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Soda Machines, Coolers & Dispensers => Post 60's Machines & Coolers => Topic started by: loman4ec on December 02, 2004, 04:16:04 pm

Title: Bought another cavalier 64
Post by: loman4ec on December 02, 2004, 04:16:04 pm
Well last night I bought another cavalier 64. This is an F model. I was working in my storage unit when a guy pulls up and asks if I buy old machines. I obviously said yes. He knew nothing about it other than he thought it was from the 70's. He only wanted $50 so I told him I would be there in a few hours. I don't know yet if it cools or not but I have a few spare cavalier cooling systems that work so I don't really care. It is solid and rust free but it has a nasty dent on the top. What year was the F model made in? I believe it is an earlier model. The thing that suprises me is that the wiring looks new, as well as the paint on the inside. I just hope that I can pull the dent on the top.

Title: Bought another cavalier 64
Post by: loman4ec on December 02, 2004, 04:16:53 pm

Title: Bought another cavalier 64
Post by: on December 02, 2004, 05:18:34 pm
Nice find for 50 bucks.

You mentioned that you had a few spare cavalier cooling systems, I was wondering would you be willing to sell one to me, as I need one for my CS-80?  They are the same cooling systems as the CS-64.


Title: Bought another cavalier 64
Post by: loman4ec on December 02, 2004, 06:47:08 pm
I only have one that cools and it is going to go in this machine. I have several that are nice and working but do not cool. I will check on this one and if it works I will get back to you about the spare. I am starting to learn my lesson on selling parts. Just a few weeks ago I had two complete cavalier 64 machines for parts and sold everything and now I need two shelves. Oh well. I have a lead on a newer Cav 64 that I might use the cabnet as a doner for this one and steal its shelves.

Title: Bought another cavalier 64
Post by: loman4ec on December 02, 2004, 06:49:36 pm
I just thought of this. The newer 64 cools as well so if I get it I will have a spare cooling system. Send me an email at

Title: Bought another cavalier 64
Post by: on December 02, 2004, 07:54:11 pm
If it is any easier you could put it on ebay as a buy it now, and I could pay you through Paypal.

It is no rush, I would like to buy it within a month or two.  I have no time to work on the machine now anyways, since I'm busy with finals and stuff.

How do you find machines??  I am having a hard time finding machines around here, go figure though, I live in Iowa the area I am from only has around 100,000 people.  Any tips on finding some old machines would be great, I know there have to be some around.

Title: Bought another cavalier 64
Post by: loman4ec on December 02, 2004, 09:38:53 pm
I just keep an ad running in the local newspaper. I place it in the antiques section. In the beginning I couldn't stop my phone from ringing. There were alot of people who thought that their 70's push button machine was worth $2,000, but I was in all able to buy about 15 machines so far and thats just in the last year and a half. I am also going to look at buying three more tomorrow. I am lucky enough to have a Dad with the same intrests and was willing to give me a loan to buy alot of these machines. You should do fine even in a small town. I have mostly bought my machines from farmers. They have mostly just sit in barns for years. I am looking forward to moving north next month, I am tired of all of the rust here in Florida.

Title: Bought another cavalier 64
Post by: on December 03, 2004, 01:41:07 am
Yeah, i think I'll probably put an ad in the paper next month sometime, that's when I get my surplus check from school :).  Anyhow, thanks for the tip!