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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: scalebowler on May 25, 2014, 01:39:32 am

Title: Coke menu sign
Post by: scalebowler on May 25, 2014, 01:39:32 am
Picked this up Friday after work at an antique store. I know it's not the most attractive sign but the reason I bought it is because this sign is supposedly the menu sign that was used at the Council Bluffs Drive-in. I'm still working on trying to confirm that right now but if it's true this would be a pretty special sign because the Council Bluffs Drive-in was the first drive-in theater that I went to (which kind of started the whole drive-in obsession I have. I remember the next day after going there making my own drive-in out of cardboard for my hot wheels cars). Unfortuanely I only was able to go there once before they tore it down and built a google server place (like we really needed that  :glare: ) and we did not get to go in the snack bar so I don't 100% know if it's from there but I guess even if it's not I still have an interesting piece to add to the home drive-in setup (although I really hope it's from there)


Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: Sarman47 on May 25, 2014, 06:49:14 am
Very nice sign.

Good luck with your research.

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: Eric on May 25, 2014, 08:29:16 am
Nice.. looks like it's in great shape!

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: Kilroy on May 25, 2014, 08:40:01 am
I like it

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: georgescustompaint on May 25, 2014, 08:57:44 am
I love drive inn's.  We have one right near our house. My daughter loves when we take her.

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: mygoose101 on May 25, 2014, 12:23:26 pm
Very nice sign. Good line up too, makes me hungry. I would take off the dollar numbers on everything so it would be just the cents, it will age the sign even more.

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: scalebowler on May 25, 2014, 12:51:44 pm
Nice.. looks like it's in great shape!

Thanks. It is in pretty good shape except for some dust, spider webs and the top piece of wood (or some sort of particle board or something. Haven't figured it out or looked too closely yet) has warped and bowed outward. Not very noticeable though especially since I did not even notice it until after I bought it and was taking it to the car. I actually thought it was supposed to be that way until I noticed the dried up glue on the back side of the wood piece.

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: scalebowler on May 29, 2014, 03:48:13 pm
Little update on the history of the sign. Still don't have a yes or no answer but I emailed one of my teachers who lives in Council Bluffs to see if he knew. Turns out the old owners of the drive-in go to his church so he said he will ask them next time he sees them.

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: scalebowler on October 26, 2014, 07:54:55 pm
Got an email from my teacher Thursday night with the contact info for the person who used to work at the drive-in. Got an email back from her on Friday and it turns out my sign DID COME FROM THE COUNCIL BLUFFS DRIVE-IN! I am really excited to know for sure that it came from there because that was the first Drive-in theater that I ever went to (which kind of started the whole drive-in addiction) so it makes it a lot more special to me.

Next step is to make a nice stand for it so I can display it without having to put any holes in the wall to hang it (was told NO on hanging it on the wall so I need to make something that sits on the floor and the sign hangs from)

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: SodaShopNick on October 26, 2014, 08:31:59 pm
That's great news.  I always love a good story about the history of an item.

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: Eric on October 26, 2014, 10:06:07 pm
Can't hang it on the wall.. what kind of ceiling? couple of fish eye hooks from the ceiling or ceiling tiles that drop down (can't remember if you're in a dorm)
you could rig some type of wire?...

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: scalebowler on October 27, 2014, 04:00:12 pm
Can't hang it on the wall.. what kind of ceiling? couple of fish eye hooks from the ceiling or ceiling tiles that drop down (can't remember if you're in a dorm)
you could rig some type of wire?...

Well it's not really that I can't hang it from the ceiling or on the wall. It's just that I'm living at home right now and my parents told me that I am not going to hang it from the walls or the ceiling. Figured a free standing stand would be the best thing right now

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: Kilroy on October 27, 2014, 04:15:08 pm
Target, Walmart  all those shops sell garment racks, you can hang and use it later as it was intende

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: scalebowler on October 27, 2014, 04:21:12 pm
Target, Walmart  all those shops sell garment racks, you can hang and use it later as it was intende

That would work perfectly! I'm going to have to look for some the next time I'm at the store

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: MoonDawg on October 27, 2014, 05:02:24 pm
      Is the wall smooth enough for suction cups to hold?

Title: Re: Coke menu sign
Post by: Creighton on October 28, 2014, 06:46:05 am
Welcome back!
Great sign.  I'm sure you will be able to sort a suitable stand. Goodwill and such always have bookcases and such that can be trimmed down.