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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: dr galaga on September 17, 2005, 12:07:17 pm

Title: Record dinker available in us?
Post by: dr galaga on September 17, 2005, 12:07:17 pm
Anyone know if there are any Record Dinkers available here in the US?  All that I can find is a UK source (not that it is bad).
Ebay Record Dinker

For those of you who don't know, a record dinker makes a "45" hole in a record.  I just bought a record (from the UK) and it has the small hole and I want to put it in my jukebox (plus I do have a few more 45's like this).  I guess North America adopted a large hole for 45's and Europe adopted the small hole.
Here's a pic:

Title: Record dinker available in us?
Post by: davethebirdman on September 17, 2005, 12:23:38 pm
What sort of UK 45 have you got??? If its the all plastic type of the 70's & 80's you'll need to be very careful if you use the above dinker. I have lost quite a few. Put a couple of not so precious 45's either side to strengthen it.

I have lots of UK 45'S from the 50's & 60's where its possible to push the middle out.  

If you can wait until I get back from my holiday I'll have a look round for the type of dinker that comes in two parts and twists together to create a better cut. In fact I have one just like the one above that if you send me your address you can have. Again, I don't think Ill get it to the post office before I go. Not too sure if customs would be happy with me bringing it on the plane.


Title: Record dinker available in us?
Post by: dr galaga on September 17, 2005, 04:07:50 pm
Okay Dave, actually I'll trade you.  I have a couple embossed 6 oz Coke bottles I'll give you for it!
It's a brand new 45.  Hardly any new songs are released here in the US on vinyl any more.  :(

Title: Record dinker available in us?
Post by: MoonDawg on September 18, 2005, 11:45:09 am
A Whitney punch can be purchased in many diameters. It has a punch on one side that pulls into its socket on the other side as you tighten the bolt going through them.

Title: Record dinker available in us?
Post by: davethebirdman on September 18, 2005, 03:18:02 pm

have packaged up your dinker and will post it from the airport in the morning.

Don't worry about the bottles. The postage charges are huge.


Title: Record dinker available in us?
Post by: dr galaga on September 18, 2005, 04:20:07 pm
Well thank you Dave!

Title: Record dinker available in us?
Post by: davethebirdman on September 20, 2005, 08:26:51 am
Welll I got to the airport with your package. The post box there would not accept it. I tried to get it through customs and almost ended up getting arrested for my troubles. Try explaining to a man with no common sense that the item was for cutting holes in items he has probably never seen.

So the bottom line was I had to dump it in the departure lounge. Sorry mate so near but so far.

If you can wait a few weeks there is a jukebox fair near me and I'll get you one then.



Title: Record dinker available in us?
Post by: dr galaga on September 20, 2005, 04:42:20 pm
Thanks for your trouble Dave.  I'm glad we didn't end up seeing your picture on TV - actually that would have been kind of cool.  The headline in the newspapers, "Man stopped at airport with a record dinker."  You could have added that word to everyones vocabulary!  Oh well.

I'll go ahead and get the one I was looking at earlier.  

Stay out of trouble the rest of your trip.

Title: Record dinker available in us?
Post by: on September 20, 2005, 05:25:22 pm
I would be careful about using a "Whitney punch," it works by applying pressure and fracturing, might cause the record to crack.  The "record dinker," works by scribing or cutting through the record.