SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => Other Coin-Op's => Topic started by: davethebirdman on July 10, 2012, 03:24:46 pm

Title: Superior & Stoner Gum Machines
Post by: davethebirdman on July 10, 2012, 03:24:46 pm
Well chaps

I am slowly adding to my small collection of US vending machines. I am now the proud father of a Superior Gum Machine that needs a little in the way of TLC and a very nice Stoner gum machine.
I now have a American wall in the room.

I know some of you out there have either or both these machines. I am struggling to find anything to vend in the odd shaped product holders on the Superior Gum.

Have managed to get the Stoner vending Bazooka (thanks to the comments of another member) but there are a couple of channels on this machine too that are a little too small for Bazooka.

Any  help gratefully received.



Title: Re: Superior & Stoner Gum Machines
Post by: CoolCat on July 10, 2012, 04:15:34 pm
I can't help you out with your question, but I certainly like your American wall.  8)

Title: Re: Superior & Stoner Gum Machines
Post by: Seven181 on July 10, 2012, 04:52:32 pm
Looks great!!! I think maybe chicklets on the superior? Not sure


Title: Re: Superior & Stoner Gum Machines
Post by: Larry on July 10, 2012, 06:06:47 pm
Hi dave,

Send me a pm with your address and I will send you some gum.  I have stick gum, I can get the old style flat packs of gum, and maybe the old style boxed gum.

By the way, nice Mills gum machine.

Title: Re: Superior & Stoner Gum Machines
Post by: MaineT on July 10, 2012, 06:36:04 pm
Wow, there is a lot of $ in shipping on that wall!!! But it looks great!!

Title: Re: Superior & Stoner Gum Machines
Post by: jholmgren on July 11, 2012, 07:21:07 am
Speaking of shipping - Dave, I am headed to India in the fall with a layover in London. 

My sister lives in Dublin and I'm going to try to get a 24 hour layover on the way so I can catch up with her for dinner. 

If I can help get anything small like packs of gum, etc. in-country to you, let me know.   Stuff that I can fit into a carry-on, sorry no V-81's.   :biggrin:


Title: Re: Superior & Stoner Gum Machines
Post by: bcharlton on July 11, 2012, 07:41:30 am
Congrats Dave

Looks great

Title: Re: Superior & Stoner Gum Machines
Post by: Roadman on July 11, 2012, 05:49:50 pm
Very nice display and collection Dave!  The nut machines also look very cool. Do they have a heating element?

Title: Re: Superior & Stoner Gum Machines
Post by: Kilroy on July 11, 2012, 05:59:27 pm
Drop dead awesome!

Title: Re: Superior & Stoner Gum Machines
Post by: rayg on July 11, 2012, 06:28:12 pm

A great collection!

Title: Re: Superior & Stoner Gum Machines
Post by: davethebirdman on July 14, 2012, 03:39:48 am

Larry - Thanks sending you a PM now...

Roadman - Yeap the Hot Nut did come with the original heating in it but have never tried using it. Don't think the wife would appreicate setting up home again after I'd burnt
                our current house down.

Jim - That sounds great. We'll catch up before you go. Good job you are not flying into Heathrow at the moment. 3Hr queues to get through immagration. 
