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Soda Machines, Coolers & Dispensers => Post 60's Machines & Coolers => Topic started by: hardate on January 05, 2014, 08:57:41 pm

Title: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: hardate on January 05, 2014, 08:57:41 pm
New to the site and vending machines, so I'll apologize up front for any incorrect terminology or dumb questions...I'll do my best to keep both to a minimum.

I recently acquired a Cornelius vending machine, a chest style machine.  It need a little work, so I was excited about finding this site and more importantly this forum.  I've done quite a bit of Googling and searching on the Internet looking for information, but it hasn't been a very easy task.  What has made this more difficult is I'm actually not sure what model of Cornelius this is...I definitely didn't expect to run into any issues there.  What is a little confusing to me is on the machine there are actually 2 tags with 2 different model numbers and I've struggled in finding information on either one.  Here are the model numbers and where they are located on the machine.  Any help with this initial question/task is greatly appreciated.

  - 33-6028-066 located on the back of the chest at the top
  - 33-5814-900 located on the front on the kick plate/base

Also the outside chest dimensions are 36.25" wide, 20.25" deep and 22.5" tall (not including lid), just in case that helps.

The other issue I'm looking to address with this machine is getting the coin mechanism working.  I know it's receiving power when the chest is plugged in and the coin mechanism is plugged into the cord inside of the machine.  I was able to find some information on the coin mechanism, at least I believe it is for the same model of solid state coin mechanism, which told me with switches 2 & 4 on the price is set to $0.50.  When any combination of coins totaling $0.50 is inserted nothing happens.  The coin mechanism appears to be complete, so I'm wondering if one of the boards on the sides of the coin chutes or the other one on the side of the coin accumulator might be bad.  Any help in troubleshooting this issue is also greatly appreciated.

The final topic regarding this machine is parts seem to be hard to find online.  Knowing the model number or correct model name should help with this search, but any suggestions on where I can locate parts would be very helpful.

Hopefully this isn't too many help requests for one thread...thank you in advance for any knowledge and/or insight.  If any pictures will help, let me know and I will get them added to this post.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: tkaz on January 05, 2014, 09:04:03 pm

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: hardate on January 05, 2014, 09:33:44 pm
Sorry the information in my original post wasn't enough helpful without pics.  Here are pics of the chest and both sides of the coin accumulator.  If more pics would be helpful, please let me know what I should take pics of and post.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: mznb1u on January 06, 2014, 08:45:02 pm
Welcome to the site. That is a Cornelius Compact 50. They seem to be pretty common here in MI. I have never owned one but I am sure somebody will jump in and answer your questions.


Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: hardate on January 06, 2014, 09:16:09 pm
Thanks for the response.  From the posts that I've read the Compact 50 seems to be the redheaded stepchild of soda vendors.  I initially suspected this was the model it was, but after finding the dimensions for a Compact 50 it didn't seem to match..wondered if it might be a Compact 60 since it has a can rack in it, but haven't found the dimensions for that model to match it up.

I'm really hoping I can get some insight and answers to my questions, because although this may be a cheap vending machine and not very sought after by collectors, I like the size of it and the can functionality is perfect for my needs and plans for it.  Also, like others in post about these Cornelius machines, its a good one to get my feet wet with.

Thanks again for the post.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: halehouse on January 06, 2014, 09:21:07 pm
I honestly have not seen one with an electric coin mech. Mine isn't electric in my Cornelius chest.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: tkaz on January 06, 2014, 09:25:52 pm
I can't help much with these coolers, but I can send you the manual and parts manual if you shoot me a PM with your email address in it.  There are some troubleshooting sections as well as wiring diagrams that might help out.

Again, not familiar with this machine, but with others, you have to have product in the vend area for the coin mech to take coins.  Do you have a bottle or can loaded into that area when you are dropping the coins in?

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: jholmgren on January 06, 2014, 09:36:07 pm
I honestly have not seen one with an electric coin mech. Mine isn't electric in my Cornelius chest.

Mine is not either, Dan.  Totally mechanical.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: hardate on January 06, 2014, 09:52:23 pm
From the documentation I've found on the coin mechanisms used in these machines, there are 2 different types.  One is called a Mechanical Modular Coin Mechanism and the other is called a Solid State Coin Mechanism.  The Solid State one is electrical while the other is not.  If anyone wants to check out the copy of the document just PM me an e-mail address and I'll send it.

I didn't notice any sensors involving the rack when I removed it to clean it up, but went ahead and loaded a few unopened cans of Bud Light in it and the coin mechanism still didn't work.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: CoinOpCrazy on January 09, 2014, 09:08:03 pm
I'm actually restoring one right now for a guy. Attempted to tell him it just wasn't worth restoring but to no avail. Some each his own I guess.
Cant help you with the mech that's the first I've seen one with a board in it like that. Do you have the light-up sign on it? they are always missing.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: hardate on January 09, 2014, 09:51:48 pm
It doesn't have a sign on it. It does have 2 sets of 4 marks near the top on the back of it...looks like they are marks where screws might go to hold a sign on it, but they are not holes or drilled out. There is also an outlet on the back of the base where maybe a light would plug in.

So far no one has seen a coin mech like this...hopefully someone has and can offer some insight.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: CoinOpCrazy on January 09, 2014, 10:03:34 pm
Yeah that would be where the sign would go. My best guess is that some of the machines didn't come with with one. Google the model or I can get a photo of the one I'll be painting once I go back to the shop. I think my father has one of them laying around he may be willing to sell if you wanted one.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: hardate on January 09, 2014, 10:41:57 pm
I'm interested in a sign for it. Want to keep the investment low, so definitely interested in a price.

I'd really like to get the coin mechanism working. I have a part diagram for it but it list the coin accumulator as one piece instead of breaking it down. Would like to find some one with a lead on parts for it or how I could go about troubleshooting it and maybe fixing it. A little concerned that no one has seen a solid state coin mech in one of these before...doesn't bode very well for parts or knowledge.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: tkaz on January 09, 2014, 10:55:27 pm
Here's a link to the PDF manual for the coin mechanism, not sure if you have this one yet, I just found it by searching the numbers from the other manuals I sent you:

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: hardate on January 09, 2014, 11:06:00 pm
Thanks. I did already find that one, and it does break down the coin accumulator some for the solid state coin mech but only gives the name of some of the parts for the accumulator which I haven't had any luck finding or finding the actual part numbers for yet. Again thanks for the help...looks like I'm going to need to do more searching online.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: MoonDawg on January 09, 2014, 11:21:29 pm
       I can't imagine why they would switch some models over to electronic except to vary price, but was the circuit board located inside the cold compartment?
       Keeping cost down, I would look into converting it back to manual vend, or disable the coin mech. and set it for freeplay.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: tkaz on January 09, 2014, 11:22:16 pm
Tough one, although I don't have the experience with them, if it was in my hands I could do some of the electrical troubleshooting of the circuits.  Where are you located?  Any aversion to switching to the mechanical mechanism if one became available?

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: hardate on January 10, 2014, 07:45:47 am
I'm located in Des Moines, Iowa.  I'd be ok with converting it back to a Mechanical Coin Mechanism.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: tkaz on January 10, 2014, 12:54:14 pm
There is one on Ebay right now, but it's untested.  With the amount of these that I see I'd say the price on it is way too high.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: tkaz on January 10, 2014, 09:43:34 pm
Curious on these, it doesn't seem like there's a place to get your rejected coins back, is that correct?

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: hardate on January 11, 2014, 08:06:01 am
If you put a coin in the wrong slot, like a nickel in the quarter slot for example, then that coin is returned in the tray below the coin insertion slots. Here's a picture of a penny, nickel and dime I put in the wrong slot laying in the tray I'm talking about.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: hardate on January 11, 2014, 08:26:48 am
So from what I can tell there appears to be 3 different models of the Cornelius slider chests, a 50, a 60 and a this correct? The 60 appears to be a can version, but it seems like all of them can be converted to cans. Mine is definitely one with a can rack in it, but neither of the 2 different model numbers on it have given me an indication to what model it definitely is. Is the model number an indicator as to how many cans or bottles the machine can hold? What I'm trying to do is identify the model which will help in looking for parts or a replacement coin mech. Although, maybe this doesn't matter because all these models us the same coin this point, this isn't something I know.

If there are other pics I could post that will help, please let me know and I will post. Like if the refrigeration outlet into the chest is setup differently or something like that between the different models.

One last question for the moment...if I am looking for coin mech or parts for one, is it best to post in the coin mech section of the forum?

Thanks for a your time and effort in helping with this, and your patience with my newbie questions.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: MoonDawg on January 11, 2014, 08:50:11 am
        As you have gathered, not many of us get involved in these sliders and even those who do are stumped by an electric coin mech.

       Since it may be a while before you aquire parts, it may be best to bypass the mech and use your machine as intended until then.

       To do that, just follow a coin through it's path, to see what makes it release the flapper.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: cohammer on January 11, 2014, 06:55:08 pm
I have one in my garage but has no coin mech , I thought everybody had a wood grain slider sitting around.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: jholmgren on January 11, 2014, 07:50:01 pm
I've got a pair of them taking up space in my basement here in PA.  Would love someone to take them off my hands. 

One cools but is in pretty rough shape, the other is better but doesn't cool.   Both have racks, one has a working (mechanical) coin mech.  Should be able to put together one good machine out of the pair.  That was my plan, was going to do a custom paint job.   I've got way more projects to tackle before I can even think about these, and I think I'd rather get a generic Glasco or Ideal slider to customize.


Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: CoinOpCrazy on January 15, 2014, 11:00:45 pm
I was not able to find the sign but I'm not done looking. Agh my stuff is scattered like his but ask me where any of my things are and I can take you right to them. I think I do remember the face being Coca Cola though and not Pepsi. So unless you wanted to make a new face it would pretty much look dumb on a Pepsi box.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: hardate on January 16, 2014, 08:31:23 am
My plan is not to keep this Pepsi, so what the current face is really doesn't matter.  Let me know if you find it and what the price is.  Thanks for your time and help.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: CoinOpCrazy on January 16, 2014, 12:43:29 pm
I stopped looking for the sign when he told me the price and said he really didn't want to sell it. He wants way more then the thing is worth. I just about got into it with him over it. $75 What can I say he's lost his mind. I have one that I would have sold you for nearly nothing but like I said I'm restoring a box for for a guy and it has to go on it. I'll keep my eyes open for another one. They pop up from time to time. Unless you want to pay that insane price of his. If I do find one how much are you looking to give for it? Personally I wouldn't give more then $10 to $15.

Title: Re: Need some help on a Cornelius chest machine
Post by: hardate on January 16, 2014, 01:11:31 pm
Thanks for checking.  I'm comfortable with the $10-$15 price.  As I said, I'm not concerned about what face or if it has a face in it, because I plan on making a custom one.