SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => Other Coin-Op's => Topic started by: SIGNGUY on January 24, 2012, 02:24:44 pm

Title: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: SIGNGUY on January 24, 2012, 02:24:44 pm
I still have not done a thing to this Stoner Jr I have, but am looking to get started on a restoration of it... but I like the smaller base units... would anyone have a smaller base (Shorter) that they would like to swap out ?  just figured I'd ask and see, and if doesnt' work out then we'll just go with it as is...


Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: bcharlton on January 24, 2012, 03:17:05 pm
I can do a swap.  I was going to do a "shorty" but I would swap out my base.

Pm me if this is what you are looking for.

Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: SIGNGUY on January 24, 2012, 05:31:05 pm

I'll contact you to discuss.. Not sure if I want to give up the design on my taller base now that I think about it? we'll see

Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: Larry on January 24, 2012, 07:08:12 pm
I like the taller bases better myself.  The embossed art deco is what makes the base.

Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: SIGNGUY on January 24, 2012, 11:24:05 pm
I"m starting to agree with you after seeing some options a few people have offered me so far.. thanks for the responses.. but after seeing the smaller bases, I actually have changed my mind.. will keep it the way it is...

Thanks anyway..

Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: mznb1u on January 24, 2012, 11:26:41 pm
This post got me wondering and made me go and take a look at my Junior to see what base it had.  My Junior could be the twin of John's gum/mint wheel and all!  My Theater has the shorter base and looking at the two side by side, I like the taller base on the Junior.  See picture--The Junior is the dark gray machine on the right and the Theater is the Royal Blue machine.  The green 180 in the middle was sold recently and will be getting restored by Pat for the new owner.

The only advantage of the shorter base that I see is that it lowers the center of gravity and makes the machine slightly less top-heavy.

Question for Curtis or anyone who may know the answer--what was the reason for the different size base units for these machines?  Was the shorter base introduced later in the run to make the machines less tippy?  Just curious.

 :drinking: Tim :drinking:

Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: collecture on January 25, 2012, 12:30:05 am
Question for Curtis or anyone who may know the answer--what was the reason for the different size base units for these machines?  Was the shorter base introduced later in the run to make the machines less tippy?  Just curious.

I think it was just easier for the smaller kids to operate. Maybe dependant on the location of the machine - arcade, bar.....
That's my guess...

Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: GreginNM on January 25, 2012, 02:43:53 am
Sounds like a good theory to me, Tom!  My kids all have to get a kitchen chair and drag it over to the machine to reach the coin slot when they want (and are given permission to get) a piece of candy!

Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: SIGNGUY on January 25, 2012, 10:53:42 am
Sounds like a good theory to me, Tom!  My kids all have to get a kitchen chair and drag it over to the machine to reach the coin slot when they want (and are given permission to get) a piece of candy!
That was my rational as well.. make it easier for the kids.. then I said , what am I thinking.. "Make it easier for my Kids to get Candy"... hello??  we'll keep the taller base.. :glare:

Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: bcharlton on January 25, 2012, 11:00:37 am
I think my Stoner Jr came out of an outdoor carnival or amusement park.  It has the squirrel cage to keep the rodents out.  I will restore it as a "shorty".  I think it was made shorter to be at "eye Level" of 8-10 year old's so they could bug their parents for a dime.


Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: Roadman on January 25, 2012, 10:32:34 pm
Signguy, I like the fact that your Junior has  a mint wheel. I've only seen one other Jr. with a mint wheel  (Curtis did one).  Has anyone else seen one?

Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: mznb1u on January 26, 2012, 01:33:27 am
I picked one up back a few years ago.  Have not done anything with it as it looks pretty good as it is.  Still need to install locks and get replacement glass for the vending display area.

Here is mine:,8414.0.html

ducatihammer (Frank) has one and he did a great restoration on it.,12506.0.html

The last one that sold on Ebay went for over $2K and it was in good shape but was unrestored. 

Great little machine!

 :drinking: Tim :drinking:

Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: SIGNGUY on January 26, 2012, 09:45:25 am
Signguy, I like the fact that your Junior has  a mint wheel. I've only seen one other Jr. with a mint wheel  (Curtis did one).  Has anyone else seen one?
Yes it is quite unique,, we discussed this a while back on SMC about the jr's with gum/mint wheels and there are not alot of them around.. I have had several jr's but finally got this one and it's a keeper..

Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: Funtronics on January 27, 2012, 07:57:41 am
I picked one up back a few years ago.  Have not done anything with it as it looks pretty good as it is.  Still need to install locks and get replacement glass for the vending display area.

Here is mine:,8414.0.html

ducatihammer (Frank) has one and he did a great restoration on it.,12506.0.html

The last one that sold on Ebay went for over $2K and it was in good shape but was unrestored. 

Great little machine!

 :drinking: Tim :drinking:
  Wow that is a whole lot of pink. The 6 pull with the gum wheel are great machines, and hard to find.

Title: Re: Stoner Jr. Base swap??
Post by: mznb1u on January 27, 2012, 09:03:22 am
If I recall correctly, I think Frank's daughter picked the pink!

 :drinking: Tim :drinking: