Title: Ideal 55 parts for sale Post by: on July 19, 2005, 05:57:42 pm I am getting ready to submit some parts for a Ideal 55 slider on ebay. I have not got my pictures taken yet and it is my first time selling on ebay so it might be another day before they hit.
I was going to try and rebuild a machine but I found another requiring less work and I hope these parts can be used help complete some machines already out there. (Have slider unit in good condition, stainless lid in good condition; some very small dents and indentations, coin mechanism in good condition-minus locks and side door fair condition, just about everything except the compressor components) If anyone can help me on what some of this stuff is worth I may sell outright if their is interest. Thanks....brifrei Title: Ideal 55 parts for sale Post by: johnieG on July 19, 2005, 06:00:36 pm I'd be interested int he slider rack & trapdoor assy, and a cap catcher if you got one for it, email or PM (personel message button=PM) me with what you're asking for the parts...thanks JohnieG.
Title: Ideal 55 parts for sale Post by: Creighton on July 19, 2005, 07:26:35 pm Hello brefrei,
Welcome to the board and thanks for the heads up on the parts!! Creighton Title: Ideal 55 parts for sale Post by: on July 19, 2005, 08:58:56 pm Welcome to the board. Once you have the auction numbers, let us know what they are or post a link to them.