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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: BrianS on February 02, 2016, 12:42:31 am

Title: Not Soda, Candy, or Coin-op related, not even old - but still think its cool
Post by: BrianS on February 02, 2016, 12:42:31 am
Well I haven't found anything on-topic lately, so I have had to get my soda fix vicariously through everyone else on the board.  However, I did happen to acquire a unique collectable that I thought I would share.  As a lifelong Cardinal baseball fan, I think its pretty awesome and its a great man-cave item.  Albert Pujols played college ball at Maple Woods Community College in Kansas City.  He has always been very involved in children's charities so after his rookie season and first All-Star game he put together this shadow-box that includes an All-Star game pennant, his promo photo, League Ball, and the bat he used to warm up for the homerun derby - all items are signed.  He presented it himself at a KC Children's Hospital fund raising auction.  A great piece from a great individual.  Even though he is no longer a Cardinal, I still root for him to do well and have become a closet Angels fan. 

Sorry for the off-topic post, but figured it would be acceptable for the General ChitChat area.  Baseball stuff is a bit of a secondary hobby for me to do with my boys.

Title: Re: Not Soda, Candy, or Coin-op related, not even old - but still think its cool
Post by: ajf5577 on February 02, 2016, 12:47:37 am
That's really neat Brian. I'm also a Cards fan.

Title: Re: Not Soda, Candy, or Coin-op related, not even old - but still think its cool
Post by: Ross on February 02, 2016, 12:57:02 am
Very nice, and unique.

Title: Re: Not Soda, Candy, or Coin-op related, not even old - but still think its cool
Post by: Creighton on February 02, 2016, 01:20:06 am
Great piece!! Cards fan as well. The AM radio with Jack Buck and later Harry Carie describing the plays was great stuff. Stan the man, Gibson, Ozzie... Fun memories. If they could just figure out how to hit the ball in the world serious :-). Piss poor post season performance of late.
Thanks for the post!!

Title: Re: Not Soda, Candy, or Coin-op related, not even old - but still think its cool
Post by: Eric on February 02, 2016, 08:08:26 am
Yes.. Cards fan also .. took my son to one of the Winter Warmups and got to meet Lance Berkman and get his autograph and picture with him...
Was a great guy.. this is great "go with" stuff... nice filler to surround your machines and coolers... I have a friend who has the Coca-Cola chest
from Sportsman Park before they tore it down.
Nice collectible you have there....Congrats! :happydrinkers:

Title: Re: Not Soda, Candy, or Coin-op related, not even old - but still think its cool
Post by: Ross on February 02, 2016, 08:47:28 am
... I have a friend who has the Coca-Cola chest
from Sportsman Park before they tore it down.
Nice collectible you have there....Congrats! :happydrinkers:

I love it when a machine has a history--especially an interesting one.

Title: Re: Not Soda, Candy, or Coin-op related, not even old - but still think its cool
Post by: BeaYoung on February 02, 2016, 09:47:47 am
What a great piece!!! Thanks for sharing it!

Title: Re: Not Soda, Candy, or Coin-op related, not even old - but still think its cool
Post by: BrianS on February 02, 2016, 11:37:07 pm
Glad you all liked it and good to see a good group of Cards fans here on the board!  I used to listen to the Cardinal games at night on the radio as a kid.  Now that almost all the games are televised I watch them in the evenings with my kids.  Drives the wife crazy, but good bonding time with the boys.  When they were little and I coached their baseball teams everyone would fight over getting jersey #5 so they could be Pujols.  They think this shadowbox is cooler than my 81.  They are already calling dibs on it the will.

Title: Re: Not Soda, Candy, or Coin-op related, not even old - but still think its cool
Post by: Strem2525 on February 03, 2016, 08:27:54 pm
Luv the shadow box with Pujols  memorabilia.  I am a diehard Cardinals fan-born and raised , listening on the radio and going to games at Old Busch and now New Busch Stadiums.   Wish Albert could have finished out his career as a Cardinal........ l have 2 stadiums seats from Old Busch when they tore it down- best place to watch games on tv.    Wish The O's and Nat's played them more often :smile:   Sue