanted vending machines - Priceless.... :)

Very clever!  :D

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: MoonDawg on October 05, 2005, 10:56:54 am
Vendo milk vendor???  Rare.......nice find Josh!

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Ltransam on October 05, 2005, 11:34:55 am
              If you need help loading them or another truck ? I'll wear blinders  :cool:


Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 05, 2005, 02:19:53 pm
Thanks leonard I will keep you in mind.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Creighton on October 05, 2005, 03:13:47 pm
Cool new machines Josh!! The Moo machine will be great fun. Please be carefull loading up, place looks a mess.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 05, 2005, 03:17:32 pm
Since it is in the far corner they are going to clear out the place and then I am going to remover the milk machine once most of it is cleared out. They are also saving all of the hundreds of manuals that are in there. They are destroyed for the most part since the roof fell in quite some time ago but some of them are still good enough to read. Like I found the manual to the stoners and it wasn't too bad. There are some cool manuals on some ugly 70's cup vendors. Might be something neet to have.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Creighton on October 05, 2005, 03:26:42 pm
Glad they are going to be saved! Never know when you might need one. Sad that a well done manual these days is a rare find.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Eric on October 05, 2005, 03:26:48 pm
Heck you might want to make copies of those manuals, clean
the copies up  and sell via eBay!.....
Any little stoner wall machines?........

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Jim on October 05, 2005, 06:46:42 pm

Great find!
I would be interested in purchasing some of the original manuals that are in good shape...

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 05, 2005, 06:53:05 pm
I don't think any are in good shape. I don't even think they will be scanable. As I said the roof caned in a long time ago on this building so they have gotten wet over and over again over the years. Some were readable but that is all I would say about them. We will see when I get them.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Eric on October 05, 2005, 07:00:24 pm
You'd be amazed at what scanning and a little photoshop can do...but yes...... let's see them first
AND Jim I will have time this week FINALLY to scan that 72 manual.... (I haven't even opened it yet)


Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Marvin on October 05, 2005, 07:12:25 pm
Keep your eyes open while you are looking through there.  I could use the display case topper for a milk vendor.  


PS - while you were in Memphis, I sent you an email, but never heard from you.  I would be happy to show you my little collection of Coke and Gas stuff.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 05, 2005, 07:41:14 pm
Marvin, I sent you a PM.

If the manuals are intact I don't think I will want to sell them but I would be happy to share them with the group as long as they find there way back to me.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: keithm on October 09, 2005, 11:09:29 am
Quote (johnieG @ Oct. 05 2005,8:53)
Wow! A Vendo milk vendor! Sweet score Josh, sounds like you've done well! and yes we will keep hounding you untill you post pictures!  :p , next thing you know you'll find a Royal Crown V81 in a barn for twenty bucks! I'm way green with envy! congrats!

And.... we all know theres a RC 81 out there just waiting...
Or a 7up or Pepsi 81 just sitting... Who will it be??......
Who will have that next find!........

Does the RC machine in this pic look like the 81 that you guys are talking about??

7up and RC

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Jim on October 09, 2005, 12:22:27 pm
If the manuals are intact I don't think I will want to sell them but I would be happy to share them with the group as long as they find there way back to me.

Josh, I think I'll take you up on this offer!
Good luck with gathering everything up safely!

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: MoonDawg on October 09, 2005, 01:20:29 pm
Yes Keith those are the trophy 81's. Low production numbers means fewer available and.....whoever owns the complete set of 81's wins!

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Creighton on October 09, 2005, 01:30:26 pm
Yep thats the one. One of the "holy grails" of machine collecting.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 09, 2005, 05:17:32 pm
Well i am going to pick up the stoners and the milk machine tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck. I can't wait to get the milk machine.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Creighton on October 09, 2005, 05:26:08 pm
Wishing you luck!! Hope all goes well.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Ltransam on October 09, 2005, 05:28:35 pm
Remember Josh,

            I you need help call Me :)


Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 09, 2005, 05:46:51 pm
I am so sorry. I totally forgot to call you back. Things are a littly crazy here. I thank you for the help but I am going with my father and I am pulling a trailer so picking up 3 stoners and a milk machine shouldn't be a problem. Thank you so much for the offer.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Ltransam on October 09, 2005, 08:37:11 pm
Hi ,Josh
              No problem ! And thanks for the words on the RC cooler. Please let me know if you find a Stoner Coin Mechs .I could use one .LOOK :glare: UNDER EVERYTHING..


Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Ltransam on October 09, 2005, 08:38:22 pm
Hi ,Josh
              No problem ! And thanks for the words on the RC cooler. Please let me know if you find any spare Stoner Coin Mechs Laying around .I could use one .LOOK :glare: UNDER EVERYTHING..


Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Ltransam on October 09, 2005, 08:38:59 pm
          Double Post Sorry :p

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: on October 10, 2005, 08:52:23 am
I agree, LOOK EVERYWHERE AND UNDER EVERYTHING while you are there. :)

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 10, 2005, 09:21:03 am
I will I am bringing my father with me and he is a little more stern than I am. lets see if he has a little more luck there than I do. There are two VF 117's there that I would like the shelves out of. That would be nice 28 extra v81, 63, 90 shelves.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 10, 2005, 07:37:46 pm
Well I have really bad news. Just as I was leaving to go pick everything up he calls to let me know that the milk machine is rusted so badly at the base that it litterally fell off the base when he tried to move it. It was sitting in about 3 inches of moist gunk for years from the celing falling in. He still wouldn't go down on the price so I passed on the deal. I didn't want to drive almost 8 hours round trip to pick up an over priced rusted out machine. Oh well. What can you do.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: halehouse on October 10, 2005, 07:45:54 pm
Yeah, too bad. And he wouldn't drop his price?  He'd rather have nothing.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Pat Pixley on October 10, 2005, 07:53:14 pm
Sorry to hear that Josh, better than making that trip and finding
out when you get there how bad thing were, Plus he did call you
he just was not smart on dropping the price.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Creighton on October 10, 2005, 08:03:54 pm
That is too bad. No doubt you will be tracking down another score soon.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Eric on October 10, 2005, 08:53:25 pm
Man bummer..... But knowing you...... you'll be scoring a dozen Pepsi 81s
by the end of the month......And I want one... if that happens :)


Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 10, 2005, 10:03:01 pm
Eric, I am looking for you. If I find one I promise it has your name on it.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: sodaworks on October 10, 2005, 11:07:58 pm
Hello Josh,
  Sorry to hear about the milk machine. Is it possible to just find a new cabinet? I think it used a 81 cabinet. Just a thought. ???

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 10, 2005, 11:14:57 pm
Yes it does but still 8 hour round trip drive and $500 for a rusted out machine. And Vendo 81 cabnets aren't too easy or cheep to come by. I think I will pass on this one. It is just too bad he would rather crush it than cut me a deal.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Eric on October 10, 2005, 11:41:53 pm
Why do people do that!!!!! Hello?!???!!? A guy comes along and offers you money for
stuff ROTTING....ROTTING AWAY!!!!! And nah... I'd rather get gang green (spellings wrong I'm
sure there but you know what I mean) and risk throwing out my back loading this rusty stuff up
and hauling it off at $3.25 per gallon of gas..... It hasn't been touched in what  looks like 10-15 years!!!!!
Heck he should be saying for a $100 take what you can haul...And lean the door back up when you're through!!

Heck call him back in a week and say are you sure you don't want $(amount) for those scrap heeps!!!!!!
That place will be there like that till the county writes him up and he either has to clean it up or till
they come and push the rest over....

Ok it's late and I'm ticked.... I've met so many people like that in collecting... but that just means there's
gonna be another good score to make up for this!
Congrats on the 96! Sweet little turn there!... Hope you find a dozen more!


Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 11, 2005, 07:24:52 am
This guy is cleaning the place up. He is selling everything in there for scrap metal. I asked him about going in there to get out what I wanted. Stuff like shelves, cooling systems, and coin mechs and he said $1,000 is the cheepest he would take. I know he isn't getting that in scrap. Oh well I guess some people would rather see the stuff crushed than used again.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: on October 11, 2005, 08:38:06 am
Sorry to heat it Josh.  That sucks.  It seems like just because someone wants it they think that they have a gold mine that they can charge anything that they want for it.  Someone should let him know that they are not one of a kind.

Oh well, I'm sure with your luck that something bigger and better is just around the corner.

Good Luck.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: on October 11, 2005, 08:41:26 am
Josh, so sorry to hear that. That sux.
Now get back here so we can hang out together a little bit before you move away again. :p :D :;):

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: johnieG on October 11, 2005, 08:42:29 am
Quote (loman4ec @ Oct. 11 2005,8:24)
This guy is cleaning the place up. He is selling everything in there for scrap metal. I asked him about going in there to get out what I wanted. Stuff like shelves, cooling systems, and coin mechs and he said $1,000 is the cheepest he would take. I know he isn't getting that in scrap. Oh well I guess some people would rather see the stuff crushed than used again.

Well Josh, sorry to hear that,we all have dealt with people who some how just can't seem to get past their own greed to spite themselves. it's the old "if I can't make big bucks from it, them I'll be damned if someone else will!"   :glare:

I'm all for a good deal & bargining to an agreed price, heck, negotiating sometimes it's half the fun, but unfortunatly to many people, old machines, cars, jukeboxes, & other collectables, are just "junk" & they only see dollar signs when they even hear that someone may be interested in the stuff.

I drive by a 60's Cavalier CS64 every day, just sitting under this guys garage overhang, I stopped in one day when I saw him out in his yard, asked if he was interested in selling it & he admitted he had no use for it & it doesn't run, (bad compressor) & it kinda just fell into his hands from a local shop owner, but he wants $1000.00 because, (quote) I's see's what 'dem Coke machines is going for on that Ebay" (unquote) I tried to tell him, that those prices are for restored 50's machines. and it's been sitting there now for 3-1/2 years,
I drive by & wave to him everyday, & stop by once a month to tease the ol' coot, by saying "so Bob (not his real name) you gettin rich off that Coke machine yet? " he laughs & says Nope! but he won't sell it either, (guess I'll be picking it up at his estate sale from his widow some day maybe.)

I'd still consider the Milk machine, but not at $500 for a rusted off bottom, you know if you show up with $100.00 & say to him "here you go" , or he can pay the scrape-yard to haul it off, he'd probably take it.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Eric on October 11, 2005, 10:02:55 am
About the only thing you can do to get it off your mind is figure what you could
get/make, call him back, tell him what you would give him for the few things you want, somehow stress, in a kind way, that it's more than the going scrap price and you could
be in and out in a few hours, then just leave it up to him...

It's tough though seeing that....
My father-in-law is in real estate and came across a farm that had 2
Westinghouse Masters,a Westinghouse Junior and a large Pepsi Bottle Cap
sign in a shed.... the cooler had bad rust at the bottoms from the ground/leaves
but the liners and side where dent & rust free..... They where cleaning the property and wouldn't sell anything unless you bought the farm....
Hauling stuff off, burning piles of junk but wouldn't sell anything!..... Well went back a
couple weeks later the coolers had been  hauled off along with the sign and junk in the shed......
Talk about temptation of tresspassing and stealing the stuff... But I didn't and they all,
I guess, got hauled away...


Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Gmarcoke on October 11, 2005, 10:07:55 am
Josh I just picked up two milk machines like the one in your 4th picture,the one behind the propane tank. One of mine is missing the correct coin mech and coin catcher. If you are passing on this machine do you think the guy would sell me any parts? I am still trying to post pictures in the auction section.  Thanks Greg

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Gmarcoke on October 11, 2005, 10:22:33 am
Josh There is also a V-144 machine on ebay that should be the same cabinet if you want to swap parts with the milk machine with the rotted out bottom.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 11, 2005, 10:28:05 am
The one I was buying was a small machine. It is the size of a vendo 81 or 80. Yes he would sell it but you would have to shell out the $500. The coinmech you are missing is just a coinco. Get one on ebay for $20

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Eric on October 11, 2005, 10:41:49 am
Randy In Ozark may have a 80 or 81 shell..... You could call him to see
what he has and you situation... maybe a trade or you could buy to sell to him.....
PM me and I could get his number for you.......
Gather up a wish list from the board since there's interest in the Stoners, mechs,
etc. and figure if it would be worth it.......


Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Gmarcoke on October 11, 2005, 10:47:01 am
My mistake the one in the picture looked like the same size as mine but can't tell if round corners or square. The inside looks the same. I figured i could find a coin mech but maybe not a correct coin box.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Eric on October 11, 2005, 10:48:22 am
Randy's in Ozark...

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: BrianB on October 11, 2005, 10:54:04 am
Congrats on winning that Milk Machine, Gmarcoke! That guy ended up selling you the other one in the picture? That's cool!

Just curious, do you plan on keeping both of them?

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: Gmarcoke on October 11, 2005, 11:24:48 am
I don't know yet Brian. I will try to check out the wiring and see if the second one runs. Did you bid on this also? If so sorry to you also. I hate to go up against anyone on this board since everyone is so nice and helpful.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: MoonDawg on October 11, 2005, 11:29:45 am
Josh.......the cabinet frame, a gutted Vendo 80 WILL come your way, we know your record.
      Go for the door, dispensing unit and top sign. Show up with $350.00 as compromise and a truck.
       On this subject,a friend asked my opinion and I am going to pass it on. The 81 has a common rust corrosion problem in the rear and is dificult to weld. The back is always creased, louvers often kicked in, and waterfountains and bottle racks  distort the side panels. If he could reproduce the Vendo 81 cabinet and list them for around $500.00 brand new, would there be a market?  Imagine the hours of bodywork saved, not to mention the quality of the finished product.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: loman4ec on October 11, 2005, 12:08:24 pm
I think there would be a huge market. But even better for him might be to just make pannels for the cabnets. They do it for cars why not coke machines. Welding in a side pannel wouldn't be too tough. He could make both cabnets and pannels. After all correct me if I am wrong but the 81 cabnet is also the vendo 80 and the VMC88 as well as the milk and hot foods machine. I have passed on a few machines because one side is too rusty or the louvers are kicked in or rotted out. Just someone reproducing louver pannels would be huge.

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: BrianB on October 11, 2005, 03:53:25 pm
Greg -

Yes, I was bidding on it, but It's all good! I was interested in one and was even more interested because it was actually close!  :D  It seems like we here in Indiana don't get much action. A lot in Illinois, Ohio and Michigan....not much here though...and to boot, I thought my Ice Cream Machine could use some company!

Title: I found a bunch of stoners!
Post by: coke_and_stuff on October 11, 2005, 05:27:58 pm
I think there would be a good market for 81 shells, i have a friend who builds fiberglass street rods and was actually thinking of making a mold of one but dont want to get in trouble for all the licensing. Josh i may be interested in that Milk machine. and Congrats on the Cav sale between that one and the one you sold me you had a pretty good week.
