SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Ltransam on May 08, 2005, 07:12:00 pm

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 08, 2005, 07:12:00 pm

           I may need some help  :O  I'M not sure yet ? Dose anyone live Mid-East of Pittsburg ? With a truck & helper? I could make the trip from Cincinnati in one day but would be very tired !! and Must not let the Wife (War Dept  :angry: )  If it happens .

        Remember It may not happen .Just thought I'd ask just in case

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 10, 2005, 11:59:05 am
Hello,Everyone !!! :drinkers:

        Well the deal is done! I'm the proud Owner of a Galaxie 4 Head Dispencer ( :p ) with Working Light !!!!!! I will get better pictures later as soon as the sun comes out...


Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 10, 2005, 12:00:20 pm
Second Picture

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Creighton on May 10, 2005, 01:32:18 pm
That is a really cool score!! I'm jealous. Hope someone can give a hand.

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: on May 10, 2005, 02:06:35 pm
That is fantastic!
May we ask how much you paid? Even just the smaller part alone has sold for a ton on eBay and you got the whole mothership!
Tell us the story behind it. What is that location in the photos?

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: halehouse on May 10, 2005, 02:40:28 pm
I saw that on eBay and then went back and couldn't find it.  I was just going to link to it from here in a post. It is the one that was used in a school concession stand, right?  Sweet!

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: BrianB on May 10, 2005, 03:20:56 pm
Man!!! That's awesome! Can I have it? Just kidding! Great score, I'd love to see some better pictures of it!  :D

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Jim on May 10, 2005, 03:34:12 pm
Very Nice!
Is it on casters...?

If you didn't mind, I would like a good clear photo or two for the Dispensers Section...

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: MoonDawg on May 10, 2005, 05:10:30 pm
So cool. Bet it looks good lit up.   Question : how are you going to hide this thing from your wife?

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 10, 2005, 09:40:31 pm
             Yes it was on E-bay .Yes it was in a church .And No:angry: IT'S MINE !!!!Mine Mine :O Oh sorry lost it for a minute :O .I have been after one for ever . I'm leaveing on Friday to get it :cool: This is real the only Coke (Machine -Dispencer ) I have really wanted the 7 years I'v been collecting... Now it's MINE MINE MINE opps sorry lost it again ..I travel alot SOOO I have to go to Pittsburg Brewing Co. HeHe Then IT will rest in my Neighbor's Garage .Then it mine mine mine!!!!! I'll tell her after her Birthday in June .Then She won't care .Because of the Present she have ,,,

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 10, 2005, 09:54:05 pm
          I think I have gotten my self-control back:O  Yes Jim I'll get better pictures .And I don't know if it has casters .But it was working when the Church Quit useing it .                   Ltransam :D

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: sodaworks on May 10, 2005, 10:23:28 pm
  If you need a place to "store" it you can keep it at my house..

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 11, 2005, 09:34:01 pm
Hello,Again Everyone
          I have regained full control of myself . See what happens when you get what you looked for forever . Sorry for the moments .Now dose anyone know ? Where I can get a Service Manual for it ??? I would be willing to $ for a copy :D                Ltransam

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: petey64 on May 11, 2005, 09:38:52 pm
My advice for just this kind of thing is on her birthday bring the bling and make it bling bling it usually works

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: on May 12, 2005, 10:50:48 am
Have you considered giving it to her as her birthday present?  That's how my Dad got away with purchasing a new 66 Ford Galaxie 500 many years ago.  And it worked.  Too bad about ten years later he slipped up when he explained why the car meant so much to him.

All the "mine, mine" notes above, and I keep picturing a old warner brothers cartoon where Bugs accidently tunnels into a cave of hidden treasure, and Daffy spends about half of the dialogue running amuck hollering "mine, mine, mine!  I'm rich!  I'm comfortably well off!".

Best wishes, it's a beautiful machine you've gotten.

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: on May 12, 2005, 11:29:32 am
Don't give it to her as a gift. She'll be wise to it, hate it and you will have to sleep on the couch for a long time. Plus everytime she walks past it for the next 40 years, it will remind her of how you tried to manipulate her with it.
Get her something that SHE really loves.

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Eric on May 12, 2005, 12:24:37 pm
Yeah like a Vendo 56!......  What woman wouldn't love that?.....


Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: halehouse on May 12, 2005, 12:39:21 pm
I know that cartoon!  Open Sasparilla?  No, no, that's not it.  
I knew I should have taken a right turn at Albuquerque.

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Eric on May 12, 2005, 12:45:03 pm
Asan Chop!....

Down, Down , Down ... Mine, Mine, Mine! (Daffy stuffing Bugs back in the hole!)Ha
Great cartoon


Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: halehouse on May 12, 2005, 01:18:23 pm
Hassan Chop!  Right?  This is really turning into a thought loop.  That makes me think of the one where Bugs goes to Bagdad and meets the Genie in the lamp.  Anybody remember that?  "Can't a man get a decent bath around here?  Now go AWAY!"  The genie sound like Thurston Howell.

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: halehouse on May 12, 2005, 02:13:11 pm
Ok, this is cool, but I hope I am not going overboard.  I'm done now.

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 12, 2005, 09:25:40 pm

                I'll be leaveing at 0 dark thirty in the morning for The Dispenser  :p .The Mine Mine Mine IS really from the movie Finding Nemo .The Seagualls are the one saying it .I have seen the movie 20-30 times Have 4 Grand Kids .Will try to post pictures on Sunday ? I have tryed before to post pictures And could not If it was'ent for help From Members Can't Remember ???Halehouse Or Creighton ???I have an old system & Old Camara ..Bad thing is RAIN in forcast allday tomorrow...#%#$@


Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Creighton on May 12, 2005, 11:23:24 pm
I'll be more than happy to get any pictures posted just send them to the below email. Regret I'll be gone until late Mon. night so it won't be right away. Leaving Fri. around 7:00pm west coast time. I'll do what I can but someone else may be more timely.
Glad for you!!

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: on May 13, 2005, 09:06:06 am
"Mornin' Sam... Mornin' Ralph."

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: on May 13, 2005, 09:09:07 am
I just can't stop thinking about what a valuable (read "expensive") item you now have!
Heck the following ended auction had just the dispenser part and even had a slit cut in the back and it sold for $1,522.50!!!

And you have the whole enchilada!!!

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: on May 13, 2005, 09:10:22 am
Quote (halehouse @ May 12 2005,12:39)
I knew I should have taken a right turn at Albuquerque.

I love that one!!

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 14, 2005, 01:43:18 pm
:p Hi ,Everyone  :D

           Well just got back at 3:30 this morning :p Sleep deprived .No problem getting there BUT Mother Nature made it Hard Getting Home.THUNDER STORMS Heavy down pores Winds that ROCKED THE DAKOTA all over the place .WHEEE .For 400 hundred miles of the trip . But as always the Dodge Made it !!
Now at Home we still have heavy rain & storms.So I can't un-load it today + I have a wedding to go to at 5:00 pm.But it's tarped & under my Neighbor's car port . With the light on it it was to tall to get in the garage door. We'll un-load tomorrow and get pictures If it's not raining .There is also another SUPRIZE !!! 'yOU'LL SEE IT When I get Pictures on  :glare:

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 15, 2005, 09:07:46 pm
Hello,Everyone  :drinkers:

         Well got it off the truck Yea!! I'm missing the drip tray on the Galaxie Dispenser & It appers the Motor for the Auger on the Ice Maker is Missing?? I really need help finding a Parts Manual for It.
The suprize was in side the ice area in the bottom was a Tomestone Dispenser :D .It's all there execpt for one of the round Coke bottons & the three Dispening knob's & Metal drip plate.No crack's or any other Missing part's .It was installed on the right side I was told & there are 4 holes there So 2 for one  :p .I'll try to get the few pictures I took now .IF thay don't load Isent them to Creighton :laugh:

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 15, 2005, 09:09:52 pm
Next Picture  .There Is Also NO RUST ANYWERE  :cool: On the very bottom is floor wax build-up

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 15, 2005, 09:11:17 pm
Picture #3

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 15, 2005, 09:13:37 pm
Picture #4
                  I will get better picture for you Jim with all the doors on .  :p

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: dr galaga on May 15, 2005, 09:39:37 pm
Only thing I can say

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: sodaworks on May 15, 2005, 10:53:54 pm
  I have the same Scotsman ice machine but unfortunately the galaxy dispenser is missing. I do have a later model dispenser.

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: on May 16, 2005, 07:12:25 am
I'm speeachless as well. Simply amazing. Everything is in incredible shape.

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 16, 2005, 09:33:14 am
Hey , Terry (aka Sodaworks)
                    Dose your's still have the Ice Unit & Cooling System ?? If so Could you take Pictures of the motor that drives the Auger ?for the ice.. Do you have any service drawing ? I want to make everything work! Is there a shelf in the ice area ? I see two pins on the back half way up 1/4 L That are on the back of the liner ...


Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 16, 2005, 08:26:58 pm
Hello ,Everyone
                   I going to show a couple more pictures.The first is were the Tomestone Dispenser was mounted The holes were the feed-line"s & Drain .

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 16, 2005, 08:30:50 pm
Next picture is from the top down under the top . Note the gray mount r/side I believe this is were the motor mounted fot the Auger ? on the ice part

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 16, 2005, 08:32:48 pm
This picture is of a pin (Left oh the left hose) There is also one on the r/s Was there a shelf ?????

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 16, 2005, 08:35:38 pm

                                               :p Ltransam

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 16, 2005, 08:38:33 pm
No cracks only scratchs All of The Dispencer's & Ice Machine for a GRAND$$


Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: sodaworks on May 16, 2005, 11:02:09 pm
  I'll dig mine out and take some pictures for you. It's buried in the back of one of my sea trains so I'll need a little time. Terry

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: on May 17, 2005, 01:29:21 am
Terry, what's a sea train?

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Creighton on May 17, 2005, 04:31:12 am
That is just an outstanding score!!! Glad you were able to get the pic's posted. Very happy for you and keep us posted.

Kito, think a sea train would be a standard cargo shipping container. W8':H6':L15' more or less. All metal you may see them stacked 2 high on train flat cars. Just my guess.

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: BryanH on May 17, 2005, 10:04:19 am
Ltransam - first off sweet looking machine.  Where are you going to keep it once you're done fixing it up?  It looks huge.

Btw - how do we decode your id?  I'm assuming that Transam is the car but can't figure out the L/

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: on May 17, 2005, 10:40:21 am
His first name is Leonard.

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 17, 2005, 01:05:56 pm
Hey Bryan
        Kito is correct My Name Is Leonard . And untill 2 years ago I owned a 79 Transam w/t-tops All Orginal .So I can remember that .I have been collecting Coke stuff for 7 years now .

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: jasmine64 on May 17, 2005, 06:58:58 pm
I don't see how your other half wouldn't like it.
It's great.

Then again my husband just barely tolerates my 4 machines.

I'd take a machine over bling anyday. Not much of a jewelry person.

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: sodaworks on May 17, 2005, 11:29:40 pm
 Sea train's are cargo containers used on frieght ships. I have a 45' and 2-20' for storage on the backside of my property. They're great for storing stuff in, all metal construction. ???

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: sodaworks on May 17, 2005, 11:33:03 pm
  I found another Scotsman ice machine with a 1962 dispenser today. It has been in the same resturant since 1962. They recently retired it because the refrig. motor went out. They are asking 1600.00, I'm waiting them out a little longer trying to get a better price. :drinking:

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: racerx45 on May 17, 2005, 11:45:09 pm
Quote (sodaworks @ May 17 2005,9:33)
  I found another Scotsman ice machine with a 1962 dispenser today. It has been in the same resturant since 1962. They recently retired it because the refrig. motor went out. They are asking 1600.00, I'm waiting them out a little longer trying to get a better price. :drinking:

What is the dispenser on it?

Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 18, 2005, 09:58:41 pm

         Hope you get it  :D .I'm just happy to have got'en mine!
I think I'll take it easy now pretty much have everything I was looking for .Or could aford in my collection .I guess I'm A little wierd :p . I don't really get to excited over 81 or 56s or 44s Don't get me wrong !! If I could get one for a grand I probley wood.But the Galaxie & my C-27 are the most i'v ever spent on anthing .C-27 1200.I have just been very lucky (Nick name at work ) with being in the right spot.

Going back to the Dispenser & Ice Machine.Steve at Fun-Tronic has set me up with Manuals Should arrive (2-3days)
Also he hooked me up to AntiqueVending in SC thay even have parts .But as of now not sure what I'm missing I know that the pully is (m) on the gearbox & belt & Motor ??Plus all 4 tap handels .I'm trying to get a really close & full size picture of them .After all I work in a Machine Shop .With a machineing center New 5 axis & new computer lateh .If you have a tap handel ?I'd really like a look at it .(The Crome ones)

But tomorrow I Must   :drinkers: Drink & get payed too.HaHa A the Bourbon Open in Kentucky (Golf) NO i don't play But I will support my Customer Heaven Hill Dist / Jim Beam Dist/Maker's Mark Dist/ Bufflo Trace Dist /Wild Turkey Dist / Barton Brands Dist.Weee I'll be a WRECK on Friday. For the drive back.                                                                                  
                                              Leonard   aka Ltransam


Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 18, 2005, 10:05:39 pm
Quote (jasmine64 @ May 17 2005,7:58)
I don't see how your other half wouldn't like it.
It's great.

Then again my husband just barely tolerates my 4 machines.

I'd take a machine over bling anyday. Not much of a jewelry person.

Hello, Jasmine 64

                    Thanks ,If the War Dept had her way I'd be selling it faster then I could find it .But a little Bling will sofen the blow  :angry: .So as long as she stay's up-stairs i'll be fine.Because The basement & Garage are Mine Mine !!!!  :p .


Title: Help maybe ???
Post by: Ltransam on May 24, 2005, 10:02:36 pm
Hi Sodaworks (Terry )

       Sorry to bother you But ?? Have you had any luck getting to your's .And if so what type of tap handels ?? Mine is coming along GGGGGreat ! I hopeing :D to get pictures on this weekend now that I'v taken it apart & cleaned all the syrup out of it . I'v cleand & waxed most of the out-side & am working on getting so casters for it . If your's has a drip tray ? I could really use a good picture & Measurements of it so I can get one made . Thanks for any help !!!!! :drinkers:
