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The Coin Return => Other Coin-Op's => Topic started by: djmckay1 on November 10, 2013, 01:23:53 pm

Title: stoner candy restoration help
Post by: djmckay1 on November 10, 2013, 01:23:53 pm
I have a Stoner Candy Machine I am going to restore.  What is the best method without using sandblasting/auto body place for rust/paint stripping. Any advice or ideas from anyone would be greatly appreciated.  Also any reference to websites or videos with details would be great. I want to try and do this myself as a winter project.

Title: Re: stoner candy restoration help
Post by: Rebel on November 10, 2013, 01:59:00 pm
Not a fan of sandblasting either but other materials are fine such as soda or Walnut Shells. If you are doing this at home and no such equipment available there are several strippers out there that are very good. Make sure you use the stripper that bubbles paint in a minute or so and do small sections at a time so stripper doesn't start drying on you before you ease it off with Putty Knife and be careful not to gouge metal with knife while scraping. Start at top and work your way down. Be prepared for a real mess. I spread newspaper down before starting. As far as rust. If there is no rust through, you can get an abrasive wheel for an electric drill that works really well but will not remove rust in deeply pitted spots. I have used several different rust convertors and they work well but only on rusted areas as it can start rust in areas where they is none. It will turn area back where rusted which is your new surface for paint primer. If you have deep rust pits you'll need to use spot filler for those areas and not Bondo which will save you some sanding time. The spot putty already has the harder in it so no mixing required and can be used in areas where there is no bending or flexing but body filler is need if any deep dents.
I'm sure others will chime in here soon with more detail but this will give you an idea of getting started.

Title: Re: stoner candy restoration help
Post by: jbrumett on November 10, 2013, 02:09:22 pm
One stripper that works well for me is Kleen Strip Aircraft Paint Remover. Have always had great success with it. Just make sure you use gloves, long sleeve shirt and eye protection. You should be able to buy at your local automotive store.


Title: Re: stoner candy restoration help
Post by: MoonDawg on November 10, 2013, 02:52:21 pm
       Has it had a crappy repaint in the past that all needs to be removed?
       If not ..........don't get involved with stripping, sand the original paint smooth and proceed with your bodywork and primer.

Title: Re: stoner candy restoration help
Post by: HowDueYouDue on November 10, 2013, 04:38:40 pm
Have had very good experiences with 5F5 stripper

Title: Re: stoner candy restoration help
Post by: rayg on November 14, 2013, 09:36:07 pm
let's see some pics!

Title: Re: stoner candy restoration help
Post by: djmckay1 on November 14, 2013, 09:52:00 pm
I'm picking up Saturday in Chicago.  Will post after I get back to Pittsburgh.

Title: Re: stoner candy restoration help
Post by: djmckay1 on November 23, 2013, 12:53:43 pm
It has been repainted. Originally green, it was painted an off white. It is like a latex paint because I have been able to scrape it off easily with a blade.  Underneath the white seems to be a brown primer.  There are a bunch of dings and gouges some which are down to the bare metal.  Would I have to remove all of the old primer also in order to use either body filler or putty to repair dents?  Will it bond if the old primer is still on there?  still trying to upload pics