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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Larry on April 20, 2013, 12:10:58 pm

Title: Flood
Post by: Larry on April 20, 2013, 12:10:58 pm
Well, my basement flooded for the first time in twenty four years.  :oh:  :Oo: I guess hundred year old sewer pipes and 5" of rain will do that.  Does anyone need any parts for numerous electromechanical and vending machines?  Actually, I was able to keep up with the water.  My lovely wife stayed up with me all night manning the pumps.  My Skill Roll and Atari Pole Position got wet on the bottom, and seepage came up under my carpet by my Wurlitzer Princess.  All machines were saved.

If we didn't stay with it we would of easily had at least ten inches if not more.  My roulette machine would have been toast, plus my other consoles.  My uncle had ten inches of sewage, he's a block from me.  Our alley is littered with carpets.  We washed our carpet last night and today.  At least I didn't have to trash it.  I plugged up the sewer and had a stand pipe in the one drain, all seepage, no nasty sewage.  Yeah!!

How'd everyone else make out?

Title: Re: Flood
Post by: jholmgren on April 20, 2013, 12:54:16 pm
Wow Larry - glad to hear all turned out OK.  We had a fairly heavy night of rain here in PA, but thankfully no flooding.

Title: Re: Flood
Post by: kbareit on April 20, 2013, 03:25:41 pm
Glad to hear you didn't have serious flooding and nothing was damaged. I had a bad flood a couple years ago within days of moving into my house. we had 8" of snow on a friday followed with a warm up and 3" of rain on a monday morning. I had 4 feet of water in my basement and lost everything as we had alot of stuff stored there till we were ready for it.
I did get it pumped out and had everything running that evening. The furnace,water heater,washer and drier and the well pump. I corrected all the reasons it flooded and will start working on my play area soon so I can bring my machines and games down.

Title: Re: Flood
Post by: Pat Pixley on April 20, 2013, 04:07:41 pm
Well thank god you saved everything Larry :smile: back yard is pretty wet some standing water down at the bottom of the hill  I have a pine tree that is on that slop that is leaning  a little bit more that normal and a few more roots that have show up :Oo:

Title: Re: Flood
Post by: Ltransam on April 20, 2013, 08:12:05 pm
Larry ,

  I'm really glad that you & KIm were able to keep up with it and salvage everything .  :hopefull: I hope everything is in full operation for our yearly visit .I think that there may? Be a new face or two this year .

Sue & I had water come threw the cracks in the floor because of 3weeks of rain about 10 years ago due to hyrdastatic pressure . We had just redid the tile floor in one room .but like you we're we're able to save the carpet due to it only being Fresh water .

If you need anything CALL me .

Title: Re: Flood
Post by: Jim on April 20, 2013, 08:33:52 pm
Glad to hear you only had minimal damage and was able to keep the sump pump(s) running or it may have been much worse...
Lets hope things stay dry for another 24 yrs ! ! !

Title: Re: Flood
Post by: sc1101 on April 20, 2013, 09:08:37 pm
Glad to hear you were able to save the machines. This post makes me think. I'm just finishing my basement for the new gameroom. I've only been here a year and no water as of yet but it makes me think is there some precautions I should be taking? Planning ahead may not be a bad idea.

Title: Re: Flood
Post by: TomFromJersey on April 20, 2013, 09:09:53 pm
  Glad to hear you made it through virtually unscathed. I do believe I need to find my way over to your place this November!

Title: Re: Flood
Post by: Larry on April 21, 2013, 10:18:36 am
I was happy that all I had was clean water.  Everyone else, across the alley and down some other blocks, had sewage.  The carpets needed a good cleaning anyway!  That will be my looking on the bright side quote for the day.  :biggrin:  

kbareit That's a lot of water.  I had a similar situation, but not as bad, when we first moved in here.  We just bought the house and moved everything downstairs, so I could get the first floor cleaned and painted before we officially moved in.  I was living here fixing it up while my wife stayed at home with her parents.  The front street was inaccessible because the main sewers, under the street, were being replaced.  So the streets were torn up. I did not have any possesions then, just a VMC72, a Westinghouse chest cooler, a 1015 One More Time jukebox, that we won off of a radio contest, and a chair that my friends dad threw out in the alley.  Just the necessities of life.  My wife had cannisters full of old dolls that she collected down there too.

It rained and because there were no sewers, we flooded.  Luckily the jukebox was in the back corner of the house.  It is the highest point.  I had over a foot most of the basement.  The compressors were under water, no power on.  The jukebox had water just below the speaker.  My wife's stuff was floating around, the metal drums opened up.  So everything was destroyed except for my jukebox and two Coke machines.  We haven't flooded since then.

My house has no sump pump, just drains.  We actually used our pool skimmer pump, to keep up with the seepage.  The most we had was about four inches in the back when I woke up at 3 A.M. to check.  So we had to turn the pump on, then off, let it fill up a little, on, off, on, off, all night long.  I'd rather lose sleep than my stuff.

So overall, it was a good flood.

Tom I would love to have you come over and join the party.  Like I said before, it's not anything real special, just some vending machines and games.  It's more about the pizza, beer, and good friends getting together. The more the merrier.  :happydrinkers:  :drinking:  :Oo:  (This is all of us toasting, drinking, and how we'll look the next morning :laugh: )

Title: Re: Flood
Post by: Seven181 on April 21, 2013, 08:33:39 pm

Glad that you saved everything. You have a great game room! Let's hope that you get no more close calls for the next 48 years! Let's double it to make sure!


Title: Re: Flood
Post by: collecture on April 22, 2013, 09:35:50 am
Glad you got your carpet cleaned Larry!
Next time be a little more pre-active and move everything upstairs the day before you think it might flood.
If it floods, then you can sleep in without worry! :biggrin:

Title: Re: Flood
Post by: cohammer on April 22, 2013, 11:45:44 am
I hope every one is OK , The flood Waters seem to be at a substantial dept.