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The Coin Return => Other Coin-Op's => Topic started by: jrwienri on May 31, 2013, 11:29:47 pm

Title: Seeberg 3W1 Wallbox Question
Post by: jrwienri on May 31, 2013, 11:29:47 pm
Just got a Seeberg 3W1 wallbox. My question is does it need to have power to it and or a coin inserted in order to depress the selector buttons?
Thanks, Jeff

Title: Re: Seeberg 3W1 Wallbox Question
Post by: oldskoolcoinop on June 01, 2013, 12:33:53 am
If I understand your question correctly, no, the buttons should press in easily as it sits. When hooked up and working correctly (which mine isn't so I can't be 100% sure), I believe once you insert a coin, a depressed letter and number would stay locked in until it cycles the selection to the main jukebox.

Title: Re: Seeberg 3W1 Wallbox Question
Post by: davethebirdman on June 01, 2013, 04:11:13 am

Oldskoolcoinop has it right. The buttons should be free..

Title: Re: Seeberg 3W1 Wallbox Question
Post by: Jim on June 01, 2013, 07:43:54 am
I believe once you insert a coin, a depressed letter and number would stay locked in until it cycles the selection to the main jukebox.
Correct, so it needs power from the Stepper/Selection Unit to function provided each particular piece of the system operates correctly.

Title: Re: Seeberg 3W1 Wallbox Question
Post by: jrwienri on June 01, 2013, 07:08:19 pm
Thanks, I have a 3WA that works that way, so when I got the 3W1 and the buttons would not depress I was not sure. Since my 3W1 buttons will not depress what should I look for?

Title: Re: Seeberg 3W1 Wallbox Question
Post by: davethebirdman on June 02, 2013, 02:37:22 am

Sorry Jeff not technically gifted enough to give you a definitive answer. Others here are though.

My thoughts are perhaps yours is half way through a cycle and the buttons have locked in.

If I get a chance I'll open up my 3W1 today and have a look.


Title: Re: Seeberg 3W1 Wallbox Question
Post by: oldskoolcoinop on June 02, 2013, 09:00:07 am
Do you have a key to open it? If not, how far out are the buttons sticking in relation to the cover? The buttons should normally protrude about a half inch in relation to the cover and about a quarter inch when depressed. Perhaps your buttons are all stuck in? I don't see anything that would mechanically prevent the buttons from being pressed if everything is moving freely. Even when making a selection, and one button is being held in, simply pressing another letter or number releases the one previously pressed in. So, I'm guessing and it really is just a guess, that you have possible rust or corrosion issues binding up the button shafts. Pics of that area with the cover removed would help if possible. Good luck!

Title: Re: Seeberg 3W1 Wallbox Question
Post by: jrwienri on June 02, 2013, 02:30:38 pm
I do have the key so I will take a look. I was told the unit was operational when I purchased it so not sure what's up. I have a 25 v transformer I can hook up to it and see what happens when I drop in a coin.  I will let you know and post a pic. Everything you say is how my 3WA works but I do not have a juke to hook up to. Plan on getting one of the IPod converters that use a wall box to select and play.
Thanks, Jeff

Title: Re: Seeberg 3W1 Wallbox Question
Post by: jrwienri on June 03, 2013, 02:45:10 pm
So I took a look and this is what I see. There is a bar that is connected to an arm from the motor drive that depresses a release for the buttons. See my photos below. If I depress the bar the buttons will depress but they do not latch. My 3WA latches. I think I need to power it up and see if the motor is in mid cycle like suggested by Dave. Or maybe this is the rest position before dropping in a coin? Was hoping someone might have one and they could tell me how theirs works.

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Title: Re: Seeberg 3W1 Wallbox Question
Post by: oldskoolcoinop on June 03, 2013, 05:18:01 pm
I believe Dave is correct as well now, you probably are in mid cycle. My motor rotates and swings that arm you are pointing to after a selection is made and it is pulsing the jukebox, locking the other buttons from being pressed at that time. I never noticed that before. Guess I just never tried. The buttons are locked only for a brief moment while cycling. Yours must just happen to be in the exact right position. Now we both know  8). Sorry for any confusion I may have caused. On the other hand, looks like a nice clean unit you have. Good luck!

Title: Re: Seeberg 3W1 Wallbox Question
Post by: jrwienri on June 03, 2013, 09:09:01 pm
Thanks, No confusion. I confused myself as my other box seems to work a little different... at least where it is in its cycle.