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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: BrianS on December 05, 2012, 12:15:42 am

Title: What kind of rivet is this?
Post by: BrianS on December 05, 2012, 12:15:42 am
Does anyone recognize this style of rivet?  Trying to put some pieces back together tand would like to maintain some consistency.  Been to all the Big Box stores, some Small Hometown stores, Fastenal, and a local machine shop.  Nobody can tell me so I am turning to the great expertise of SMC. This is the bottom side, top side is a smooth domed cap. Anyone??

Title: Re: What kind of rivet is this?
Post by: BrianB on December 05, 2012, 07:07:03 am
From the picture you provided, it looks like a semi-tubular rivet which means that a portion of the rivet shaft is hollow and is pressed in place using a rivet press which compresses and flares the hollow portion drawing the riveted materials tightly together if done properly.

Title: Re: What kind of rivet is this?
Post by: collecture on December 05, 2012, 09:49:22 am
From the picture you provided, it looks like a semi-tubular rivet which means that a portion of the rivet shaft is hollow and is pressed in place using a rivet press which compresses and flares the hollow portion drawing the riveted materials tightly together if done properly.

I agree - semi-tubular

Title: Re: What kind of rivet is this?
Post by: davin72 on December 05, 2012, 04:30:47 pm
I have about 10000000 of those  in different sizes here at work and could help you out but you would also need a rivet machine to crimp in down right. Your best bet is to find someone in your area who would reline brake shoes for things like busses and semis. They will have the rivets and the machine to do it. Otherwise you could send it to me here in Texas and I could have it done in about 10 minutes.

Title: Re: What kind of rivet is this?
Post by: davin72 on December 05, 2012, 04:33:06 pm
 Plus whoever did that (factory im sure) used to long of a rivet and thats why it looks like a Pac Man. It should have rolled over perfect if they had used the right size.

Title: Re: What kind of rivet is this?
Post by: BrianS on December 05, 2012, 11:29:05 pm
I knew you guys would know the answer.  Searching for tubular rivets I can find lots of pics, but with just a generic rivet search all that comes up is about a bazzillion blind rivot photos.  Even the rivet mfgs only show "before" pics, couldn't find the right "after" pic.  Now I'm off to find a source for recrimping.  I only have to do 10 to complete my project so hopefully I find a source.  Thanks for the offer and the info Davin, hopefully I can find something nearby.

Title: Re: What kind of rivet is this?
Post by: collecture on December 06, 2012, 09:10:08 am
Try Hanson Rivet....
I bought their bench riveter a few years ago, but they also offer a manual set that works well for small jobs.

Title: Re: What kind of rivet is this?
Post by: Fire708 on December 06, 2012, 11:41:33 am
Since I only had a few rivets to do myself I made something similar to this,

Total cost was about $40 including two sets of used dies.

You can also find hand clinchers on eBay for about $80 but no dies.