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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: on March 07, 2005, 12:12:40 pm

Title: Am i the only one?...
Post by: on March 07, 2005, 12:12:40 pm
Is it just me?
I feel like everyone else likes the little "Sprite" man on vintage Coca-Cola decals and ads, but frankly, he scares the cr#p out of me.

He looks so incredibly creepy and evil, I'm surprised he was popular. And what's with the awful hair? Too much pomade or mousse? Never once have I seen him and thought, "Boy do I need a Coke right now!"

What do you guys think?

And did they name their other drink "Sprite" after him?

Title: Am i the only one?...
Post by: on March 07, 2005, 01:13:06 pm
I thought about to place the sprite boy on my v-39 but my little daughter (3 years old) is afraid of him. `Kito I couldn`t agree more - the Sprite boy doesn`t look friendly.

Title: Am i the only one?...
Post by: racerx45 on March 07, 2005, 05:54:36 pm
well ....

Title: Am i the only one?...
Post by: Kevin C on March 07, 2005, 06:40:25 pm

Kind of looks like Chuckie's father!!!  Look out!!!!


Title: Am i the only one?...
Post by: dr galaga on March 07, 2005, 08:26:12 pm
Looks to me like an evil munchkin from the Wizard of Oz!

Title: Am i the only one?...
Post by: DanV on March 07, 2005, 09:01:00 pm
Markito, that analysis of the sprite evil leprechaun is the funniest post i have read this year! I couldn't agree with you more. I know I would fear him if  I was little. I feared Mr. Clean and the Red Devil Lighter Fluid devil too.

Title: Am i the only one?...
Post by: Creighton on March 07, 2005, 10:01:22 pm
Always thought it looked like Andy Rooney. The image never bothered me but AR can get scary at times :-).

Title: Am i the only one?...
Post by: BrianB on March 08, 2005, 08:04:40 am
Yeah, I agree with you guys, the Sprit Boy is kinda scary....But I'll tell you who really freaks me out, The Moxie guy from the 20's and 30's. He's got that evil look in his eye's and in most of the ad's, he's pointing his finger at you like you did something wrong!

Title: Am i the only one?...
Post by: on March 08, 2005, 08:08:48 am
I think they are step-brothers. :p

Title: Am i the only one?...
Post by: sodaworks on March 08, 2005, 10:00:05 am
I would never waste a nice restoration with the sprite guy.

Title: Am i the only one?...
Post by: BrianB on March 08, 2005, 02:57:54 pm
Yeah, 'kito, They might very well be related!

Title: Am i the only one?...
Post by: vendobaldtops on March 09, 2005, 01:22:46 am
I think the Moxie guy looks like Screech from Saved By the Bell..not sure if the older fellas will get that one....the news anchor Cokie Roberts has the face of Spriteboy a little....I wonder if she got her nick-name from Cokie aka Spriteboy...not very flattering for a man or a woman!