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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Larry on June 15, 2015, 06:31:44 am

Title: make break switches
Post by: Larry on June 15, 2015, 06:31:44 am
I have a question about make/break switches on arcade games.

Do you adjust your switch to make prior to the break (both switches having contact at the same time for a split second) or do you adjust the switch to make after the break?

I always did the latter, but I was working on a game this weekend and I found, in the manual, that they wanted the switch to make and then break.  Just trying to see if I've been doing this wrong all these years.

Title: Re: make break switches
Post by: briandr1 on June 16, 2015, 09:36:24 pm
Im not sure of an answer for you, But I can tell you about pinside forum I got an em pinball machine and had a lot of help from the guys on the forum, They helped me get my game going there is a ton of good folks on there, give it a try.

Title: Re: make break switches
Post by: Creighton on June 17, 2015, 01:28:23 am
Not sure,
My 1969 Chicago Coin Speedway manual says (once decoded) MTB. MAB seems to work better but haven't spent any time sorting the issue. Hope get some replies here.

Title: Re: make break switches
Post by: Larry on June 17, 2015, 06:39:12 am
Briandr1, thanks for the input.  I joined that site and asked the same question.  Neat site.  I'll have to bounce around on there later on.

Creighton, I thought there would be more response too.  I never had an issue with MAB.  Maybe this is a strange game.  I know there's a MAB switch on one of my steppers.  Luckily, the switch info hasn't fallen off of the frame (most have blank glue marks where the old tags were).  This stepper switch wants the MAB to switch on the second pulse.  All my other games switched on the first pulse.

I am having some issues with this game and I could only find the schematic and manual for the regular version.  Mine is the deluxe matching version and there are four more match steppers and the area that I am having a problem with, the stepper has an extra contact arm.  So I've been fixing some issues with the schematic and manual, but now I'm at a brick wall.  I may start playing around with the relays and adjusting the MAB to MTB but I'm always worried it might screw something up.  Everything has been taken apart and adjusted as I normally do, but there are some issues that aren't worth explaining unless you had the game and were familiar with it.  So I'll plug along and hopefully figure it out.  Thanks again guys.

Title: Re: make break switches
Post by: Ltransam on June 17, 2015, 06:54:43 am

  Man this is all French to me  :tounge: :tounge: :wow: :wow:

                       I just Take it to Larry LOL