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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: bubba on October 29, 2011, 08:37:41 pm

Title: damn weather
Post by: bubba on October 29, 2011, 08:37:41 pm
Here it is, end of october, 6+" of snow on the the ground, power out since 12:30 and its flippin cold. Luckily I scrounged enough firewood last night to atleast keep the house warm.. outside it sounded like fireworks with all the trees snapping.. power lines getting tangled into trees are really causing a problem. This isn't October weather...   :darn:  :darn: :darn:

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: Cokemachinesandmore on October 29, 2011, 09:18:45 pm
wow where is that? i'm certainly not looking forward to the snow!!! :down:

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: briandr1 on October 29, 2011, 09:44:45 pm
Im glad I live where it snows twice a year. but the dust  is terrible here.

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: halehouse on October 29, 2011, 10:04:15 pm
It snowed here in VA, but didn't stick, at least not where I am. Not too far to the west of me they got a few inches. I agree, it was an ugly day.

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: tkaz on October 30, 2011, 12:29:32 am
Sorry to hear about that Ken, most of my family is up in CT and they are in about the same position.  Being west of NYC like you are was about the worst part of the storm

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: globalcompressors on October 30, 2011, 12:44:24 am
ha... I'll trade 6" of snow, for our 110 degrees and 95% humidity, down here in the summer...anytime! 

now, excuse me... I need to clean my golf clubs and figure out how to "deal" with the 72 degree, sun filled
afternoon tomorrow... we'll just have to to suffer through it, I guess... for the next 6 months or so. But don't
worry, I'm sure we'll manage!

hahahaha  :glare:

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: bubba on October 30, 2011, 03:34:26 pm
Well, 30 hrs later and still no power.. had a few tree branches down, but no major damage on my yard.. few blocks away is a different story.. 30 min south of us had rain and 30the min north had a foot of snow. We ended up with about 6" of snow. Just had some firewood delivered, so keeping the house and family warm..

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: bubba on October 30, 2011, 03:35:48 pm
wow where is that? i'm certainly not looking forward to the snow!!! :down:

Im in central NJ.. this is not normal for here this early..

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: globalcompressors on October 30, 2011, 04:35:03 pm
I hope you get your power back soon...that sucks.

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: bubba on October 30, 2011, 04:42:14 pm
It really makes it bad that I was in Austin TX on the tues, Jackson, MS on wed with the great weather.. came home thurs to cold nasty rain, then this crap.. my wife says i need a shower.. im gonna go try to convince her to give me a spongebath.. :smile:

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: rayg on October 30, 2011, 11:33:58 pm
Good Luck with that spongebath  Ken :biggrin: .........My wife would  tell me to take a cold shower  :tounge:

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: bubba on October 31, 2011, 08:18:34 am
Yeah.. that was similar to the response I got..

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: TomFromJersey on October 31, 2011, 08:37:18 pm
Ken....Your giving me nightmares!!!!
   Stay safe

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: bubba on November 01, 2011, 07:46:27 am
You guys got some weather by you Tom, didn't you? Guess you were just south enough to avoid the major damage..

They are saying we should have power by Thurs/Fri... I didn't mind it for a few days but this is really starting to get old fast. A buddy brought a generator over last night so I could at least fire up the heat and I managed to get one tv up for a few hours... There isn't a generator to be had in the area right now.. Still don't have water though. My inlaws managed to get a generator big enough to run their well pump, so we were able to get a shower last night.

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: Jim on November 01, 2011, 02:04:32 pm
I'll trade 6" of snow, for our 110 degrees and 95% humidity, down here in the summer...anytime!
I agree ! ! !
Looking to relocate northward in the next 2 - 3 years; perhaps NE Tenn... Near Greenville, TN was nice when we visited the area...
I'm definitely tired of the high temp/humidity 9 months out of the year ! ! !

Hope all is well with everyone affected with the weather of late last week...

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: bubba on November 01, 2011, 06:11:11 pm
I heard a rumor we may get power back tonight... If it wasn't for the well pump, I really wouldn't care as much... and the fridge. At least it hasn't been that cold. House was up to 68 all by itself today just with the sun.

Title: Re: damn weather
Post by: bubba on November 02, 2011, 10:13:10 pm
Yippie!! 7pm tonight, the lights came on.. It actually wasn't that bad without power. Biggest problem was no water. If it were colder, it would have been worse. Otherwise, wasn't horrible. We love camping, so we treated it like a campout... fireplace going, take out or grilled foods, hot shower across the street, etc...