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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: on February 22, 2005, 11:39:41 am

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 11:39:41 am
Last week I got a DVD of an old 1960 era Vendo new line of Coca-Cola machines training film. It is public domain and someone sells it on eBay.

Well the transfer was great, the film is about 17 minutes long and is so much fun to watch because it is so classic 60's!

Anyone who loves the old Coke machines would enjoy and get a kick out of this serious training film.

I also liked that it showed them making them (too bad it is not step-by-step assembly instructions) and how to display and market them.

Most of the models shown and mentioned were the new square top line of the: V-63 MultiDrink, V-90 MultiDrink, V-126 MultiDrink, V-144 MultiDrink and the V-216 SingleDrink.
They look just beautiful all shiny and new.

I mention this because I have gained so much from all of you here and I want to give back. So though I paid for it, I want to pass it around so you can all watch it. All I ask is that everyone handle the DVD with care so that it won't get any scratches on it.

The first person to post here and then PM me their address, I will mail it to you. Then after they have watched it (and heck even recorded it if they want since it is public domain), mail it off to the next person and so on like the old chain letters of the 1970s.

I will now attach a bunch of photos from the film so you can get a taste for it:

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 11:40:27 am

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 11:41:16 am

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 11:42:09 am

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 11:42:51 am

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 11:43:33 am

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 11:44:26 am

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 11:45:18 am
And finally...

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 11:46:17 am
Let me know if anyone is interested.
Thanks again to all my friends here who have been so generous and patient with me. :)

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 11:55:32 am
O.k., one more...

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: Paul M. on February 22, 2005, 12:55:10 pm
Man, that guy sure is tall!  He makes the V-63 look dinky.

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: Eric on February 22, 2005, 02:12:26 pm
Heck.... YOU should burn copies and sell them...
I'm really starting to want a square top now!
They are really nice once you see how they looked new!
I have passed over so many over the years...:(

Thanks for sharing! I'm interested....

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 02:23:21 pm
hi markito,
i am a round top guy only - so far. but i have to think about
it, a small v63 looked great also. thanks for the pictures.
sorry if my english is not so well but im german.
 :)  lars

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 02:32:19 pm
Lars, NEVER apologize for your English. You are doing far better than most Americans who can only speak their own language and not very well at that. Incidentally, I think your English is great and never knew you were from Germany. Glad you're here.

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 22, 2005, 02:33:46 pm
Eric, it looks like you were the first person to request it, so please PM me your mailing address and I will mail it out to you. Just treat my baby well. Then pass it on to the next person. Thanks.

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: Eric on February 22, 2005, 04:07:46 pm
Larsfor39 Hey Germans Good! That's where all my family rowed over from generations
ago. And I agree the little square top is looking pretty good! And as far as my english and spelling goes.... I talk too fast and can't spell... and I hunt and peck as far as typing goes.
But oh well.... I think everybody gets the idea what I try and say....

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: Creighton on February 22, 2005, 05:29:37 pm
Hi Markito,

Thanks for the review. I'd been wondering if that was any good. I'll pick up a copy and start that around as well (after I watch it first :-)

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 23, 2005, 10:20:40 am
Hi Markito and Eric,
thanks for the replies. I am really happy to stay in the states.
I am a civil servant with the German Government and i have been living here since June 2004 ( Northern Virginia near D.C. exactly). I will stay here until 2009 then i am moving back to Germany. I really enjoy it to meet people from other countries.
I lived in England ( for 4 years ) before i moved to the States and i lived in Danmark ( 3 years ) and France ( 5 years ) too.
I think i am a World citizen not only German
 :)  Lars

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: halehouse on February 23, 2005, 10:39:49 am
Hey Lars, I am also in the Northern Virginia area.  I teach at a public German Immersion school in Springfield.

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: Kevin C on February 23, 2005, 07:18:14 pm

The man in that last group of four pictures looks like Barney Fife -Mr 1 Bullet from the Andy Griffen Show!!!

Look Close


Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: Kevin C on February 23, 2005, 07:26:01 pm

Welcome!  I spent four years (85-89) in Germany. My family & I really enjoyed our time there. My wife & I look forward to returning in the next few years. My son was born in Frankfurt during REFORGER 88 (big US Army field training exercise)


Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on February 23, 2005, 09:17:16 pm
It's not him, but does kinda look like him. :)

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: Kevin C on February 23, 2005, 09:34:06 pm

I sure looks easy to make those machines. I wonder how they get the lower grills that go in front of the compressor in place without tipping the machine over on its back?


Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on March 04, 2005, 01:35:49 am
O.k., Eric enjoyed the DVD.
Who wants it next? Let Eric know.

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: BryanH on March 04, 2005, 07:28:40 am
I wonder how they get the lower grills that go in front of the compressor in place without tipping the machine over on its back?

Kevin - the doors come off and the grate mounts in the door frame.

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: MoonDawg on March 05, 2005, 03:41:10 pm
I'd sure like to see / or buy the DVD  :p

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: dr galaga on March 05, 2005, 03:48:57 pm
Quote (MoonDawg @ Mar. 05 2005,3:41)
I'd sure like to see / or buy the DVD

Yea, where did you get it?

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on March 05, 2005, 04:39:59 pm
I bought it on eBay from these guys:

They have it on DVD and VHS. I obviously chose the DVD.

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: joesquid on March 05, 2005, 11:13:40 pm
  Ich spreche auch Deutch aber nicht als gut wie ihr Englisch glaube ich!!

Tschüss  meine gute Freund!

(Lars, I also speak German, but probably not as good as your english!  See ya my good friend!)

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on March 06, 2005, 11:53:47 am
Hi Eric,
Your German is very well. Have you ever been to Germany?
You Guys here are very friendly an I enjoy it to be here with you.

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: Eric on March 06, 2005, 04:55:34 pm
I'll be sending the DVD to MoonDawg.
It's a fun watch.....


Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: joesquid on March 06, 2005, 07:06:09 pm
Nein, leider nicht bin ich nach Deutchland gefahren.  Ich hatte die Sprache gelernt das ich bei NATO arbeiten könnte aber das hat nich gemacht.  Ich nutze die Sprache immer aus wann ich kann.  

Sie haben Recht, die Männer hier sind sehr intelligent und freundlich.  So wo jezt wohnen Sie?  Ich wohne in Norfolk, VA aber werde nächste Woche nach Brunswick, Maine umgezogen.

(No, unfortunately I haven't been to Germany.  I learned the language in order to work with NATO but the orders didn't take place.  I still practice the language whenever I can.  You are correct, the people here are inteliigent and friendly.  So where do you live now?  I'm currently in Norfolk, VA but will be moving to Brunswick, Maine next week.)

Tschüss!!  (See ya)

Title: Sharing a 1960 coke/vendo machine training film
Post by: on March 07, 2005, 09:48:51 am
Hi Eric,
I live in Ashburn, VA it`s near Washington D.C.
I work with the German Government and will be here until 2009.