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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: CoinOpCrazy on January 27, 2012, 10:56:11 am

Title: 55 Slider Question
Post by: CoinOpCrazy on January 27, 2012, 10:56:11 am
I just bought this machine and it is in so good of condition I am scared it is a fake. The tub and all the other parts/insulation says old but the case scares me. I bought it taken apart with no cooling system just the coils. Appears to not have any signs of original paint on it. Only the blue metalic paint that someone painted it with. I know it could have been blasted though. I never heard anything about them reproducing them. Did they reproduce these machines? Its an Ideal 55 embossed double dot pepsi. Also on the inside the logo seems to be riveted in. Pictures are to big to add. Here is a link to them on facebook...!/photo.php?fbid=374620069221436&set=a.374619649221478.125557.100000203382432&type=3&theater (!/photo.php?fbid=374620069221436&set=a.374619649221478.125557.100000203382432&type=3&theater)!/photo.php?fbid=374620015888108&set=a.374619649221478.125557.100000203382432&type=3&theater (!/photo.php?fbid=374620015888108&set=a.374619649221478.125557.100000203382432&type=3&theater)!/photo.php?fbid=374619755888134&set=a.374619649221478.125557.100000203382432&type=3&theater (!/photo.php?fbid=374619755888134&set=a.374619649221478.125557.100000203382432&type=3&theater)

Title: Re: 55 Slider Question
Post by: bcharlton on January 27, 2012, 10:58:48 am
In my opinion there is no reason to make a 'fake" Ideal 55 because they are simply not very valuable.  I have 2 that are complete and sitting in my warehouse that I will probuble never get to.

Yours looks ok.


Title: Re: 55 Slider Question
Post by: Kilroy on January 27, 2012, 11:02:24 am
It's the real deal.

Title: Re: 55 Slider Question
Post by: CoinOpCrazy on January 27, 2012, 11:26:47 am
Thanks allot guys. Major relief. Not that I couldn't get my money back out of it in parts..just that I didn't want to put money into one that may be fake.

Title: Re: 55 Slider Question
Post by: johnieG on January 27, 2012, 12:54:12 pm
You were right to be cautious, but yes, It's really "real", & no, no-one has even bothered to repro these.

I guess next time you save yourself a stroke & ask before you buy!  :tounge:

Title: Re: 55 Slider Question
Post by: ciawarrior on January 27, 2012, 03:48:29 pm
Hit up member Eric, "globalcompressors" Im sure he can sell you a cooling system

Title: Re: 55 Slider Question
Post by: CoinOpCrazy on January 27, 2012, 06:35:56 pm
Well the reason I didn't ask first was because it was a 24 hour drive to get to it and it was kind of a last minute thing. Plus the fact that I only gave $225 for it didn't make me want to question it. The coin mech alone is like $200 and that's if you can even find one. As far as the compressor goes I know a guy about 45 minutes from me that quoted me $300 for installing one. I appreciate all the extra help though. Now I just need to make up my mind what machine I want to do first. :laugh: