SMC Discussion Areas

Trouble-Shooting => Refrigeration => Topic started by: Ken R on September 12, 2011, 03:40:30 pm

Title: Vendo 216 Refrigeration Issue
Post by: Ken R on September 12, 2011, 03:40:30 pm
I just got the 216 up and running that I've been working on, but it is not cooling like it should be.  I let it run for about 30 minutes to see if compressor was working.  The line coming from the compressor to the evaporator gets cold, but the coldness only works its way up the line so far, then stops.  I assume by this that the compressor is working.  My assumption is that it is merely low on freon.  Can someone please either confirm or deny this assumption or perhaps give me an idea of what the issue may be?  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


Title: Re: Vendo 216 Refrigeration Issue
Post by: collecture on September 12, 2011, 03:55:53 pm
You are not too far from Eric at Global Compressors in New Braunsfels, TX - I'd drop down and let him look at it.

Title: Re: Vendo 216 Refrigeration Issue
Post by: Ken R on September 12, 2011, 04:15:01 pm
No, not far from New Braunfels at all.  Did not realize there was a fellow member so close.  I know a few refrigeration guys here local I could probably get ahold of and ask, but thought I'd ask here first to see if anyone knew of this problem and a quick remedy.  If you of all folks think it may something more serious, then I guess I better get someone to take a look at it.  I just pray is something simple.

Title: Re: Vendo 216 Refrigeration Issue
Post by: collecture on September 12, 2011, 04:47:06 pm
Is the compressor installed back in the machine? My machines will take 45 minutes or so to chill to 32 degrees when first starting up.
These old compressors are sealed units. If the Freon is low, then there is a leak somewhere. Best to have someone knowledgeable look at it in that case.
Has anyone installed an inline valve on it?

Title: Re: Vendo 216 Refrigeration Issue
Post by: Ken R on September 12, 2011, 08:17:06 pm
I see a valve on it, but it looks to be more an on/off valve rather than a charge valve.  So you're suggesting to let it run for more like an hour to see if it cools down by that point?  I thought 30 min or so would be enough to at least make the lines cold to the evaporator, but the evaporator was still room temp by that point.  If you think there's still a chance, I'll go back and plug it in again and let it run for a while.

Title: Re: Vendo 216 Refrigeration Issue
Post by: collecture on September 12, 2011, 08:21:41 pm
Is the thermostat working to turn it on & off?
Why don't you post a picture of it?

Title: Re: Vendo 216 Refrigeration Issue
Post by: johnieG on September 12, 2011, 09:48:06 pm
Pictures of the alleged on/off valve would help...or any pictures for that matter..hint-hint   :upside:

Title: Re: Vendo 216 Refrigeration Issue
Post by: Ken R on September 12, 2011, 10:18:31 pm
I'll take pics tomorrow and get them posted.  Thanks guys!