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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: BrianS on August 28, 2014, 10:24:36 pm

Title: May be Looking for a Pam Clock
Post by: BrianS on August 28, 2014, 10:24:36 pm
For the past couple years I have been giving a candy/soda item as a Xmas present to my kids.  I have 4 boys so I try to spread it out and do 2 a year.  That means I have to spend most of hte year looking to find something by Xmas because I just don't see that much around my area.  Two years ago year I gave my 2 oldest (15&16) Pam clocks and they went over really well.  Last year I found a penny hershey machine for my 12 year old.  My youngest (11) was glad he got a Nintendo instead but then asked if he would get an old soda item next year.  I was thrilled he is taking an interest and have been looking for an item he might like all year,  but haven't found anything yet.  Its only August, but time is going fast.  I thought I might try to go the Pam clock route again and get one for each of the 2 younger guys. Then they would all have one.  If anyone is considering selling a Pam, send me a PM.  Themes would have to be something to appeal to younger kids, but other than that I'm wide open.  Would prefer to avoid Ebay as I have seen tons of concerning posts on this site.