Title: Will the machine list on original home page ever be available again? Post by: brasskey on January 09, 2025, 07:38:18 pm As title states, will the original site ever be available again to browse through models and get other info/documents? If I remember correctly, it was taken down years ago because of security issues? I always found that page helpful and the best out there. If it's not coming back, anything else out there that is similar?
Title: Re: Will the machine list on original home page ever be available again? Post by: Jim on January 09, 2025, 09:26:19 pm I just began researching tasks I need to perform to move to a new hosting/server so certain applications/features are available in order to upgrade the content management software I have been utilizing through the years. With that said, I would like to migrate and make some of the old features at SMC available again. It takes time and will be problematic since the database structure for the old SMC will differ from the new database structure causing me figure a way to import/migrate the old data into the new data format...
As for anything else out there, I don't think so; however, if you utilize an Android phone, I may have a temporary solution... Give me a call sometime tomorrow. Hopefully helpful, Jim 772*834*3271 Title: Re: Will the machine list on original home page ever be available again? Post by: brasskey on January 10, 2025, 12:13:35 am Thanks, Jim!