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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: jbrooks on June 30, 2012, 06:13:13 am

Title: So I have American Pickers on in the background and....
Post by: jbrooks on June 30, 2012, 06:13:13 am
As I was working on the computer last night I had an old episode of American Pickers on in the background last night and Mike saw something (cant remember what right now) but they cut to him talking about repops and he explains how they are killing the hobby.  Have any of you seen the junk for sale on their website, what a hippocrite.

Title: Re: So I have American Pickers on in the background and....
Post by: vintage-air on July 01, 2012, 08:51:33 am
Well, i have a different opinion on your statement. It seems to me that their site, is represented by mike and the gang and only sells shirts and actually picked items from their travels. Now if you're talking about the store, or, whick is represented by the TV show producers....then yes, i see a bunch of nick knacks an repop stuff for sure. It gets confusing with everyone trying to take a slice of the shows success.

Title: Re: So I have American Pickers on in the background and....
Post by: Eric on July 01, 2012, 11:41:58 am
Met “Hobo Jack” this morning at a Swap meet here in Missouri... I've seen him several times but this time I asked him if he had
any soda machines or coolers laying around out there on his propertry... Said “No- that he didn't mess with the heavy stuff anymore”
He looked to be in good health.. was playing his guitar and harmonica ... was selling CDs he's been recording since 2001 but I'm sure
being on AMERICAN PICKERS helps as he had a photo of them all together I bought a CD.. He's not bad.. if you like Folk/Bluegrass/Hobo-ish music.

Title: Re: So I have American Pickers on in the background and....
Post by: jbrooks on July 01, 2012, 03:58:51 pm
you make a fair point, i did not think of it that way but i just went to the stores site to see what he sells and there is almost nothing for sale