SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Pat Pixley on May 18, 2013, 09:49:05 pm

Title: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: Pat Pixley on May 18, 2013, 09:49:05 pm
Ok did a deal and bought some parts from a member that pops in and out once in a while  ( wont say the member name or parts I bought)  but was told I would get all these parts,  and we agreed  on a price.
Well got the packageand to my surprise I did not get these extra part (I thought I bought and was told I would get ) what I got was a  s**t load of packing     (I got enough to ship other packages for the next 5 months :Oo: ) and a few parts , and too boot this member zipped me on the shipping told me a price and pocketed the difference  ( I checked ).

 Shame on me for thinking  you were a ok person,  never thought you where lower than a snail's belly but you are.

 So I hope you rot  :censored:

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: mygoose101 on May 18, 2013, 09:57:30 pm
On something like this I would post members name or someone else would not have any protection of the same thing happening. We wouldn't buy parts off of e-bay with someone with a bunch of negative feedbacks. Just my thoughts.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: kbareit on May 19, 2013, 05:46:58 am
It's a shame this happens sometimes. I have bought a lot of parts and machines from members and have not had any problems. I have also sold some parts and alway's try to make sure that the deal is fair and the person who bought the parts is happy with them. On the shipping end you might want to look into getting a UPS or Fedex account. When I buy something I ask for the weight and box size and then send a shipping label therefore I don't get dinged on shipping. Just something to think about.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: cola62 on May 19, 2013, 06:56:00 am
I agree, post the name and let others know not to deal with this person, unless he agrees to make good on the deal.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: Larry on May 19, 2013, 09:05:27 am
Pat I believe that you need to go to some anger management classes.  :biggrin:  :tounge:  :biggrin:

That sucks that you didn't get what you were suppose to get.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: bcharlton on May 19, 2013, 09:10:47 am

Its a simple solution.  Post all of his information to ensure no one else gets #@$%^$ from this guy in the future.  If he would like to respond, that is entirely up to him.  Who knows, he may even end up doing the right thing.  Just my .02


Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: zadd on May 19, 2013, 09:40:49 am
Well on a positive note : atleast the parts that were shipped was well packed . :upside:

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: Kilroy on May 19, 2013, 10:19:47 am
Life isn't fair. Move on

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: halehouse on May 19, 2013, 11:27:02 am
Did he follow up with a reason why the other parts weren't sent?

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: cokecolaman on May 19, 2013, 11:32:01 am

I know this is a stupid question, but did you contact the member? I've made mistakes shipping stuff to people and would want the opportunity to fix it...but I couldn't if I didn't know about it...maybe the person doesn't know that all the parts weren't in the box...could have got confused with all the packing materials! Just my two cents.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: SSmoothie on May 19, 2013, 01:26:24 pm
Yes this could be a mistake on his part, if not it would be nice to have a feedback area not only for the bad but the good sellers also.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: globalcompressors on May 19, 2013, 01:47:11 pm
well, I've always said... you get what you pay for.

Hope you get your parts there.. Pat.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: HowDueYouDue on May 19, 2013, 01:51:35 pm
Post his info and give him a chance to rectify it.

At a minimum, no one else gets burned if it wasn't an oversight.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: jbrooks on May 19, 2013, 02:01:21 pm
by not calling him out, you are protecting him and not protecting the honest members on here...if it was an intentional act

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: davethebirdman on May 19, 2013, 03:45:47 pm

You guys love the smell of blood...

I would rather think it was an oversight and that anything done wrong will be put right without all the limelight.

Perhaps that's the Brit in me..


Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: halehouse on May 19, 2013, 04:30:17 pm
You guys love the smell of blood...

I would rather think it was an oversight and that anything done wrong will be put right without all the limelight.

Perhaps that's the Brit in me..


That's why I asked if the other person had responded to give a reason why the parts weren't included.
What was the reason?

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: cohammer on May 19, 2013, 05:58:55 pm
All right if we are going to have a fair fight lets have both sides in the ring.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: Jeffmon on May 19, 2013, 06:48:19 pm
The problem with feedback on a forum such as this one, is that you run the risk of seriously unbalanced people leaving negative feedback for the silliest things, for example getting busy as we all do and not responding to a message withing 6 days  :glare: just saying... It would almost have to be monitored and I'm sure the moderators have way better and more important things to do then monitor members disputes, 99.9 % of every member I've ever talked to or had any type of dealings with on this forum have been great, mature intelligent adults, I just don't see the need for it ! However, with that being said, blatantly getting defrauded by another member or guest definitely warrants having there name outed so other good members don't eventually share the same faith !

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: mznb1u on May 21, 2013, 11:39:13 pm
Sorry to be late to chime in on this one but I have been away from the site for a few days.  Finally closed a deal on a few parts with another member and got rid of a s**tload of packing material in the process.  Even made a killing on the shipping--great deal all the way around.   :blush: :biggrin:  :laugh:

Just yanking your chain Pat!

In all seriousness, I would never do that to another member.  I have sold parts, bought parts and even been given parts by other guys here and things have always worked out.  If this was not an oversight by the other member or some form of miscommunication, I think you need to call the person out.  Obviously, there are two sides to every story but throwing out a rant with a hint of "who done it" mixed in doesn't do anything to prevent these things from happening to somebody else.

On any deal big or small, it is akways a good idea to get it in writing.  Get specific pricing and what is included for that price.  That way there are no surprises over upcharges or parts not included, etc.  You wouldn't think you should have to do that on every little deal but these days, you never know.

My two cents anyway!


Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: vintage-air on May 24, 2013, 08:11:13 am
My opinion with any conflict with someone else is "seek first to understand, then be understood" Don't assume anything. But i can't understand why you would pay his quoted shipping price and then find out after the fact it was cheaper than he quoted and be angry about it. Just seems odd to me. I'm sure the extra parts were an oversight but if it was intentional, shame on him. In any online transaction, there is a certain level of trust given to each party but that's just part of doing business.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: Pat Pixley on May 25, 2013, 09:28:34 pm
just a note on this  deal the person was not happy about the post, he  Emailed , text and a call then on the second call  I took.  He was pitching a fit
 and said he could not  go on the site anymore,  well I told him  no name where put out there , He told me he did not cheat me on the shipping
 and the part he said he never promised  those to me  I said I have the Email  with the list,  there was a quit moment on the other end of the phone
and then he said he will check into those parts . fast forward   said he sold those part but next parts that come in are mine  (we will see)

Not going to post the name on the site because this person is a popular person on this site, and there is to many little clicks here  that could cause more problems   so I will not do that it not worth it ,  It is done  .

Just be leery of who you deal with. 

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: mygoose101 on May 25, 2013, 09:33:44 pm
Good riddance.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: sodaworks on May 26, 2013, 12:41:43 pm
It would still be interesting to know who and why did this.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: rayg on May 27, 2013, 12:25:48 pm
I can see why Pat got upset, to me it's a matter of trust, we would like to feel that we can trust other members of this forum.  I personally had a good experience buying for a fellow SMC member. I brought a Stoner from member mznb1u "Tim" and you couldn't ask for a more honest guy. He gave me a great deal and put up with me being new and a little leery at the time.

With that say,  based on the issues Pat had it might be a good thing to get everything in writing (email) with pics of the items,  so there are no misunderstandings.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: Creighton on May 29, 2013, 04:25:39 am
>>He was pitching a fit and said he could not go on the site anymore,

Well that appears to be more bull!%@$, back to posting away like nothing has happened. Very lame dude.

Own up, explain your side or get the f* off. I don't care which.

Not the place it used to be sadly.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: dr galaga on May 29, 2013, 05:00:19 am
Good luck Pat. I have had many good selling/buying experiences here and one bad one. Shipped an item and never got payment. Thank goodness it was a small $$$$ item.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: VMAXMAN on May 29, 2013, 06:30:36 am
Good luck Pat. I have had many good selling/buying experiences here and one bad one. Shipped an item and never got payment. Thank goodness it was a small $$$$ item.
Dont mean to be a dick, but that was your own fault.
Sorry if that sounds harsh
but I never ship anything without payment 1st..

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: davethebirdman on May 29, 2013, 06:37:03 am
Thankfully I have only ever had great experiences. I only wish I could return the favour more often. Great bunch of people here.

Title: Re: Just a bit of a Rant
Post by: dr galaga on May 30, 2013, 04:47:26 am
Dont mean to be a dick, but that was your own fault.
Sorry if that sounds harsh
but I never ship anything without payment 1st..
Long back story. It was a pretty established person, back when it was a much smaller group here.