SMC Discussion Areas

Trouble-Shooting => Vending Mechanisms => Topic started by: phoneguydave on August 10, 2012, 09:31:10 pm

Title: Newbie needs help with a Choice Vend CVC-142
Post by: phoneguydave on August 10, 2012, 09:31:10 pm
Hi.  I got my first coke machine (choicevend cvc-142) a few weeks ago.

It worked GREAT for a week.  Then, all of a sudden, it stopped vending.

Put my quarter in (set for $0.25), and it goes to the machine but doesn't do what it is supposed to to allow
a selection to be made.

It has a coinco S75-9800B coin changer...I took it out and using the book, I checked everything.  It seems to be operating fine..but
I can't be sure.

I'd really appreciate any suggestions.  When I put my quarter in before, I heard a "click" which would then allow any of the 4 selections to be

The motors on each of the selections seem to work fine when I activate manually.

Also, there are what appear to be 6 relays; one for each selection, a "hold" relay and then another one at the bottom of the relay box.
When I unplug/replug the relay box into the harness, the "hold" and bottom relay both pull in and stay in.  Not sure if either/both
are supposed to be continually energized or not.

Very frustrating having to use my key to get a nice cold soda (or water for my kids)...would love to be able to get it so
the quarter allows a selection!

I'm in Mass, and would appreciate any suggestions what to try, or if anyone knows a knowledgeable person in the area to call, I'd
appreciate it!


Title: Re: Newbie needs help with a Choice Vend CVC-142
Post by: Slapshot42 on August 14, 2012, 10:56:17 pm

Welcome to the Site.

Best to shoot some pictures so we can see what you are talkint about.  I'm not familiar with you particular make or model.  I had a newer style machine that I spent hours trouble shooting,

I discovered that there was a broken magnet in the coin mechanism not allowing the credit ( coins ) to validate to open the vend relay.  Once the vend relay clicks open it should give power to the control panel (buttons).

Take a picture hope others chime in.


Title: Re: Newbie needs help with a Choice Vend CVC-142
Post by: Creighton on August 15, 2012, 01:03:34 am
Welcome to the site.
Best to narrow down the possible problems. I'd start by wiring up JonnieG's free play switch. This will isolate wether it is the vend stack electronics or coin mech.