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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Slapshot42 on August 22, 2013, 09:45:14 am

Title: Said Goodbye to a Man's Best Friend!
Post by: Slapshot42 on August 22, 2013, 09:45:14 am
Said goodbye to my buddy yesterday! 

I had my dog Sparky for about 6 years.  Over the last few month he started growling, and snipping at my kids, and wife.  We took him to the vet and ran some test which came back negative. 

We did some research and found a local pet rescue.  Tough to see him go, but couldn't take any more chances!


Title: Re: Said Goodbye to a Man's Best Friend!
Post by: Seven181 on August 22, 2013, 10:04:36 am
Sorry to hear that! I went through the same think with my Dog, Smokey. He was a Dalmatian and 13 though and getting up there. Had to put him down in Jan. Replaced him with a new Dalmatian named.......Sparky! It sucks, but I agree you cant risk him doing something to your family.

Title: Re: Said Goodbye to a Man's Best Friend!
Post by: Rebel on August 22, 2013, 10:21:14 am
Sad day when a family member is gone. We have had ours for 12 years and is starting to have a little trouble getting up and moving around so we know time is coming and just can't think about it. Hang in there.

Title: Re: Said Goodbye to a Man's Best Friend!
Post by: Jim on August 22, 2013, 12:15:05 pm
Sorry to hear about this Jared!
As stated previously, would hate to see something terrible happen to a family member.
I hope Sparky gets a good home and you can find a more loveable dog in the near future...

Title: Re: Said Goodbye to a Man's Best Friend!
Post by: Slider-Bob on August 22, 2013, 04:31:20 pm
My heart goes out to you Jared. 

Tough losing a pet in any circumstance. 

Hang in the there...time will heal the pain you're experiencing now.

Title: Re: Said Goodbye to a Man's Best Friend!
Post by: rayg on August 23, 2013, 07:50:18 pm
Jared, Sorry for your lose... I had to put down my Jack Russell that I had for 13 years  this pass March..she had cancer and when she kept having stokes I couldn't let her suffer anymore she died..... peacefully.
It's hard and hurts for along time, but as Bob said it does get better over time
What also helped was a rescue dog from a foster home...for us. They are good and finding right home for the right dog.