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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Pat Pixley on May 05, 2013, 10:49:19 pm

Title: Lost a family member today
Post by: Pat Pixley on May 05, 2013, 10:49:19 pm
Lost my dog Otis this morning  he suffered what the vet said was something like a heart attack,  
 it been a hard day.   :down:

( (

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: Slapshot42 on May 05, 2013, 10:51:11 pm
Always tough to lose a man's best friend!  Hope you will have some good memories!


Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: BONOVOX on May 05, 2013, 10:52:01 pm
Sorry to hear about this Pat.

I know what you're going through, as a couple of weeks ago I lost my cat Rudy who I had in my life for 16 years.
As I do, just remember the good times you had with Otis, and know that you gave him a great life.


Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: smith on May 05, 2013, 10:53:11 pm
Mans best Friend, I have a few dogs, so I know. Remember the good times.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: tkaz on May 05, 2013, 10:53:42 pm
Sorry to hear that Pat, I'm sure he had a great life hanging around you

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: rayg on May 05, 2013, 11:27:52 pm
Pat, I know the feeling .....I lost my dog last month.....Sorry for your lose. but as smith said  remember
the good times helps!!

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: BrianS on May 06, 2013, 12:14:24 am
Sorry to hear of your loss.  Been through that before, and they really do become part of the family.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: 90grad on May 06, 2013, 05:51:22 am
Pat, I am so sorry.  Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: cola62 on May 06, 2013, 06:42:10 am
Sorry to hear that Pat.  Was he an Alaskan Mallamute?  Looks like it from the picture.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: Ltransam on May 06, 2013, 07:10:34 am

Pat ,

   Sorry to hear that  :down: I know that he was a great friend ! And A big part of your family. You will Always have Memories ..

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: Slider-Bob on May 06, 2013, 07:30:16 am
Sorry for your loss Pat.  I know I cried for days when my cat of 16 years passed.  Never easy...but over time your pain eases...the memories will carry you and Cindy through this difficult time.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: bcharlton on May 06, 2013, 07:34:15 am
Sorry for your loss Pat.  My sister just put down her dog of 15 years.  It was awful.


Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: jholmgren on May 06, 2013, 08:43:42 am
My deepest condolences Pat.  Tina and I have both had dogs our entire lives, we have 3 right now, so I know what you are going through they do become part of the family.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: Seven181 on May 06, 2013, 09:27:19 am
Sorry Pat! I know the feeling, having to put my Smokey (Dalmatian) down in Jan. Remember the good times!


Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: collecture on May 06, 2013, 09:33:12 am
Sorry for your loss Pat!

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: Jacko1070 on May 06, 2013, 10:23:26 am
Sorry for your loss Pat:

Went through the same thing myself last year. Bailey, my dog of 17 years had to be put to sleep as her old legs couldn't carry her anymore.   I was devastated as the two of us went everywhere together.  My comprimise was that I had her creamated and I spead her ashes around the loop that we always walk at my cottage on Lake Winnapausaukee in NH that overlooks the lake.   Now I can go for our walk and talk with her when I miss her and she's always with me.   Got a new little guy now, Arlo, who helps to keep me occupied.............very occupied.   Found that the house is just too quiet without a pooch following me around.  This is one of my favorite pix of my old girl and my daughter........

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: Blind1968 on May 06, 2013, 12:05:12 pm
Pat, Sorry to hear of your loss. In our prayers.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: mznb1u on May 06, 2013, 12:52:40 pm
Very sorry to hear about the loss of your dog, Pat. It is also very tough when you lose a family pet. Hang in there.


Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: jbrooks on May 06, 2013, 12:53:40 pm
It's terrible when they are gone.  Mine is being diagnosed right now with what they think is Cushings disease.  Hopefully he will just have to go on medication but your loss makes it scarier, beleive me I know what you're  feeling.  Always remember though that you gave your dog the best life he could have had, that'sthe motto we live by with our dog.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: Creighton on May 06, 2013, 01:48:29 pm
That's terrible. So sorry.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: Jeffmon on May 06, 2013, 04:07:21 pm
Sorry to hear about your loss, I also have a Malamute, I could not imagine loosing him, they are amazing and loyal companions, remember and cherish the memories of great times shared together, it will help you through these hard times !

Jeff !

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: Swachtelncc on May 06, 2013, 04:52:34 pm
Sorry for your lose Pat , we had to put our 17 yr old puppy to sleep in Febuary just couldn't walk anymore:(( we also had her cremated and put In her favorite spot so the kids know she's watching over them.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: kbareit on May 06, 2013, 05:48:34 pm
Sorry to hear such sad news.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: David D on May 06, 2013, 09:24:36 pm
Very sorry to hear about your loss

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: Pat Pixley on May 06, 2013, 11:46:39 pm
Thanks everybody,   you know i said to myself  you have done this before  you will get through this and come out the other side  OK .
Im telling you what this one is hard  .

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: jholmgren on May 07, 2013, 10:25:38 am
Thanks everybody,   you know i said to myself  you have done this before  you will get through this and come out the other side  OK .
Im telling you what this one is hard  .

I feel your loss Pat - we lost our 3 year old black lab (Tiki) to liver failure about 2 years ago.  She was perfectly healthy in every way until her liver just quit for no known reason.  We did everything we could for her, but to no avail - less than 3 weeks after diagnosis we had to put her to sleep. 

She was the most wonderful and lovable dog I've ever had, she was a big goofy 80 lb Lab who thought she was a lap dog.  I am actually getting a little misty-eyed just typing this and remembering her.  I'm 43 years old and I cried my eyes out at work when I had to make the final call to the vet.  It's one thing when the dog has had a good full life, it's another to have her stolen away from you.

You'll get through it.  When it starts to hurt just a little less, go get yourself a puppy.  It won't be a replacement, but it will be someone new to share life with and help take your mind off it.


Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: cokemachinesandmore on May 08, 2013, 07:16:35 am
Sorry for your loss, I too recently lost my boxer of 13 years. i think of him everyday. they are just like family

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: Jonathan816 on May 08, 2013, 08:42:34 am
Sorry for your loss.  Always stinks losing a dear and close friend.   Nothing replaces their unconditional love they give.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: jbrooks on May 08, 2013, 08:52:37 am
I agree a puppy is the way to go.  The perfect dog is waiting for you to rescue it.  It will not be the same as Otis but just as special in its own way.

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: Jim on May 08, 2013, 09:23:01 pm
I'm out of town and limited to internet access, but wanted to let you know I'm saddened to hear about your loss...
It's always tough to lose a family member

Title: Re: Lost a family member today
Post by: flippa on May 09, 2013, 12:54:21 pm
Sorry for your loss Pat