Title: OLD SCHOOL THERMOSTAT... Post by: SIGNGUY on February 13, 2012, 12:20:13 pm Restoring a Westy Chest WD-10 for a Customer, nice old original and found a couple interesting things in the cooling unit..
First an old school HUGE Thermostat, which I found was wierd as the capillary tube actually hooks into the compressor line?? never seen that? and the other other which is disconnected uses some sort of pressure plate to control the thermostat... just found it interesting and thought I'd share... anyone have more info on it .... or even care? Title: Re: OLD SCHOOL THERMOSTAT... Post by: Yarochrehc on April 07, 2012, 08:38:27 pm Temperature is controled by refrigerant pressure. The colder the refrigerant the lower the pressure.