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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Chedki on August 29, 2011, 09:43:18 pm

Title: New Nichol Kola
Post by: Chedki on August 29, 2011, 09:43:18 pm
Drinking the new Nichol Kola as I'm typing this. It does taste really good.  :smile:

Slightly sweet and not too carbonated like some cola drinks are. I have to wonder if this is just a generic cola formula as Eric mentioned. Hard to say as the H.R. Nicholson company sold their Nichol Kola syrup to the Nichol Kola franchisees for them to mix up in their bottling plants. By the way, the new Nichol Kola is bottled by the Orca Beverage Soda Works in Mukilto, WA. As far as I'm concerned, this company wasn't around or didn't bottle the old Nichol Kola. The only old Nichol Kola bottling plant from Washington was from Longview, WA.

The ingredients listed on the backside of the bottle are as follows: Carbonated water, pure cane sugar, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors (including kola nut, neroli, coriander, cinnamon), caffeine.

I've never seen neroli and cinnamon listed on any of my Nichol Kola bottles. Of course, no soda-pop bottler would go listing every single ingredient for their soda-pop on the backside of their bottles. Did Nichol Kola have these two ingredients as part of their original formula? We'll never know unless someone comes across the original Nichol Kola syrup recipe.

Title: Re: New Nichol Kola
Post by: Eric on August 29, 2011, 09:58:47 pm
Hhhmmmm :glare: Gonna pick up some this weekend... wish they were ACL bottles with a CARRIER!!!!! :wow:
Anyway... Thanks for the info Chedki... you should send them an image of a real paper label to see if they use
the original design....
And where's the image of that tray? :smile: You're holding out!

Title: Re: New Nichol Kola
Post by: bremett on August 30, 2011, 12:15:10 am
ACL would be nice, but I think the lables look pretty nice. I am looking forward to trying it too.