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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: collecture on April 28, 2013, 06:40:06 pm

Title: 10c change-giver decal - different ones?
Post by: collecture on April 28, 2013, 06:40:06 pm
I had a customer ask me the other day if the decal he had for his 81D was correct. His other machine was a V-80 and he was questioning the one he got because they were the same, yet the 81D has a crank handle. Both of his decals say "Deposit 2 Nickels, Dime or Quarter (Receive Change Below).

He said he found one that said "Insert 2 Nickels or Dime - Press Handle Down-Release", but not one that included the quarter AND have the "Press Handle Down-Release" part.

I was sure he just missed it, so I browsed the suppliers sites and only found the one pictured on the bottom below. I even went through the Steve Ebner era Fun-Tronics catalog and not there either.

So I go out to my bezels and I find a Vendo bezel that has the reproduced decal, but my VMC bezel decal has the elusive one that says "Insert 2 Nickels, Dime or Quarter - Press Handle Down-Release".

Anybody else ever notice this difference in decals?

Title: Re: 10c change-giver decal - different ones?
Post by: Slapshot42 on April 28, 2013, 07:29:47 pm
Funny you mention that Ron (cokecolaman) and I were discussing that last weekend during his visit.

I would of never noticed the differences!


Title: Re: 10c change-giver decal - different ones?
Post by: cokecolaman on April 28, 2013, 08:16:18 pm
Tom, I've seen them on 81D's also...I couldn't find them at the two main suppliers so I had a handful made. I will send you a picture.

Title: Re: 10c change-giver decal - different ones?
Post by: Jeffmon on April 30, 2013, 05:10:29 pm
My 81D also has the " press handle down and release " but I had a  updated V83 with the large coin door and same bezel as the 81D that had the other version, wondering if they just substituted sometimes when  they ran  out of the press handle down version ?

Title: Re: 10c change-giver decal - different ones?
Post by: Creighton on April 30, 2013, 05:18:55 pm
My 56 has the press and release. Would like to buy two if possible.

Title: Re: 10c change-giver decal - different ones?
Post by: Jeffmon on April 30, 2013, 05:53:22 pm
Actually I didn't want to ask lol but if you are selling a few I would definitely  take two as well !

Title: Re: 10c change-giver decal - different ones?
Post by: collecture on April 30, 2013, 07:16:00 pm
Looks like you will need to make a few more Ron!  :biggrin: :laugh:

Title: Re: 10c change-giver decal - different ones?
Post by: cokecolaman on April 30, 2013, 07:27:56 pm
I want to say first of all, I'm not looking to profit off selling a few decals and I don't want to take business away from Funtronics or SJW...also, the decals don't have the thick backing like the suppliers decals. The material is thin and it tends to raise at the edges...when I applied mine, I used a heat gun to warm the surface and decal and that took care of the raised edges. That being said, I really like the look of the decals and I'm willing to sell one or two to anybody that wants to try one. I will have to buy 10 or twenty at a time...I'm guessing with shipping it should be $4 or $5 for one or about $9 for two. I will post a picture in a little while. You can contact me at


Title: Re: 10c change-giver decal - different ones?
Post by: Creighton on April 30, 2013, 08:08:25 pm
Good for you respecting the sponsors. I see no problem selling something that is not available elsewhere.
Will send an email.

Title: Re: 10c change-giver decal - different ones?
Post by: cokecolaman on May 06, 2013, 08:51:52 pm
I had ten made... let me know if you need one.


Title: Re: 10c change-giver decal - different ones?
Post by: Jeffmon on May 06, 2013, 09:14:22 pm
Hi Ron, if you have a few left I will definitely take two... Zip 14303, let me know what I owe you and your PayPal so I can pay it... Thanks !

Jeff !