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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: kbareit on September 12, 2012, 07:47:42 pm

Title: I Hate Thieves !!!
Post by: kbareit on September 12, 2012, 07:47:42 pm
 :darn: I showed up on a job today to repair a walk in freezer that had a leak and change filters and a basic PM on the HVAC equipment when I got on the roof to discover some idiots stripped all the coils and copper pipe from all the units. The owner is a good customer and just bought this building to open a donut shop. I felt so bad for him and he said I would get the work to replace everything but that is not the way I wanted to get some more work. I know they won't catch these idiots but in a rare case I hope they try it on one of the new high pressure systems and get what's coming to them.

Title: Re: I Hate Thieves !!!
Post by: SIGNGUY on September 12, 2012, 10:26:53 pm
Pretty sure they are not stealing it to use in another cooling system,, I'd  bet 99.9% chance it's for scrap money....

amazing what Meth will make you do ... I here alot of that up around us... crazy

Title: Re: I Hate Thieves !!!
Post by: briandr1 on September 12, 2012, 10:44:09 pm
damn methoskeezeacks will steal anything even its nailed down

Title: Re: I Hate Thieves !!!
Post by: Roadman on September 13, 2012, 06:42:30 am
complete losers do that stuff!    A lot of copper tubing was stolen from the workyard at my wife's company a few months back, it is amazing the amount of work these guys did cutting through a fence, special oversized trucks to carry the long tube, etc. ANyway, they DID find at least one or two of the culprits...they tried to sell the tubing locally to a scrap dealer that handles work for my wife's company.  the scrap dealer recognized the OEM tubing.

Title: Re: I Hate Thieves !!!
Post by: Kilroy on September 13, 2012, 07:30:00 am
Copper tubing is for wimps. Try stealing copper from a live transformer. Detroit Edison has found many a smoking thief. i guess the profit outweighs the risk

Title: Re: I Hate Thieves !!!
Post by: Fire708 on September 13, 2012, 11:42:33 am
After my dad passed away, the guy buying his house found two guys underneath stealing all the copper drain pipes.  P.D. Told us that scrap dealers pay these guys Pennines on the dollar for copper.  $15,000 in damage and they neted about $200 and a year in prison.

Yea, I hate thieves too!

Title: Re: I Hate Thieves !!!
Post by: MaineT on September 13, 2012, 03:58:54 pm
For a while in Maine they were stealing your catalytic converter while you were shopping!! Just a sawzall and its out in seconds, they make $50 and it costs you $500 and up for the replacement and damage. 

Title: Re: I Hate Thieves !!!
Post by: briandr1 on September 13, 2012, 04:36:39 pm
lol you know they stole the sawzall too :veryangry:

Title: Re: I Hate Thieves !!!
Post by: kbareit on September 14, 2012, 04:37:37 am
Copper tubing is for wimps. Try stealing copper from a live transformer. Detroit Edison has found many a smoking thief. i guess the profit outweighs the risk

We hear about the smoking thief about once a month in my neck of the woods. They recently found a crispy one with a pair of bolt cutters stuck in his chest. I hope it was worth it.

Title: Re: I Hate Thieves !!!
Post by: Kilroy on September 14, 2012, 09:58:57 am
I call it Darwinism.

Title: Re: I Hate Thieves !!!
Post by: Cokemachinesandmore on September 14, 2012, 10:42:43 am
we had an idiot trying to strip a live wire for the copper from the electric company. It literally burned his hands to a crisp. the evidence tech was trying to finger print him and his fingers were crumbling. Not a druggie just and idiot.