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Restorations => General => Topic started by: dr galaga on August 06, 2005, 03:04:05 pm

Title: And what's behind door #1?
Post by: dr galaga on August 06, 2005, 03:04:05 pm
Okay, the saga of my LaCrosse Pepsi machine continues....

Maybe next spring/summer I'll convert this puppy in to a beer machine.  I do not have the resources to paint this thing, so I'll be taking it to a auto body shop for some paint/minor surface rust removal.  What exactly is behind the aluminum on the LaCrosse's?  Is it easy to take off?  Can the aluminum polish up, or would it be better to paint over it?

Title: And what's behind door #1?
Post by: loman4ec on August 06, 2005, 05:04:44 pm
It is the same aluminum trim as on my Selectivend. If you were to take the aluminum off it just looks like a regular machine underneith. In order to take it off you have to take the door liner and insulation out and there are screws about every two inches all the way around. It will polish up great. But it is expensive since it is so big and the anodizing has to be removed. I paid over $250 in polishing on my selectivend but it was well worth it.

Title: And what's behind door #1?
Post by: loman4ec on August 06, 2005, 05:06:52 pm
I thought you were talking about the trim only. After looking at the pic again I think you are talking about the aluminum skin on the front. If it is like the stuff on the early vendo square tops when you take off the trim it should just come off and be painted under it.

Title: And what's behind door #1?
Post by: dr galaga on August 06, 2005, 06:54:37 pm
Yea, almost the whole front has it.  I was wondering if the steel underneath will have a bunch of holes in it.  What kind of place did you take it to get it polished?

Title: And what's behind door #1?
Post by: loman4ec on August 06, 2005, 09:27:45 pm
I have a great polisher in Daytona. I was living in Ohio when I had him do the SV. I just made a crate out of 2X4's and masonite and shipped it. I think his website is His name is Henry. He is one of the nicest people you will meet. And he is really carefull and really good at what he does. Well worth the money.

Title: And what's behind door #1?
Post by: sodaworks on August 06, 2005, 11:16:59 pm
I too have wondered what is behind the door, I have passed on several of these machines because the aluminum was dented. If you pull off the front please post a picture. Thanks  :drinking: