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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: scalebowler on August 28, 2012, 10:27:42 pm

Title: New addition to the Civil Defense collection
Post by: scalebowler on August 28, 2012, 10:27:42 pm
Thought you guys would like to see the newest thing I picked up for my Civil Defense collection. It is an old water barrel that would have been used to store water in a fallout shelter. Found it in an antique store today and I plan to use it to store the documents and film strips from my collection on. I figure this will be a much safer storage space for them instead of the high pile they are in now that could topple over at any moment. I think now the only thing I need to pretty much complete my collection (sort of I will always find something else to add) is one of the sanitation kits packed in one of the cardboard barrels, a functioning (or close to functioning) siren and some of the tins with those crackers in them. Here are a few pictures.



Title: Re: New addition to the Civil Defense collection
Post by: briandr1 on August 29, 2012, 09:12:40 pm
Thats a cool find I like it

Title: Re: New addition to the Civil Defense collection
Post by: scalebowler on August 29, 2012, 09:48:27 pm
Thanks! It holds most of my collection pretty well and makes a much more stable base than a tower of papers on top of a cardboard box. Looks cooler too.

Title: Re: New addition to the Civil Defense collection
Post by: Kilroy on August 30, 2012, 06:17:28 am
get a peice of glass for the top and make it a table

Title: Re: New addition to the Civil Defense collection
Post by: scalebowler on August 31, 2012, 02:21:51 pm
get a peice of glass for the top and make it a table

That would be pretty cool! I'm actually using it right now to store most of my collection. I can fit everything except a cardboard box that contains 3 high level survey meters and my civil defense helmet inside of it. Actually looks a lot better than a box with a huge stack of papers on top of it.

Title: Re: New addition to the Civil Defense collection
Post by: jbrooks on September 01, 2012, 09:47:46 pm
I hope its ok to say this, i have One of those for sale on craigslist. if anyone in the New York area is looking fir One let me know