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Soda Machines, Coolers & Dispensers => Post 60's Machines & Coolers => Topic started by: Tandemdad on February 15, 2015, 06:31:43 pm

Title: Indicator Lights for CSS-8-64 - Help Needed
Post by: Tandemdad on February 15, 2015, 06:31:43 pm
I have two indicator lights that are not working. They light up the display on my CSS-8-64 to show "make a selection" and "use correct change." I cannot find a suitable alternative to the lights in the pics below. They appear to be 120VAC, but I'm not sure of the wattage. I've tried several different lights, but cannot seem to get them to work. I know there is good power going through the wires (don't ask me how I know  :biggrin:)

Does anyone have any tips on where to get replacements or suitable alternatives?

Title: Re: Indicator Lights for CSS-8-64 - Help Needed
Post by: Fire708 on February 17, 2015, 11:28:49 am
Try calling funtronics or soda jerk works. Both are very helpful and have parts you don't always see on thier web page.
Also,can you post a pict of the bulb out of the holder. They look like neon lamps but I can't tell for sure.

***edit, if they are neon, these may work.

Title: Re: Indicator Lights for CSS-8-64 - Help Needed
Post by: jholmgren on February 17, 2015, 12:39:04 pm
Is it this one?   My CS-96 had the older incandescent bulbs. 

The CSS looks like it may have a neon bulb:

Title: Re: Indicator Lights for CSS-8-64 - Help Needed
Post by: Tandemdad on February 21, 2015, 09:46:46 pm
That is exactly what I was looking for. I ordered two and both work perfectly.

New problem: there doesn't seen to be enough power getting to the 2 white wires and one orange wire that power the "select drink" light. The light is super faint even when I insert coins. Why might the power not be strong enough to illuminate it fully? Is there a power drain and how would I find such a thing?

Title: Re: Indicator Lights for CSS-8-64 - Help Needed
Post by: Fire708 on February 21, 2015, 10:30:49 pm
Have you tried swapping the lights? Change them, if the problem moves it's the light. I don't know enough about neon bulbs to tell you if some glow dim or not.
If the problem doesn't move, check all connections for corrosion. check every connection you can find. Clean them with alcohol and a brush to be sure. Be sure to check any ground wires also.
Also check all connections for loose wires and contacts.

Title: Re: Indicator Lights for CSS-8-64 - Help Needed
Post by: Tandemdad on February 22, 2015, 07:40:37 am
I haven't rooted around yet for connections that may be a bit corroded, but that is a good idea and I will search for those today. I do see one spot in the orange wire where a prior owner put a connector, presumably where the wire broke previously. I will redo that connection in case it is no longer making good contact.

I tried swapping the wires last night to make sure I didn't have a defective bulb. That didn't solve the problem. I'm not an electrician, but I'm guessing it is a wiring/connection problem of some sort.

Will update with the results.