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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: tkaz on September 30, 2012, 09:50:00 pm

Title: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: tkaz on September 30, 2012, 09:50:00 pm
I inquired about a Westy Standard outside of Baltimore, finally got a

Hi Tom....I "plugged in" the coke cooler  to see if it was "operable"...It does "run", where I can hear the "compressor in operation", but I can "Not Guarantee" how long this coke machine will "continue to operate" once you would decide to purchase "it"....I would "hate" for you to take the long drive down to Baltimore and be "displeased" with what you would observe with this "machine"...As I had mentioned before about the "lid"; it is made up of "plywood" ( it could be "marine plywood" but I can Not guarantee that either; this is the way that I "received it".....I was hoping to find a "replacement lid" for this one coke machine of mine if I would decide to keep "it" if I can Not get my:  "asking price"......I am Not a "collector", Nor am I a  "dealer"; this coke machine was a "trade" that was done some 10 to 15 years ago for a 400 dollar  "barter"....When my sister posted this coke machine (the "first time" on Craig's list),  I wanted  400 dollars for this  coke machine but had very little calls;  with: "one show", but "no go"; so  my "sister" renewed the Craig's list add  for the "second time" (once the "add had expired"), where "it"  was lowered to the price of:  "300 dollars" (Without asking me"); so I will stick to this "amount" for "You" since you had apparently viewed the price for "300 dollars"....  I will NOT  lower the price if I for some reason you would want to negotiate for a "lower price" than my asking price of 300 dollars... I just wanted to make myself clear on this matter so there are "No issues" or "hard feelings"  when you "might arrive".. ( with all due respect )......My sister "renewed" this add (for a "third time") where "it" is posted at "350 dollars"; I guess she does Not "hear too good" when I said that I want 400 dollars for "it".....I guess my sister wants me to sell this coke machine to get it out of our Mom's yard?.......anyway....If you would want to call me before taking your trip (which I would suggest if  "I were in your shoes" ) so you can ask any further questions regarding this "coke machine of mine"....I hope that you are satisfied with what I have wrote in "this email"...If for some reason that you would not want to contact me; then there is No hard feelings on "my part"......Respectfully: Ted K....If you want to post "your telephone #, then I would be willing to call you in the "evening hours" to keep my "long distant bill" at a "discounted rate"....I am Not available "all day" to receive phone calls, so you would have to leave a message to let me know the "best time to call You" with ( of course ) "your telephone # )......Thanks again for reading my email....

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: SIGNGUY on September 30, 2012, 09:56:32 pm
"Wow",, that is quite the "Interesting Email".!

It "might" be "Interesting" to go see "His Machine", just to see what kind of "nutjob", "he" is.

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: jholmgren on September 30, 2012, 10:01:43 pm
I "work" in "Baltimore" if you woud like to have "someone" take a "look" at "it" for "You".


Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: tkaz on September 30, 2012, 10:10:17 pm
Here's the "ad", not sure its "worth" the "money"

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: Pat Pixley on September 30, 2012, 10:11:22 pm
WOW!!!   come by ! Don't come by he needs to make up his mind.   Or he should check with the other personality that he has   :help:   :oh:

 If you go take a bag of peanuts for the nut within him  :wow: .

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: jholmgren on September 30, 2012, 10:15:02 pm
Yeah, I think I'd "pass".


Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: Blind1968 on October 01, 2012, 09:58:53 am
WOW, This guy has some issues. I would pass.

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: cohammer on October 01, 2012, 03:47:20 pm
The part I like is they want it out of the yard

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: jbachman2 on October 01, 2012, 04:14:35 pm
Wow, I think I want to punch that guy in the face after "reading that".

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: BONOVOX on October 01, 2012, 04:33:51 pm
This is the type of guy that "air quotes" everything he says when talking to him at a party.

He seems like a neurotic type of person.

I would bring someone with you if you are to go see him "lol"

" :happydrinkers:"

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: tkaz on October 01, 2012, 04:35:39 pm
If there was ever a time for a Chris Farley video, this is it!

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: MaineT on October 01, 2012, 04:42:30 pm
And the irony is his ad is like 7 words long?!?!   :tounge:

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: halehouse on October 01, 2012, 04:52:22 pm
If there was ever a time for a Chris Farley video, this is it!

I was just going to look that video up, then I saw you beat me to it!

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: mygoose101 on October 01, 2012, 06:51:33 pm
He lost me at hello.

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: MoonDawg on October 01, 2012, 07:11:03 pm
      If his sister wrote the ad, it was breif and to the point.
Maybe he would be better off to let his "sister" respond to the e-mails too.

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: kbareit on October 01, 2012, 07:13:43 pm
I like his combination of using quotation marks and parentheses. A literary style like no other, a Master. :tounge:

Title: Re: The quote key might be worn out after this...
Post by: Slider-Bob on October 01, 2012, 07:45:03 pm
If you had an issue with what he was selling, it would be hard to "quote" him. 

I got annoyed reading his response, and when I was done reading it, I realized that I had lost 60 seconds of my life that I would never get back again!