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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: joesquid on July 07, 2005, 09:03:04 pm

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: joesquid on July 07, 2005, 09:03:04 pm
I already sent you a PM but wanted to make a public call on behalf of myself and, I'm sure, the rest of the forum to say we grieve with you, share your anger, and stand by you!  Let us know if there's anything that we can do.

God's Blessings on you and your nation!

By the way, congrats on the Olympic bid too!

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: sodaworks on July 07, 2005, 10:48:27 pm
  May God bless you guy's over there in England. When I seen the news this morning it brought back the frustration of 9-11.

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: on July 07, 2005, 11:08:04 pm
Yeah Dave, my heart goes out to everyone in England on this day. It makes me so angry that innocent people have to suffer or die. I already text messaged all of my old Brit friends over there to make sure they are fine.
Please know that we are all greatly saddened.

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: davethebirdman on July 08, 2005, 03:25:57 am
Hello Everyone

I'm sitting at work at 0900 on Friday typing this with that feeling of what is going to happen next. I am a serving London Police Officer and yesterday we spent the whole day and most of the night on reserve waiting to be deployed. That is so frustrating... You want to get into the thick of it but all you can do is look on. All police leave has been cancelled and yesterday all that could be heard was emergency sirens.

I have been a Police Officer for 20 yrs and have firsthand experience of two Bombing campaigns by the IRA. This, however, is something totally new and to be honest almost unstopable. How do you deal with a person who sees glory in killing themselves along with as many innocent individuals as possible.

Current figures show that at least 40 people have lost their lives in five seperate bomb attacks on the transport links. One bus and four tube stations. There are many many others seriously injured and over the next few days I am sure the true number of deaths and injures will start to seep out.

The Train line they hit was one that I use on a weekly bais and that brings it home too.

Thanks for your concerns our countries have so much in common.


Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: 90grad on July 08, 2005, 05:39:57 am

May God bless you and your nation, especially at this horrid time.  God will prevail and justice on the people will come, either in this life or the next.

Ironically, my wife and I were talking how much we'd like to visit London and the rest of the UK (I've been "across the pond" to your place a few times, while she has not).  This incident doesn't change a thing.  The respect and admiration for your nation truly overshadows any cowardly act of terrorism.  The UK has always stared straight in the face of trouble and has never blinked.  The courage, strength, and dignity of the British people have never faltered and NEVER will.

God bless,


Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: joesquid on July 08, 2005, 05:49:29 am
  You should be a professional orater.  I don't think anyone could have spoken more truthfully or eloquently.  God Bless the U.K.!!

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: Kevin C on July 08, 2005, 10:15:19 am

Stand & fight these basta---s.  We stand united with England in this fight & like President Bush said we will stay the course!!!   No running!!  

We will get them.


Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: on July 08, 2005, 10:23:44 am
All terrorists are is cowards.  They have to strike when no one is looking and then take credit from hiding.  If they want to fight, come out and fight, but to attack civilians like that...there is no excuse.

Our thoughts are with you.

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: vendobaldtops on July 08, 2005, 11:06:08 am
You and your country must know that it works boths ways:  You were with us 4 years ago and still are...
Now we are here for you: Great Britain has no greater ally than the United States.  Rest assured that this small forum board,with its encouraging and uplifting words and concern over the past days, reflects the sentiments of our entire nation.  God Bless.

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: Kilroy on July 08, 2005, 07:34:34 pm
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and all of England

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: BryanH on July 09, 2005, 09:01:29 am
Dave - to pass on another saying I saw on these boards, I hope your mates get a chance to "beat the snot" out of the perpetrators.  Hang in there.

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: davethebirdman on July 09, 2005, 02:16:41 pm

I would just like to pass my thanks onto each and everyone of you with regard to your words of support.

With the exception of Israel/Iraq we here in the UK have experienced more terrorist attacks than any other nation (Clearly 9/11 was the most spectacular) so if they think that a few bombs are going to change anything they are so wrong.

Like everyone (apart from those that have tragically lost loved one) I have a sense of just "getting back to normal" and with that in mind what do the group think of this   Vendo



Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: jasmine64 on July 09, 2005, 07:25:58 pm
Good to see you are well.

 As for the machine I like the compact size.

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: joesquid on July 09, 2005, 10:33:35 pm
I don't like the fact that the coin mech is missing.  That's $350 alone to replace with an aftermarket coin mech, unless you can find one on ebay, and even then it would most likely need to be shipped from the states.  I know the auction states it's fully functional but I've found that particular phrase can be very loosely interpreted.  I  would also be curious as to the type of "conversion" used to allow it to vend cans.  I'd ask for pictures of the inside to see if the "conversion" consists of removal of the original bottle vending rack replaced by simple shelves.

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: dr galaga on July 09, 2005, 10:56:44 pm
My two comments:
Looks too nice to be an original paint job.
If he truly did a lot of research he would know that it is Sprite Boy  on the front and not a girl :p .

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: davethebirdman on July 09, 2005, 11:19:28 pm
Thanks for your comments.

You are echoing what I have been thinking.

In the Jukebox world anything from South America is considered second rate anyway. Is this the same for Soda Machines??


Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: joesquid on July 10, 2005, 12:38:14 am
I've never seen a coke machine "frowned upon" due to where it was produced.  In fact, some people will pay more for machines embossed in spanish or french due to the rarity and novelty of the product.  In any case, a coke machine is a much simpler critter than a jukebox, therefore less that can go wrong and less concern of inferior quality.

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: davethebirdman on July 10, 2005, 05:04:41 am

I'm thinking that this person want way more than the machine is actually worth. I want to e-mail him and ask him a few questions. Pictures of the inside etc. Anything else that I need to ask?? He live too far to visit just for an inspection.

Although a great deal more practical does adding a can vending mech actually reduce value??

What is the going price for a machine like this in the US?? I have seen fully restored ones at shows with prices into the £4000's.

I guess I'm getting excited over it ONLY because of the limitted availability here.



Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: jasmine64 on July 10, 2005, 07:22:29 am
Isnt some of the wording and graphics he uses to describe the machine cut and paste from


Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: davethebirdman on July 10, 2005, 09:55:42 am
Hi Jasmine

well spotted thanks


Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: glassbottlesrule on July 10, 2005, 01:01:14 pm
I'd also be worried about anybody with 3 feedbacks and such a high dollar(sterling) item.  All he auctions were quite a while ago.  To me if he was really moving he would probably have more activity on his account getting rid of the stuff he can't move.  I know I unloaded a ton of stuff on Ebay before I relocated.  Email and ask some questions and see how educated of a reply you get.  As a side note, it always cracks me up, (and sends a danger bell ringing too) when someone places an item costing so much and only posts one picture.

Title: Stand tough england!!
Post by: Creighton on July 11, 2005, 04:10:56 am
First our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Thank you for a doing job that worldover that is not thanked enough.

That Vendo 44 does raise alerts. If the coin mech and bottle opener have been removed then the picture is not the same machine or a current photo. Maybe just the slug rejector and cap catcher are missing. Can't tell.

If what he claims are correct market values for UK 44's, sending a shipping container of same is in order. BIN (5500) converts to $9596.00. 7500 UK Pounds is $13,085.00.

Here is what a quick ebay search turned up for a nice orginal 44. Thats the same set of pics I'd ask for.

Vendo 44 $2700.00

*** Update looks to have sold early for 2300 or so ***
Creighton and Linda