SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: on August 04, 2002, 09:54:58 pm

Title: Suppliers
Post by: on August 04, 2002, 09:54:58 pm
I don't wish to offend, but, anyone ever have trouble with the Classic Sodaware Co.? It's possible that my package got lost on the way to my house, but I ordered from this place three weeks ago and I have gotten nothing!  I even called back and he assured me that he sent it the same day I ordered it.  Just wondering if there is a history with this place.  
Thank you.

Title: Suppliers
Post by: johnieG on August 04, 2002, 10:04:30 pm
This does happen from time to time, Depending on how you had then ship the Item,(Mail,(Ugh!) Fedex,UPS,etc.) they should be able to get you a tracer number on the might be "stuck" at a mid-point depo-station.(I ALWAYS ship Insured
it's the only way to cover yourself :;): ) with my dealings with Ron, he's good at keeping records of shipments, How was it shipped? call Ron and ask for a Trace on the order.

Title: Suppliers
Post by: Pat Pixley on August 04, 2002, 10:05:18 pm
Ron has always been good to me and sent the stuff that I
order  out that day or the next day . It may be the mail stuck
some where and then
with the anthrax  problem and 9 11 the mail is moving slow
in some area's.  But you said three weeks maybe check with Ron and see if he could have it tracked.
He is a man of his word .

Pat P. :cool: